Rule Name | Check Id | Message |
ensure_arn_properties_type_string |
ARN001 |
"arn related property MUST have pattern specified" |
ensure_arn_properties_contain_pattern |
ARN002 |
"arn related property MUST have pattern specified" |
Rule Name | Check Id | Message |
ensure_primary_identifier_exists_and_not_empty |
PID001 |
"primaryIdentifier MUST exist" |
PID002 |
"primaryIdentifier MUST contain values" |
ensure_primary_identifier_is_read_or_create_only |
PID003 |
"primaryIdentifier MUST be either readOnly or createOnly" |
ensure_create_and_read_only_intersection_is_empty |
PR001 |
"read/createOnlyProperties MUST NOT have common properties" |
PR002 |
"create/readOnlyProperties MUST NOT have common properties" |
ensure_write_and_read_only_intersection_is_empty |
PR003 |
"read/writeOnlyProperties MUST NOT have common properties" |
PR004 |
"write/readOnlyProperties MUST NOT have common properties" |
verify_property_notation |
PR005 |
"primaryIdentifier MUST have properties defined in the schema" |
PR006 |
"createOnlyProperties MUST have properties defined in the schema" |
PR007 |
"readOnlyProperties MUST have properties defined in the schema" |
PR008 |
"writeOnlyProperties MUST have properties defined in the schema" |
Rule Name | Check Id | Message |
ensure_properties_do_not_support_multitype |
COM001 |
"each property MUST specify type" |
COM002 |
"type MUST NOT have combined types |
COM003 |
"property array MUST be modeled via items |
COM004 |
"property array MUST NOT specify items via anyOf |
COM005 |
"property array MUST NOT specify items via allOf |
COM006 |
"property array MUST NOT specify items via oneOf |
Rule Name | Check Id | Message |
check_if_taggable_is_used |
TAG001 |
"'taggable' is deprecated, please used 'tagging' property" |
ensure_tagging_is_specified |
TAG002 |
"'tagging' MUST be specified" |
TAG015 |
"'tagging.taggable' MUST be True" |
ensure_taggable_and_tagging_do_not_coexist |
TAG003 |
"'taggable' and 'tagging' MUST NOT coexist" |
ensure_property_tags_exists_v1 |
TAG004 |
"Resource MUST implement Tags property if 'taggable' is true" |
ensure_property_tags_exists_v2 |
TAG005 |
"'tagging' MUST BE a struct" |
TAG006 |
"'taggable' MUST BE specified when 'tagging' is provided" |
TAG007 |
"Resource MUST provide 'tagOnCreate' {true|false} if 'tagging.taggable' is true" |
TAG008 |
"Resource MUST provide 'tagUpdatable' {true|false} if 'tagging.taggable' is true" |
TAG009 |
"Resource MUST provide 'cloudFormationSystemTags' {true|false} if 'tagging.taggable' is true" |
TAG010 |
"Resource MUST provide 'tagProperty' {/properties/Tags} if 'tagging.taggable' is true" |
TAG011 |
"Resource MUST implement Tags property if 'tagging.taggable' is true" |
TAG012 |
"Resource MUST provide 'permissions' if 'tagging.taggable' is true" |
TAG013 |
"'tagProperty' MUST specify property defined in the schema" |
TAG014 |
"'tagProperty' MUST NOT be a part of 'writeOnlyProperties'" |
TAG016 |
"'tagging.taggable' MUST be true when Taging Property is defined in the schema" |
TAG017 |
"'tagProperty' MUST NOT be a part of 'createOnlyProperties'" |
TAG018 |
"'tagProperty' MUST NOT be a part of 'createOnlyProperties' when 'tagUpdatable' is true" |
Rule Name | Check Id | Message |
ensure_resource_create_handler_exists_and_have_permissions |
PER001 |
"Resource MUST implement create handler" |
PER002 |
"Resource MUST NOT specify wildcard permissions for create handler" |
ensure_resource_read_handler_exists_and_have_permissions |
PER003 |
"Resource MUST implement read handler" |
PER004 |
"Resource MUST NOT specify wildcard permissions for read handler" |
ensure_resource_update_handler_exists_and_have_permissions |
PER005 |
"Resource SHOULD implement update handler" |
PER006 |
"Resource update handler MUST have permissions list specified" |
PER006 |
"Resource update handler MUST have non-empty permissions" |
PER007 |
"Resource MUST NOT specify wildcard permissions for update handler" |
ensure_resource_delete_handler_exists_and_have_permissions |
PER008 |
"Resource MUST implement delete handler" |
PER009 |
"Resource MUST NOT specify wildcard permissions for delete handler" |
ensure_resource_list_handler_exists_and_have_permissions |
PER010 |
"Resource MUST implement list handler" |
PER011 |
"Resource MUST NOT specify wildcard permissions for list handler" |
Rule Name | Check Id | Message |
ensure_description_is_descriptive |
GN001 |
"description should start with 'Resource Type definition for ...'" |
ensure_sourceUrl_uses_https |
GN002 |
"sourceUrl should use https protocol" |
ensure_default_replacementStrategy |
GN003 |
"replacement strategy should not implement create_then_delete" |