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develop branch coverage


This release includes:

  • Sagemaker Notebook as a compute environment (connect, start, stop, terminate)
  • Dataset attachment to Sagemaker Notebooks
  • Research user creation
  • Workspaces include search/filter/sort functions
  • Customers able to add custom environments
  • Improved performance on workspace page with pagination

Setup Instructions for RWB

Follow the instructions below to deploy RWB with Sagemaker Notebook lifecycle support. You'll be able to launch/start/stop/terminate/connect to a Sagemaker Notebook instance.


  • An AWS account for deploying RWB API. This account will be called the Main Account.
    • On the command line, set your credential file to have your Main Account as the default profile
  • An AWS account for hosting environments. This account will be called the Hosting Account. The Hosting Account must be different from Main Account.
  • Software
    • Rush v5.62.1 or later. We'll be using this tool to manage the packages in our mono-repo
    • Node 14.x or 16.x (compatible node versions)
    • POSTMAN (Optional) This is used for making API requests to the server. POSTMAN is not needed if you already have a preferred API client.
  • The requirements below are for running the lambda locally
    • Install SAM CLI (link)
    • Install Docker (link)


Setup Config File

  1. Navigate to solutions/swb-reference.
  2. Copy src/config/example.yaml and create a new file in the format <STAGE>.yaml in the config folder. The stage value uniquely identifies this deployment. Some common values that can be used are dev, beta, and gamma.
  3. Open your new <STAGE>.yaml file and uncomment the stage attribute. Provide the correct <STAGE> value for the attribute
  4. Open your new <STAGE>.yaml file and uncomment awsRegion and awsRegionShortName. aws-region value can be one of the values on this table, under the Region column. awsRegionName can be a two or three letter abbreviation for that region, of your own choosing. The awsRegion value will determine which region RWB is deployed in.
  5. Uncomment rootUserEmailParamStorePath and provide a name for a SSM parameter that will contain the main account user's email address, e.g. /rsw/<stage>/rootUser/email.
  6. Follow instructions to create a SSM Parameter in your main account and set the name as the assigned value in rootUserEmailParamStorePath and the value as the main account user's email address.
  7. Uncomment allowedOrigins and provide a list of URLs that will be allowed to access your RSW API, e.g. ['http://localhost:3000','http://localhost:3002'].
  8. Uncomment cognitoDomain and provide a globally unique string that will be used for the cognito domain. This should be an alphanumeric string (hyphens allowed) that does not conflict with any other existing cognito domains.
  9. If running your Lambda locally, userPoolId, clientId, and clientSecret will need to be set after the first execution of cdk-deploy as seen below under "Deploy the code". You will then need to re-run STAGE=<STAGE> rushx cdk-deploy.
  10. If your SWB instance is going to use a custom network, uncomment vpcId and albSubnetIds and provide their respective values from your network.
  11. Uncomment albInternetFacing and set it's value true if you want an internet-facing ALB instance, otherwize set to false.
  12. Uncomment hostedZoneId and domainName and provide their respective values from your Hosted Zone. If you dont have a domain configured, follow instructions to create a Hosted Zone.
  13. Run chmod 777 <STAGE>.yaml to allow local script to read the file

Setup CDK

We'll be using AWS CDK to deploy our code to AWS. Follow the steps below to onboard CDK onto your AWS Main Account.

In swb-reference root directory run the follow code

rush install
rush build
rushx compile
STAGE=<STAGE> rushx cdk bootstrap

After bootstrap is completed you'll see a message like this

Found configuration in /Users/<user>/workplace/research-service-workbench-on-aws/rush.json

Rush Multi-Project Build Tool 5.62.1 - Node.js 14.17.0 (LTS)
> "cdk bootstrap"

 ⏳  Bootstrapping environment aws://123456789012/ap-northeast-3...
Trusted accounts for deployment: (none)
Trusted accounts for lookup: (none)
Using default execution policy of 'arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AdministratorAccess'. Pass '--cloudformation-execution-policies' to customize.
CDKToolkit: creating CloudFormation changeset...
 ✅  Environment aws://123456789012/ap-northeast-3 bootstrapped.

Deploy the code

In swb-reference root directory run the following code

STAGE=<STAGE> rushx cdk-deploy              # Deploy code to `Main Account` on AWS

Take note of the following Cloudformation outputs. We will be using them in future steps.


