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FireLens Example: Using the 'file' config type

NOTE: AWS for Fluent Bit distro now supports an init tag for ECS customers which can do the work to import multiple config files from your image or an S3 bucket into the final Fluent Bit configuration. It can be used as an alternative to the FireLens config-file-type and config-file-value options. Check out the init documentation.

This is the same config example as the "Adding custom keys to log events" example. In this though, we specifically look at how to use the 'file' 'config-file-type' in FireLens.

Let's go through it step by step.

  1. Add your own custom config to extra.conf. Note that the name of that file is not special; you could name it anything.
  2. Build a custom Fluent Bit image using the provided Docker file (which simply copies your extra config file into the AWS for Fluent Bit image). You can place this extra config file anywhere in the Docker image except /fluent-bit/etc/fluent-bit.conf. That config file path is the path used by FireLens. Push this custom image to Amazon ECR.
  3. Reference your new custom Fluent Bit image ECR repo in the container definition for the FireLens container.
  4. Reference the config file path in the FireLens configuration:
"firelensConfiguration": {
    "type": "fluentbit",
    "options": {
        "config-file-type": "file",
        "config-file-value": "/extra.conf"