- Build all packages:
pnpm run build:packages
- Run all tests:
pnpm run test
- Run a single package test:
pnpm run --filter @unpic/[package] test
- Run a specific test:
pnpm run --filter @unpic/[package] vitest run -t "[test name]"
- Format code:
pnpm format
- Check package for publishing:
pnpm run --filter @unpic/[package] publint
- Use TypeScript with strict null checks
- Use JSDoc comments for public functions and types
- Prefer explicit return types for functions
- Use named exports over default exports
- Imports: group and order by external → workspace → local
- Prefer functional programming patterns
- Use camelCase for variables/functions, PascalCase for types/components
- Follow existing error handling patterns (optional logging instead of throwing)
- Format with Prettier (configured in .prettierrc)
- Unit tests written using Vitest