Run the post deployment step

STAGE=<STAGE> rushx run-postDeployment      # Setup Service Catalog portfolio and products

After post deployment is complete a temporary password will be sent to the main account user's email, take note of the temporary password as its going to be needed for API authenticated requests.

Deploy to the Hosting Account

After the deployment succeeds, we will need to set up the Hosting account

  1. Log into your AWS Hosting Account and go to Cloudformation
  2. Choose to create a new stack. On the prompt Create Stack, choose Upload a template file.
  3. Upload the corresponding .yaml file from templates depending on your installation type. Default installation uses onboard-account.cfn.yaml, for more customizable network options, refer to Hosting Account Templates
  4. For the stack name, use the following value: rsw-<stage>-<awsRegionShortName>-hosting-account, for example rsw-dev-va-hosting-account
  5. For the parameters provide the following values
Namespace: rsw-<stage>-<awsRegionShortName>      # These values should be the same as in your config file
MainAccountId: <12 digit Account ID of Main Account>
ExternalId: <externalIdValue>  # An arbitrary unique ID used to identify this account
AccountHandlerRoleArn: <CFN_OUTPUT.AccountHandlerLambdaRoleOutput> 
ApiHandlerRoleArn: <CFN_OUTPUT.ApiLambdaRoleOutput> 
EnableFlowLogs: true
LaunchConstraintPolicyPrefix: *
LaunchConstraintRolePrefix: *
StatusHandlerRoleArn: <CFN_OUTPUT.StatusHandlerLambdaRoleOutput>

After the deployment is complete, take note of the following Cloudformation outputs. The outputs are on the Outputs tab. We will be using in future steps


Configuring App Registry applications limits(Optional)

If you are estimating to have less than 999 Workspaces created in your Service Workbench instance, you can skip this step.

Research Service Workbench on AWS uses AWS App Registry applications to group and add metadata and attributes to created resources. By using App Registry, Research Service Workbench is able to organize its resources and track their dependencies more efficiently. Every resource created in Research Service Workbench is associated to an App Registry application including all workspaces. App Registry currently has a default limit of 1000 resources per application.

If you are estimating to have more than 999 Workspaces created in your Research Service Workbench instance a service quota increase will be needed. Follow these steps to request a quota increase for App Registry application resources:

  1. Sign in to your Hosting Account in the AWS Management Console.

  2. Open the Service Quotas console.

  3. Click AWS Services in the menu bar on the left side to enter the search screen.

  4. In the search screen, enter AWS Service Catalog and choose AWS Service Catalog from the results.

  5. Under Services Quota, choose Resources per application.

  6. On the Resources per application page, choose Request Quota Increase under Recent quota increase requests.

  7. In Change quota, enter your estimated number of workspaces plus 1 (infrastructure resource).

  8. Choose Request.

Setup Integration Test Config File

Get access token

To get the accessToken, csrfCookie, and csrfToken for making authenticated API requests please refer here.


In POSTMAN create an environment using the instructions here. Your environment should have four variables. Name the first one API_URL and the value should be the APIGatewayAPIEndpoint value from Deploy the code step.

Name the second, third and fourth ones ACCESS_TOKEN, CSRF_COOKIE, and CSRF_TOKEN and their values should be the accessToken, csrfCookie, and csrfToken you got from Setup UI and Get Access Token

Import RSW Postman Collection. Instructions for how to import a collection is here

  1. Follow these steps to assign a value to terminatedEnvId parameter in ./integration-tests/config/<STAGE>.yaml file
    1. Follow instructions in Launch Sagemaker Notebook Environment to create a new Sagemaker environment and wait for COMPLETED status.
    2. Copy the id value from the response
    3. Use the id of the new environment to Stop the environment and wait for STOPPED status.
    4. Use the id of the new environment to Terminate the environment.
    5. Use new instance information to Terminate
    6. In ./integration-tests/config directory assign the id of the new environment to the terminatedEnvId in <STAGE>.yaml file

Setup Account Resources

Onboard hosting account

In RSW Official Postman Collection under hosting account folder choose Create Hosting Account API to onboard a hosting account. Remember to fill in the correct values for your account. Custom values that needed to be provided by you will be <INSIDE THIS>

In the body tab set envMgmtRoleArn parameter to the EnvMgmtRoleArn value from Deploy to the Hosting Account step.

