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ECS FireLens Log Collection Tutorial

This tutorial shows multiple methods to collect logs from containers on Amazon ECS. All of the examples here use CloudWatch Logs as the log destination, however, you can change the destination to any. The goal of this tutorial is to show how to collect logs.

By default, FireLens collects stdout logs. If your logs are sent to stdout, collecting and sending them is easy, and any of the other tutorials in this repo or in the public FireLens documentation will suffice.

This guide is for more advanced cases where some of your logs do not go to standard out.


Make sure you are familiar with the Fluent Bit documentation and with AWS for Fluent Bit and its container image distribution.

Tutorial 1: Tail log files and capture stdout

This tutorial will walk you through a scenario where there are two separate log streams emitted from a single application container:

  • A Log file named /var/log/service.log which may or may not have its name rotated (service1.log, service2.log, etc).
  • Standard out logs

The file task-definition-tail.json contains the full task definition.

Note one key thing: the app container is named app, which means that FireLens will assign the tag app-firelens-{task ID} to its standard out logs. Routing in Fluent Bit based on tags, and FireLens always assigns a tag of the form {container name}-firelens-{task ID} to standard out logs.

First, we create our Fluent Bit configuration file:

    Name              tail
    Tag               service-log
    Path              /var/log/service*.log
    DB                /var/log/flb_service.db
    DB.locking        true
    Skip_Long_Lines   On
    Refresh_Interval  10
    Rotate_Wait       30

# Optional: append EC2 Instance Metadata to all logs
    Name aws
    Match *

# Output for stdout logs
# Change the match if your container is not named 'app'
    Name cloudwatch
    Match   app-firelens*
    region us-east-1
    log_group_name firelens-tutorial-$(ecs_cluster)
    log_stream_name /logs/app/$(ec2_instance_id)-$(ecs_task_id)
    auto_create_group true
    retry_limit 2

# Output for the file logs
    Name cloudwatch
    Match   service-log
    region us-east-1
    log_group_name firelens-tutorial-$(ecs_cluster)
    log_stream_name /logs/service/$(ec2_instance_id)-$(ecs_task_id)
    auto_create_group true
    retry_limit 2

With this output, you will get all of your logs in a single log group with log stream names that tell you whether they came from stdout or the service log file. All log streams will have the EC2 instance ID and ECS Task ID. You can of course modify these patterns to suit your own needs.

Please check out the AWS Metadata filter. If you do not include it, remove $(ec2_instance_id) from the log stream names- that field must be injected into the logs from the filter. The other special values- $(ecs_cluster) and $(ecs_task_id) are provided by the CloudWatch Logs output when you run in ECS. For more information, see its readme. This feature is included in AWS for Fluent Bit 2.9.0 and later.

Next, for your task to use this configuration, you should upload it to S3 and reference it in the FireLens configuration:

"firelensConfiguration": {
	"type": "fluentbit",
	"options": {
		"config-file-type": "s3",
		"config-file-value": "arn:aws:s3:::yourbucket/yourdirectory/tail.conf"

Finally, you must mount the log file directory in to the log router container so that Fluent Bit can read it. This is show in the task definition with the volume configuration. An ephemeral volume is created which is mounted at /var/log in both containers.

Tutorial 2: Same as 1 but run on Fargate

If you wish to run on Fargate, then use the Fluent Bit configuration below which removes the AWS metadata filter since EC2 metadata will not be availabe on Fargate.

    Name              tail
    Tag               service-log
    Path              /var/log/service*.log
    DB                /var/log/flb_service.db
    DB.locking        true
    Skip_Long_Lines   On
    Refresh_Interval  10
    Rotate_Wait       30

# Output for stdout logs
# Change the match if your container is not named 'app'
    Name cloudwatch
    Match   app-firelens*
    region us-east-1
    log_group_name firelens-tutorial-$(ecs_cluster)
    log_stream_name /logs/app/$(ecs_task_id)
    auto_create_group true
    retry_limit 2

# Output for the file logs
    Name cloudwatch
    Match   service-log
    region us-east-1
    log_group_name firelens-tutorial-$(ecs_cluster)
    log_stream_name /logs/service/$(ecs_task_id)
    auto_create_group true
    retry_limit 2

Finally, with Fargate you can not store your configuration file in S3. You must bake it into a custom Fluent Bit image. Instructions can be found in the tutorial in this repo.

Tutorial 3: Using Log4j with TCP

If your application uses log4j, you can send logs to Fluent Bit using TCP. Log4j can be set up as explained in its documentation. To capture the logs, use the Fluent Bit TCP input.

Note that when you use FireLens, ECS will inject the environment variable FLUENT_HOST at runtime. The value of this environment variable will be the IP address at which Fluent Bit is reachable within your task. You can use this env var inside your Java code to route Log4j TCP connections to Fluent Bit.

The full task definition can be found in this directory as task-definition-tcp.json.

This example shows file system buffering enabled, and uses Mem_Buf_Limit to limit the TCP input's memory usage. This is optional but strongly recommended. Please read and understand the Fluent Bit official Mem_Buf_Limit docs and the file system buffering docs. Please also read the FireLens OOMKill (Out of Memory Kill) Prevention Guide.

Your Fluent Bit configuration file should look like the following:

    # ECS has a 30 second SIGTERM to SIGKILL grace period
    Grace         30

    Name          tcp
    Port          5170
# please read docs on Chunk_Size and Buffer_Size:
    Chunk_Size    32
# this number of kilobytes is the max size of single log message that can be accepted
    Buffer_Size   64
# If you set this to json you might get error: "invalid JSON message, skipping" if your logs are not actually JSON
    Format        none
    Tag           tcp-logs
# input will stop using memory and pause ingestion if buffer reaches 50 MB
    Mem_Buf_Limit 50MB

# Optional: append EC2 Instance Metadata to all logs
    Name aws
    Match *

# Output for all logs
# if you app emits anything to stdout it will go here as well
# see tutorial 1 for how to send stdout to a different output
    Name cloudwatch
    Match   *
    region us-east-1
    log_group_name firelens-tutorial-$(ecs_cluster)
    log_stream_name /logs/$(ec2_instance_id)-$(ecs_task_id)
    auto_create_group true
    retry_limit 2

Upload this file to S3 and reference it in your FireLens configuration:

"firelensConfiguration": {
	"type": "fluentbit",
	"options": {
		"config-file-type": "s3",
		"config-file-value": "arn:aws:s3:::yourbucket/yourdirectory/tcp.conf"

See the notes in Tutorial 1 an 2 about EC2 metadata and how to run on Fargate.