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These are the same outputs presented (and explained) in the notebook /notebooks/analysis.ipynb

  1. What is the number of unique conversations per channel? Answer:
channel number of conversations
telegram 10186
whatsapp 10043
instagram 10038
facebook messenger 9954
sms 9975

We note that the numbers might be slightly off due to the 4 interactions that were (deliberately) dropped when we cleaned the data.

  1. Which was the day with the most conversations? Answer: As we can see in the /answers/data/conversations_per_day.csv file, the day with the most conversations was 2021-04-26 (April 26, 2021).

  1. Which city has the most unique users? Answer: Joinvile, as we can see in the /answers/data/unique_users_per_city.csv file.

  1. What are the top 5 Pokémon in the age range of 20-30 years? Answer: Here are the favourite Pokémon in the desired age range:
pokémon number of favourite selections
dewgong 38
venusaur-mega 38
grotle 37
electrode 37
moltres 36
yamask-galar 36

Even though the question asked about the top 5 Pokémon, we chose to list 6 because both moltres and yamask-galar were tied for fifth place with 36 mentions each.

  1. List all the favourite Pokémon in the city with the most unique users. Answer: Considering that we had over 500 different Pokémon mentioned for that city, we chose to save the result as a text file, located at /answers/data/favourite_city_pokemon.txt.

  1. Considering only the city of São Paulo, list all the favourite Pokémon by age group and the number of times it appear (in the age group). Consider each age group as a group of 10 years (e.g. 10-19, 20-29, 30-39, etc). Answer: Since it is not clear how we must present the data, below are the Pokémons that showed up more than once. The full list can be found at /answers/data/sao_paulo_pokemon_age_group.csv.
age_group pokemon favourite
50-59 poliwag 2
50-59 xerneas 2
50-59 metapod 2
50-59 crabrawler 2
50-59 mudkip 2
40-49 mothim 3
40-49 ludicolo 2
40-49 burmy 2
40-49 linoone 2
40-49 shellder 2
40-49 gardevoir 2
40-49 dhelmise 2
40-49 vulpix 2
40-49 hatenna 2
40-49 blaziken-mega 2
30-39 bounsweet 3
30-39 dragalge 2
30-39 aromatisse 2
30-39 empoleon 2
30-39 combee 2
30-39 cutiefly 2
30-39 spheal 2
30-39 venipede 2
30-39 exeggcute 2
30-39 kommo-o 2
30-39 tirtouga 2
30-39 greedent 2
30-39 gengar-mega 2
30-39 milotic 2
30-39 deoxys-defense 2
30-39 greninja-battle-bond 2
20-29 wormadam-sandy 2
20-29 deoxys-attack 2
20-29 cyndaquil 2
20-29 virizion 2
20-29 obstagoon 2
20-29 palossand 2
20-29 kyurem-white 2
20-29 aron 2
20-29 rookidee 2
20-29 archen 2
20-29 incineroar 2
20-29 deerling 2