In the body tab set hostingAccountHandlerRoleArn parameter to the HostingAccountHandlerRoleArn value from Deploy to the Hosting Account step.

  1. Follow these steps to assign a value to projectAdmin1UserNameParamStorePath parameter in ./integration-tests/config/<STAGE>.yaml file
    1. Uncomment projectAdmin1UserNameParamStorePath and provide a name for a SSM parameter that will contain a Project Admin user's email address, e.g. /swb/<STAGE>/PA/email.
    2. Follow instructions in Create User Step to create a new Project Admin user for the integration tests
    3. Follow instructions to create a SSM Parameter in your main account and set the name as the assigned value in projectAdmin1UserNameParamStorePath and the value as the created Project Admin's email.

Send a Create Hosting Account request

POST {{API_URL}}/aws-accounts

    "name": "<Unique account name>",
    "awsAccountId": "<Hosting Account 12 Digit ID>",
    "envMgmtRoleArn": "<CFN_OUTPUT.EnvMgmtRoleArn>",
    "hostingAccountHandlerRoleArn": "<CFN_OUTPUT.HostingAccountHandlerRoleArn>",
    "externalId": "workbench"

Once the request excecute successfully a response with the following format will be displayed

    "id": "acc-########-####-####-####-############",
    "name": "<Unique account name>",
    "awsAccountId": "<Hosting Account 12 Digit ID>",
    "envMgmtRoleArn": "<CFN_OUTPUT.EnvMgmtRoleArn>",
    "hostingAccountHandlerRoleArn": "<CFN_OUTPUT.HostingAccountHandlerRoleArn>",
    "externalId": "workbench",
    "status": "PENDING",
    "updatedAt": "2023-03-17T13:45:46.195Z",
    "createdAt": "2023-03-07T22:31:40.783Z"

Take note of the id that was returned. We'll need it for the next step. We'll refer to this value as ACCOUNT_ID.

Wait for account handler to run. It runs once every 5 minutes. You'll know that it's completed when the account status is listed as CURRENT.

To monitor the account status, in RSW Official Postman Collection under hosting account folder choose Get Hosting Account API.

In the params tab set accountId parameter to the ACCOUNT_ID value from previous step and send request.

A response with the status property will be displayed

    "id": "acc-########-####-####-####-############",
    "name": "<Unique account name>",
    "awsAccountId": "<Hosting Account 12 Digit ID>",
    "status": "PENDING"

You can also find cloudwatch logs for the account handler in the Main account. It's at aws/lambda/swb-<stage>-<awsRegionShortName>-accountHandlerLambda

Setup Cost Center

In RSW Official Postman Collection under costCenters folder choose Create Cost Center API.

In the body tab set accountId parameter to the ACCOUNT_ID value from Onboard hosting account step.

Send a Create Cost Center request

POST {{API_URL}}/costCenters/

    "name": "<cost center name>",
    "accountId": "<ACCOUNT_ID>",
    "description": "<cost center description>"

Take note of the id from the Create Cost Center response. We'll need it for the next step. We'll refer to this value as COST_CENTER_ID.

Setup Project

In RSW Official Postman Collection under projects folder choose Create project API.

In the body tab set costCenterId parameter to the COST_CENTER_ID value from Retrieve Environment Type Id step.

Send a Create project request

POST {{API_URL}}/projects

    "name": "<project name>",
    "description": "<project description>",
    "costCenterId": "<COST_CENTER_ID>",

In the response take note of the id that was returned. We'll refer to this value as PROJECT_ID.

Setup EnvironmentTypeConfig

Retrieve Environment Type Id

In RSW Official Postman Collection under envType folder choose List envTypes API and send request. If there aren't any environment types displaying in the response, check whether the post deployment step ran correctly.

Running the List envTypes request in postman should return a json with the following format

