- Hacker101 | Good Exercises for Beginners, can earn you private Invites on HackerOne
- Pentesterlab | Good Labs with a broad variety of Topics, some very good Web Application Exercises
- HackTheBox | provides Testing Labs, some Web Application Challenges
- XSS-Game | Learning Platform for XSS
- HackEdu
- Google Gruyere
- Web Security Academy by PortSwigger
- XSS Labs from PwnFunction Great Labs in a beautiful layout
- 0l4bs - Cross-site scripting labs for web application security enthusiasts - by tegal1337
- TryHackMe | Cool Hacking & Pentesting Labs with Web Challenges
- Cyberseclabs
- Kontra Application Security Training
- Will it CORS? | Tell this magic CORS machine what you want, and it'll tell you exactly what to do
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