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FireLens Example: Setting awsfirelens log driver buffer limit size

The log-driver-buffer-limit option is now supported on ECS EC2 and ECS Fargate with PV1.4+. This setting tells FireLens to configure the Fluentd Docker Log Driver field fluentd-buffer-limit. This setting applies to the log driver that FireLens uses under the hood to capture stdout & stderr container logs and send them to Fluentd or Fluent Bit.

If the Fluentd buffer limit is insufficient, log loss can occur. The Fluentd log driver in the container runtime will emit the following error message when logs are lost:

fluent#appendBuffer: Buffer full

On EC2, the Docker container runtime logs can be collected from the system journal with sudo journalctl -fu docker.service. On Fargate, container runtime logs are not available to customers. The buffer limit setting controls the maximum size of the pending log record buffer in the log driver; configure a large enough size to ensure there is no log loss for your workload.

FireLens is a container log router for Amazon ECS and AWS Fargate that gives customers extensibility to use the breadth of services at AWS or partner solutions for log analytics and storage. FireLens works with Fluentd and Fluent Bit and makes it easy to use these two popular open source logging projects.


The diagram above shows how FireLens works. Container standard out logs are sent to the FireLens container over a Unix socket via the Fluentd Docker Log Driver.

To set Fluentd or Fluent Bit output plugin configurations in FireLens, we can configure them in the log configuration section of the Task Definition. We specify logDriver as awsfirelens to use FireLens and provide config details for the Fluentd or Fluent Bit output plugin in options field. The option log-driver-buffer-limit will specify the limit size for number of events buffered on the memory. It can help to resolve potential log loss issue because high throughput could result in running out of memory for buffer inside of Docker and the log driver must discard messages from the buffer to add new ones if the buffer is full. This will produce tons of error messages in Docker and the lost logs will make it impossible to troubleshoot problems in the application. Increasing the buffer limit size by configuring the option log-driver-buffer-limit could be a good approach to avoid this problem.

By default, the buffer limit will be set to 1MiB. In order to increase or decrease the size, you can customize the log-driver-buffer-limit option in your log configuration:

	"logConfiguration": {
		"options": {
			"Name": "cloudwatch",
			"region": "us-west-2",
			"log_key": "log",
			"log_group_name": "/aws/ecs/containerinsights/$(ecs_cluster)/application",
			"auto_create_group": "true",
			"log_stream_name": "$(ecs_task_id)",
			"log-driver-buffer-limit": "2097152",
			"retry_limit": "2"

The unit for this field is byte so above task definition will set the buffer limit size to 2MiB.


  • Fargate PV1.3 is on deprecation. The feature is only supported after Fargate PV1.4.
  • The value for log-driver-buffer-limit should be an integer between 0 and 536870912 (512MiB).
  • The total amount of memory allocated at the task level must be greater than the amount of memory allocated for all containers in addition to the memory buffer limit for the FireLens log driver.
  • The total amount of memory buffer specified must be lesser than 536870912 (512MiB) when the container memory and memoryReservertion values aren't specified. More specifically, you can have an app container with awsfirelens log driver and option log-driver-buffer-limit set to 300MiB. However, you won't be allowed to run tasks if you have more than two containers with log-driver-buffer-limit as 300MiB(300MiB * 2 > 512MiB).