    "data": [
        "id": "et-<productId>,<provisioningArtifactId>",
        "productId": "<productId>",
        "provisioningArtifactId": "<provisioningArtifactId>",
        "description": "description",
        "name": "name",
        "type": "sagemakerNotebook",
        "status": "NOT_APPROVED",
        "createdAt": "2022-07-21T21:24:57.171Z",
        "updatedAt": "2022-07-21T21:24:57.171Z",
                "DatasetsBucketArn": {
                        "Description": "Name of the datasets bucket in the main account",
                        "Type": "String"
                    "EncryptionKeyArn": {
                        "Description": "The ARN of the KMS encryption Key used to encrypt data in the notebook",
                        "Type": "String"
                    "AccessFromCIDRBlock": {
                        "Default": "",
                        "Description": "The CIDR used to access sagemaker notebook",
                        "Type": "String"
                    "VPC": {
                        "Description": "VPC for Sagemaker Notebook",
                        "Type": "AWS::EC2::VPC::Id"
                    "S3Mounts": {
                        "Description": "A JSON array of objects with name, bucket and prefix properties used to mount data",
                        "Type": "String"
                    "Namespace": {
                        "Description": "An environment name that will be prefixed to resource names",
                        "Type": "String"
                    "MainAccountId": {
                        "Description": "The Main Account ID where application is deployed",
                        "Type": "String"
                    "MainAccountKeyArn": {
                        "Description": "The ARN of main account bucket encryption key",
                        "Type": "String"
                    "IamPolicyDocument": {
                        "Description": "The IAM policy to be associated with the launched workstation",
                        "Type": "String"
                    "EnvironmentInstanceFiles": {
                        "Description": "An S3 URI (starting with \"s3://\") that specifies the location of files to be copied to the environment instance, including any bootstrap scripts",
                        "Type": "String"
                    "MainAccountRegion": {
                        "Description": "The region of application deployment in main account",
                        "Type": "String"
                    "InstanceType": {
                        "Default": "ml.t3.xlarge",
                        "Description": "EC2 instance type to launch",
                        "Type": "String"
                    "Subnet": {
                        "Description": "Subnet for Sagemaker Notebook, from the VPC selected above",
                        "Type": "AWS::EC2::Subnet::Id"
                    "AutoStopIdleTimeInMinutes": {
                        "Description": "Number of idle minutes for auto stop to shutdown the instance (0 to disable auto-stop)",
                        "Type": "Number"


In the response take note of the id of the environment type you are looking for, the name will have the format <product name>-<provisioning artifact name>, e.g. sageMakerNotebook-v1. We'll need it for the next step. We'll refer to this id value as ENV_TYPE_ID.

Approve Environment Type

In RSW Official Postman Collection under envType folder choose Update envType API to change the status of environment type.

In the params tab set id parameter to the ENV_TYPE_ID value from Retrieve Environment Type Id step.

Send an Update envType request

PATCH {{API_URL}}/environmentTypes/:id

    "status": "APPROVED"

Create Environment Type Config

In RSW Official Postman Collection under envTypeConfig folder choose Create envTypeConfig API.

In the params tab set envTypeId parameter to the ENV_TYPE_ID value from Retrieve Environment Type Id step.

Send a Create envTypeConfig request

POST {{API_URL}}/environmentTypes/:envTypeId/configurations

    "type": "sagemakerNotebook",
    "description": "<description>",
    "name": "<environment type config name>",
    "estimatedCost": "<estimated cost>",
    "params": [
      "key": "IamPolicyDocument",
      "value": "${iamPolicyDocument}"
      "key": "InstanceType",
      "value": "ml.t3.medium"      
      "key": "AutoStopIdleTimeInMinutes",
      "value": "0"
       "key": "CIDR",
       "value": ""

In the response take note of the id that was returned. We'll refer to this value as ENV_TYPE_CONFIG_ID.

If you would like to launch a sagemaker notebook instance with a different instance type than ml.t3.medium, you can replace that value in the JSON above.

Associate Project to Environment Type Configuration

In RSW Official Postman Collection under project folder choose Associate project with EnvTypeConfig API.

In the params tab set projectId parameter to the PROJECT_ID value from Setup Project step.

In the params tab set envTypeId parameter to the ENV_TYPE_ID value from Retrieve Environment Type Id step.

In the params tab set envTypeConfigId parameter to the ENV_TYPE_CONFIG_ID value from Create Environment Type Config step.

Send Associate project with EnvTypeConfig request.

PUT {{API_URL}}/projects/:projectId/environmentTypes/:envTypeId/configurations/:envTypeConfigId/relationships

Create new DataSets

In RSW Official Postman Collection under datasets folder choose Create Internal DataSet API.

In the params tab set projectId parameter to the PROJECT_ID value from Setup Project step.

In the body tab set region parameter to the awsRegion value from Setup Config File Step.

In the body tab set storageName parameter to the DataSetsBucketName value from Deploy The Code Step.

