- AWS Data - s3://ioos-code-sprint-2022
- Github Repo - https://github.com/asascience/restful-grids
- FVCOM Forecast from UMASS - https://gmri-research-data.nyc3.digitaloceanspaces.com/IOOS-code-sprint/fvcom_gom3_2022-04-10.nc
- Wave Watch 3 from Bedford Institute of Oceanography - https://gmri-research-data.nyc3.digitaloceanspaces.com/IOOS-code-sprint/ww3_72_east_coast_2022041112.nc
- Point to Zarr file --> user subsets
- Getting a single point
- Getting a bounding box
- Query using time
- Optimize data retrieval for temporal data
- Chunk by space
- Chunk by time
- Chunk by space + time
- What does it take to subset a point of data from a cloud hosted dataset?
- What dataset?
- Wave Watch + Buoy
- Consider OGC API integration with xarray; see where pain points are
- Try pygeoapi, but know there are existing issues
- Testing
- OGC PyGEOAPI - https://pygeoapi.io
- stack STAC - https://stackstac.readthedocs.io/en/latest/basic.html
- Xpublish - https://github.com/xarray-contrib/xpublish
- OGC Environment Data Retrieval - https://github.com/opengeospatial/ogcapi-environmental-data-retrieval
- NetCDF subset - https://www.unidata.ucar.edu/software/tds/current/reference/NetcdfSubsetServiceReference.html
- In - zarr dataset
- Out
- Json, binary, or text
- Provide a tile