C++ BlackJack - House rules.
Accumulate cards with point totals as close to 21 without going over 21.
- 1 to 7 players, plus a dealer
- Face cards are worth 10.
- Aces are worth 1 or 11, whichever makes a better hand.
- Other cards are worth their number
- Each player, including the dealer, starts with two cards, one of the dealer's cards is hidden until the end.
To 'Hit' is to ask for another card.
To 'Stand' is to hold your total and end your turn.
If you go over 21 you bust, and the dealer wins your money, regardless of the dealer's hand.
If you "Stand" below 21, the dealers hand is "resolved": -- Dealer must "hit" on anything below 17 -- Dealer must "stand" on 17 or above -- If the dealers hand is 17, but with an ace (soft 17), he must hit. -- Dealer never doubles or splits
If you are dealt 21 from the start (Ace & 10), you got a "blackjack".
"Blackjack" means you win 1.5 the amount of your bet.
Dealer will hit until his/her cards total 17 or higher.
Doubling is like a hit, only the bet is doubled and you only get one more card.
Split can be done when you have two of the same card - the pair is split into two hands.
Splitting also doubles the bet, because each new hand is worth the original bet.
You can only double/split on the first move, or first move of a hand created by a split.
You cannot play on two aces after they are split.
You can double on a hand resulting from a split, tripling or quadrupling you bet.