Note: Only Researchers and Project Admins can access this API, the user calling this API needs to have access permissions to the project assigned in the request, for more information see Assig Project to User.

POST {{API_URL}}/projects/:projectId/datasets/

    "name": "<Enter a unique DataSet name>",
    "region": "<awsRegion>",
    "storageName": "<Enter the main account DataSets bucket name>",
    "path": "<Folder name to be created for this in the bucket>",
    "awsAccountId": "<Main account ID>",
    "type": "internal"

At this point you'll receive a JSON response. That response will have an id value. You could use that id value in the datasetIds array while launching an environment. Once registered a DataSet using this API, you could also upload files to its bucket folder directly so they're available at environment boot time.

Launch Sagemaker Notebook Instance

In RSW Official Postman Collection under environments folder choose Launch Environment API.

In the params tab set projectId parameter to the PROJECT_ID value from Setup Project step.

In the body tab set envTypeId parameter to the ENV_TYPE_ID value from Retrieve Environment Type Id step.

In the body tab set envTypeConfigId parameter to the ENV_TYPE_CONFIG_ID value from Create Environment Type Config step.

Note: Only Researchers and Project Admins can access this API, the user calling this API and the environment type config in the request need to have access permissions to the project assigned in the request, for more information see Assig Project to User , Associate Project to Environment Type Configuration.

Send Launch Environment request.

POST {{API_URL}}/projects/:projectId/environments

    "description": "<description>",
    "name": "<environment name>",
    "envTypeId": "<ENV_TYPE_ID>",
    "envTypeConfigId": "<ENV_TYPE_CONFIG_ID>",
    "datasetIds": [],
    "envType": "sagemakerNotebook"

In the response take note of the id and projectId that were returned. We'll refer to the id value as ENV_ID and the projectId value as ENV_PROJECT_ID.

Check Environment Status

In RSW Official Postman Collection under environments folder choose Get Environment API.

In the params tab set id parameter to the ENV_ID value from Launch Sagemaker Notebook Instance step.

In the params tab set projectId parameter to the ENV_PROJECT_ID value from Launch Sagemaker Notebook Instance step.

Note: The user calling this API needs to have access permissions to the project assigned in the request, for more information see Assig Project to User.

Send Get Environment request.

GET {{API_URL}}/projects/:projectId/environments/:id

In the response you'll see the status of the environment. PENDING means the environment is being provisioned. COMPLETED means the environment is ready to be used.

Connect to Environment

In RSW Official Postman Collection under environments folder choose Get Connection API.

In the params tab set id parameter to the ENV_ID value from Launch Sagemaker Notebook Instance step.

In the params tab set projectId parameter to the ENV_PROJECT_ID value from Launch Sagemaker Notebook Instance step.

Note: Only Researchers and Project Admins can access this API, the user calling this API needs to have access permissions to the project assigned in the request, for more information see Assig Project to User.

Send Get Connection request.

GET {{API_URL}}/projects/:projectId/environments/:id/connections

In the response you'll find a url. Copy and paste that url into the browser to view your Sagemaker Notebook instance.

Stop an Environment

In RSW Official Postman Collection under environments folder choose Stop Environment API.

In the params tab set id parameter to the ENV_ID value from Launch Sagemaker Notebook Instance step.

In the params tab set projectId parameter to the ENV_PROJECT_ID value from Launch Sagemaker Notebook Instance step.

Note: The user calling this API needs to have access permissions to the project assigned in the request, for more information see Assig Project to User.

Send Stop Environment request.

PUT {{API_URL}}/projects/:projectId/environments/:id/stop

Start an Environment

In RSW Official Postman Collection under environments folder choose Start Environment API.

In the params tab set id parameter to the ENV_ID value from Launch Sagemaker Notebook Instance step.

In the params tab set projectId parameter to the ENV_PROJECT_ID value from Launch Sagemaker Notebook Instance step.

Note: The user calling this API needs to have access permissions to the project assigned in the request, for more information see Assig Project to User.

Send Start Environment request.

PUT {{API_URL}}/projects/:projectId/environments/:id/start

Terminate the Environment

In RSW Official Postman Collection under environments folder choose Terminate Environment API.

In the params tab set id parameter to the ENV_ID value from Launch Sagemaker Notebook Instance step.

In the params tab set projectId parameter to the ENV_PROJECT_ID value from Launch Sagemaker Notebook Instance step.

