The Backroads App is a travel and tour booking landing page application built with React. It provides users with an intuitive interface to explore and book various travel packages. The project is divided into two main versions:
- backroads-js-version: A working project using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
- backroads-react-version: A fully functional React application.
Online Live:
- Browse and book travel packages
- Responsive design for seamless experience across devices
- Integration with third-party services for booking and payments
- User authentication and profile management
To get started with the React version of the Backroads App:
- Navigate to the project folder.
- Install the dependencies:
npm install
- Start the development server:
npm start
- For backroads-html file as javascript version, go to that folder, run:
open index.html
fix warnings (About Section)
netlify account
github account
basic git commands :
- remove existing git repo
- Mac : rm -rf .git
- Windows : rmdir -Force -Recurse .git
- Windows : rd /s /q .git
- setup new repo
- git init create an empty git repository
- git add adds new or changed files in your working directory to the Git staging area
- git add . adds entire project apart from files/directories specified in .gitignore
- git commit -m "first commit" A shortcut command that immediately creates a commit with a passed commit message.
- push to github git remote add origin [email protected]:your-profile/repo-name.git git branch -M main git push -u origin main
- remove existing git repo
- Netlify treats warnings as errors