Note: The user calling this API needs to have access permissions to the project assigned in the request, for more information see Assig Project to User.

Send Terminate Environment request.

PUT {{API_URL}}/projects/:projectId/environments/:id/terminate

User Management

In order to create new Admins:

  1. You must go to the Cognito console in your AWS Console.
  2. Under User pools, look for and click on rsw-userpool-<stage>-<abbreviation>.
  3. Under the Users tab, choose Create user.
  4. Once the user is created, click on the username and under Group memberships, choose Add user to group to add the user to the ITAdmin group.

Create Users

In RSW Official Postman Collection under users folder choose Create User API.

Send Create User request.

POST {{API_URL}}/users

    "firstName": "<first name>",
    "lastName": "<last name>",
    "email": "<email address>"

In the response take note of the id that was returned. We'll refer to this value as USER_ID.

Assign Project to User

Note: Only Researchers and ProjectAdmin require project association.

In RSW Official Postman Collection under projects folder choose Add User To Project API.

In the params tab set userId parameter to the USER_ID value from Create User step.

In the params tab set projectId parameter to the PROJECT_ID value from Setup Project step.

In the body tab set role parameter to the role the user is going to be assigned for the provided project(ProjectAdmin/Researcher).

Send Add User To Project request.

POST {{API_URL}}/projects/:projectId/users/:userId/relationships

    "role": "Researcher"

Integration Tests

swb-reference package contains integration tests that run API tests against SWB APIs, they can be configured to run automatically as part of a GitHub workflow or CI/CD pipeline.

Note: Integration tests will create resources in the environment they are executed against.


Follow instructions here to setup installation of API and Postman collection.


Complete the following sections and then run the automation script to setup the environment:

  1. Setup Config File
  2. Setup CDK
  3. Deploy the code
  4. Deploy to the Hosting Account
  5. Run the automation script:
    # Set the credentials for the main account
    # Configure AWS cli to the region your stack is deployed in main account 
    # Then run the script
    cd solutions/swb-reference/scripts
    ./ -h #This will display the help screen along with an example on how to run this script
  6. Run the integration tests:
    cd solutions/swb-reference
    `STAGE=<STAGE> rushx integration-tests`

Note: script also creates the Config file for integration test, you can directly run the integration test after the successful completion of this script.

Setup Integration Test Config File

  1. In ./integration-tests/config make a copy of example.yaml and name it <STAGE>.yaml. Uncomment the attributes and provide the appropriate config values.

  2. For envTypeId and envType, follow instructions in Retrieve environment type id step and choose the Environment Type that integration test will use as default when creating any Environment, copy the values from properties id and type from request and assign id value to envTypeId property and type value to envType property in ./integration-tests/config/<STAGE>.yaml file

  3. Follow these steps to assign a value to the envTypeConfigId parameter in ./integration-tests/config/<STAGE>.yaml file

    1. In RSW Official Postman Collection under envTypeConfig folder choose List envTypeConfigs API.
    2. In the params tab set envTypeId parameter to the envTypeId value from your ./integration-tests/config/<STAGE>.yaml.
    3. Send List envTypeConfigs request. If there are no environment type configs displayed please follow instructions in Setup Environment Type Config step to create a new environment type config for selected environment type.
    4. Choose the Environment Type Config that integration test will use as default when creating any Environment and copy the id value from the request.
    5. In ./integration-tests/config directory assign value copied to envTypeConfigId property in <STAGE>.yaml file
  4. Follow these steps to assign a value to projectId parameter in ./integration-tests/config/<STAGE>.yaml file

    1. In RSW Official Postman Collection under projects folder choose List projects API.
    2. Send List projects request. If there are no projects displayed please follow instructions in Setup Project step to create a new project.
    3. Choose the Project that integration test will use as default when creating any Environment and testing project functionality and copy the id value from the response.
    4. In ./integration-tests/config directory assign id to projectId in <STAGE>.yaml file
  5. Follow these steps to assign a value to rootUserNameParamStorePath parameter in ./integration-tests/config/<STAGE>.yaml file

    1. Uncomment rootUserNameParamStorePath and provide a name for a SSM parameter that will contain the main account user's email address, e.g. /swb/<STAGE>/rootUser/email.
    2. Follow instructions to create a SSM Parameter in your main account and set the name as the assigned value in rootUserNameParamStorePath and the value as the main account user's email address.
  6. Follow these steps to assign a value to rootPasswordParamStorePath parameter in ./integration-tests/config/<STAGE>.yaml file

    1. Uncomment rootPasswordParamStorePath and provide a name for a SSM parameter that will contain the main account user's email address, e.g. /swb/<STAGE>/rootUser/password.
    2. Follow instructions to create a SSM Parameter in your main account and set the name as the assigned value in rootPasswordParamStorePath and the value as the main account user's password from Reset User Password Step.
  7. Follow these steps to assign a value to projectAdmin1UserNameParamStorePath parameter in ./integration-tests/config/<STAGE>.yaml file

    1. Uncomment projectAdmin1UserNameParamStorePath and provide a name for a SSM parameter that will contain a Project Admin user's email address, e.g. /swb/<STAGE>/PA/email.
    2. Follow instructions in Create User Step to create a new Project Admin user for the integration tests
    3. Follow instructions to create a SSM Parameter in your main account and set the name as the assigned value in projectAdmin1UserNameParamStorePath and the value as the created Project Admin's email.
  8. Follow these steps to assign a value to projectAdmin1PasswordParamStorePath parameter in ./integration-tests/config/<STAGE>.yaml file

    1. Uncomment projectAdmin1PasswordParamStorePath and provide a name for a SSM parameter that will contain the Project Admin's password, e.g. /swb/<STAGE>/PA/password.
    2. Follow instructions in Reset User Password Step to assign a password to the Project Admin assigned to projectAdmin1UserNameParamStorePath.
    3. Follow instructions to create a SSM Parameter in your main account and set the name as the assigned value in projectAdmin1PasswordParamStorePath and the value as the Project Admin's new password.
  9. Follow these steps to assign a value to projectAdmin2UserNameParamStorePath parameter in ./integration-tests/config/<STAGE>.yaml file

    1. Uncomment projectAdmin2UserNameParamStorePath and provide a name for a SSM parameter that will contain a second Project Admin user's email address, e.g. /swb/<STAGE>/PA2/email.
    2. Follow instructions in Create User Step to create a new Project Admin user for the integration tests
    3. Follow instructions to create a SSM Parameter in your main account and set the name as the assigned value in projectAdmin2UserNameParamStorePath and the value as the created second Project Admin's email.
  10. Follow these steps to assign a value to projectAdmin2PasswordParamStorePath parameter in ./integration-tests/config/<STAGE>.yaml file

    1. Uncomment projectAdmin2PasswordParamStorePath and provide a name for a SSM parameter that will contain the second Project Admin's password, e.g. /swb/<STAGE>/PA2/password.
    2. Follow instructions in Reset User Password Step to assign a password to the second Project Admin assigned to projectAdmin2UserNameParamStorePath.
    3. Follow instructions to create a SSM Parameter in your main account and set the name as the assigned value in projectAdmin2PasswordParamStorePath and the value as the second Project Admin's new password.
  11. Follow these steps to assign a value to researcher1UserNameParamStorePath parameter in ./integration-tests/config/<STAGE>.yaml file

    1. Uncomment researcher1UserNameParamStorePath and provide a name for a SSM parameter that will contain a Researcher's email address, e.g. /swb/<STAGE>/Researcher/email.
    2. Follow instructions in Create User Step to create a new Researcher user for the integration tests
    3. Follow instructions to create a SSM Parameter in your main account and set the name as the assigned value in researcher1UserNameParamStorePath and the value as the created Researcher's email.
  12. Follow these steps to assign a value to researcher1PasswordParamStorePath parameter in ./integration-tests/config/<STAGE>.yaml file

    1. Uncomment researcher1PasswordParamStorePath and provide a name for a SSM parameter that will contain the Researcher's password, e.g. /swb/<STAGE>/Researcher/password.
    2. Follow instructions in Reset User Password Step to assign a password to the Researcher assigned to researcher1UserNameParamStorePath.
    3. Follow instructions to create a SSM Parameter in your main account and set the name as the assigned value in researcher1PasswordParamStorePath and the value as the Researcher's new password.
  13. Follow these steps to assign a value to awsAccountIdParamStorePath parameter in ./integration-tests/config/<STAGE>.yaml file. This value is necessary to run teh AWS Accounts multi-step integration test. If the value remains commented out, this test will not run.

    1. Uncomment awsAccountIdParamStorePath and provide a name for a SSM parameter that will contain the 12 Digit Account Id of an AWS Account you own that is not the main nor hosting account ID, e.g. /swb/<STAGE>/accountsTest/awsAccountId.
    2. Follow instructions to create a SSM Parameter in your main account and set the name as the assigned value in awsAccountIdParamStorePath and the value as the the 12 Digit Hosting Account Id.
  14. Uncomment defaultHostingAccountId and in ./integration-tests/config/<STAGE>.yaml file and assign value ACCOUNT_ID from Onboard Hosting Account Step.

  15. In this root directory run STAGE=<STAGE> rushx integration-tests

Implement Integreation tests

To use the framework for calling the RSW API, create a ClientSession and then use the resources attribute to call the CRUD commands

Example code for creating new user

const setup: Setup = new Setup();
const adminSession = await setup.getDefaultAdminSession();
const { data } = await adminSession.resources.users.create({
      firstName: '<first name>',
      lastName: '<Last name>',
      email: `<email address>`

Example code for GET one user

const setup: Setup = new Setup();
const adminSession = await setup.createAdminSession();
const userId = 'userId';
const { data: user } = await adminSession.resources.users.user(userId).get();

Example code for GETTING all users

const setup: Setup = new Setup();
const adminSession = await setup.createAdminSession();
const { data: response } = await adminSession.resources.users.get();

Reset User Password

  1. Go to the Amazon Cognito console in your main account. If prompted, enter your AWS credentials.
  2. Choose User Pools.
  3. Choose your SWB user pool with name rsw-userpool-<STAGE>-<Region>.
  4. Choose the App integration tab.
  5. Under App client list choose SWB app client with name swb-client-<STAGE>-<Region>.
  6. Under Hosted UI choose View Hosted UI.
  7. If the user has a temporary password, login with your user crendentials and you will be prompted to set a new password.
  8. If the user already has a non temporary password follow instructions here to reset password.

Obtain Access Token for making authenticated API requests

  1. If you are tying to get a token from a user that still has its temporary password assigned please follow instructions here to reset user password.
  2. Go to swb-reference/scripts folder
  3. Pull down all required dependencies by running rushx build
  4. Run STAGE=<STAGE> node generateCognitoTokens.js <userName> '<password>' with the correct value for <userName> and <password>. It should be a user that has been created for your SWB deployment. Note, the quotes around <password> is necessary for the script to correctly parse passwords that have symbols in it.
  5. In the console output, use the accessToken, csrfCookie, and csrfToken that are provided to make authenticated API requests. (Note: csrf token is only required for state changing requests)

Running Code Locally


  1. Install SAM CLI (link)
  2. Install Docker (link)

If you have made changes to the environment package or the swb-reference package follow these steps

  1. In research-service-workbench-on-aws root directory run rush build
  2. In research-service-workbench-on-aws/solutions/swb-reference root directory run STAGE=<STAGE TO RUN LOCALLY> ./scripts/ This will run a local lambda server.

Troubleshooting Guides

Workspace Lifecycle Troubleshooting Guide.


Cloudwatch Logs

  • rsw-<stage>-<awsRegionShortName>-apiLambda: Logs for api lambda. This lambda gets executed when user makes a request to rsw APIs.
  • rsw-<stage>-<awsRegionShortName>-accountHandlerLambda: Logs for account handler lambda. This lamba runs every 5 minutes and is responsible for keeping the hosting account resources in sync with the main account.
  • rsw-<stage>-<awsRegionShortName>-statusHandlerLambda: Logs for status handler lambda. This lambda is triggered by EventBridge events that originated in hosting accounts. It updates DDB with environment statuses from the hosting accounts.


  1. Why is there jest.config.js and config/jest.config.json?
  • config/jest.config.json is the settings for unit tests in the src folder
  • jest.config.js is the settings for tests in integration-tests. These tests require setup steps that are not required by unit tests in the src folder.
  1. When I try to run the code locally or deploy the code, I'm getting dependency errors between the local packages.

The lib folders for your project might have been deleted. Try running rush purge; rush build in the root directory of this project to build the lib folders from scratch.

  1. How do I see which line of code my unit tests did not cover?

Run rushx jest --coverage

  1. Why am I'm getting the error "Cannot find module in common/temp"?

Your node_modules might have been corrupted. Try the following command

rush purge
rush install
rush build