- 路径和文件名
- mode
- stage数(第6章讨论merge时会用到,正常情况为0)
- 修改时间
- 文件大小
- (其他标识文件唯一性的信息)
- 文件内容对应的blob的SHA1
git init .
# Initialized empty Git repository in /root/.git/
- Lv1
# 注意:此处故意忽略掉-w,导致blob对象并没有被真正创建
echo 'content' | git hash-object -t blob --stdin
# d95f3ad14dee633a758d2e331151e950dd13e4ed
# blob不一定需要真正存在
git update-index --add --cacheinfo 100644,d95f3ad14dee633a758d2e331151e950dd13e4ed,dir/fn
- Lv2
# 要先有文件才能添加到index
mkdir -p dir
echo 'content' > dir/fn
# 以下命令只修改index,不创建blob
git update-index --add --info-only -- dir/fn
# 以下命令既修改index,也创建blob
git update-index --add -- dir/fn
若想手动改变mode,只需git update-index --chmod +x -- <path>
- Lv3
# 要先有文件才能添加到index
mkdir -p dir
echo 'content' > dir/fn
# 以下命令既修改index,也创建blob
git add -f dir/fn
如果想只添加一部分内容,使用git add -p
- Lv2
(git add -f dir/fn)
git update-index --force-remove -- dir/fn
- Lv3
(git add -f dir/fn)
git rm --cached -- dir/fn
# rm 'dir/fn'
Lv2方法,使用git update-index --cacheinfo
Lv3方法,使用git mv
- Lv2 (其中0为stage数,正常情况为0)
(git add -f dir/fn)
git ls-files -s
# 100644 d95f3ad14dee633a758d2e331151e950dd13e4ed 0 dir/fn
echo 'hello' | git hash-object -t blob --stdin -w
# ce013625030ba8dba906f756967f9e9ca394464a
git mktree --missing <<EOF
100644 blob ce013625030ba8dba906f756967f9e9ca394464a$(printf '\t')name.ext
100755 blob ce013625030ba8dba906f756967f9e9ca394464a$(printf '\t')name2.ext
# 58417991a0e30203e7e9b938f62a9a6f9ce10a9a
- Lv2
# 整个index替换掉
git read-tree 5841
git ls-files -s
# 100644 ce013625030ba8dba906f756967f9e9ca394464a 0 name.ext
# 100755 ce013625030ba8dba906f756967f9e9ca394464a 0 name2.ext
# 合并到某个文件夹
(git update-index --force-remove -- name.ext name2.ext && git add -f dir/fn)
git read-tree --prefix=dir/ 5841
git ls-files -s
# 100644 d95f3ad14dee633a758d2e331151e950dd13e4ed 0 dir/fn
# 100644 ce013625030ba8dba906f756967f9e9ca394464a 0 dir/name.ext
# 100755 ce013625030ba8dba906f756967f9e9ca394464a 0 dir/name2.ext
# 注意特殊情况
(git update-index --force-remove -- dir/fn dir/name.ext dir/name2.ext && git add -f dir/fn)
git read-tree --prefix=dir/fn/ 5841
git ls-files -s
# 100644 ce013625030ba8dba906f756967f9e9ca394464a 0 dir/fn/name.ext
# 100755 ce013625030ba8dba906f756967f9e9ca394464a 0 dir/fn/name2.ext
- Lv3
# 整个index替换掉
git restore --source 5841 --staged -- :/
git ls-files -s
# 100644 ce013625030ba8dba906f756967f9e9ca394464a 0 name.ext
# 100755 ce013625030ba8dba906f756967f9e9ca394464a 0 name2.ext
# 替换掉某个文件
(git update-index --force-remove -- name.ext)
git restore --source 5841 --staged -- name.ext
git ls-files -s
# 100644 ce013625030ba8dba906f756967f9e9ca394464a 0 name.ext
# 100755 ce013625030ba8dba906f756967f9e9ca394464a 0 name2.ext
请参阅本章最后一节(git clean
- Lv2
# 整个worktree替换掉
git checkout-index -fu -a
# 全部加前缀(不必是文件夹路径)
git checkout-index --prefix -fu -a
# 只有一部分文件
git checkout-index -fu -- name.ext
- Lv3
# 整个worktree替换掉
git restore --worktree -- :/
# 只有一部分文件
git restore --worktree -- name.ext
# 以下为等价的旧语法
# git checkout -f -- :/
# git checkout -f -- name.ext
- Lv2
(git read-tree --prefix=dir/ 5841)
git ls-files -s
# 100644 ce013625030ba8dba906f756967f9e9ca394464a 0 dir/name.ext
# 100755 ce013625030ba8dba906f756967f9e9ca394464a 0 dir/name2.ext
# 100644 ce013625030ba8dba906f756967f9e9ca394464a 0 name.ext
# 100755 ce013625030ba8dba906f756967f9e9ca394464a 0 name2.ext
# 用整个index创建tree
git write-tree
# 34ade2bb5494b722dea8a9874afddd3562f32744
# 用一个子目录创建tree
git write-tree --prefix=dir/
# 58417991a0e30203e7e9b938f62a9a6f9ce10a9a
注意:当存在非0的stage数时(一般是由git read-tree -m
导致的,见第6章),git write-tree
- Lv3
git commit
(git config --global "b1f6c1c4")
(git config --global "[email protected]")
git commit --allow-empty -m 'The message'
# [master (root-commit) b43919a] The message
# 4 files changed, 4 insertions(+)
# create mode 100644 dir/name.ext
# create mode 100755 dir/name2.ext
# create mode 100644 name.ext
# create mode 100755 name2.ext
- Lv1
# 准备:
echo 0 >f
git add f
git commit -m '0'
# [master 5e2ea31] 0
# 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
# create mode 100644 f
echo 1 >f
git add f
echo 2 >f
# 执行:
git cat-file blob HEAD:f >f
# 检查:
git cat-file blob $(git ls-files -s -- f | awk '{ print $2; }')
# 1
cat f
# 0
- Lv3
# 准备:
echo 0 >f
git add f
git commit -m '0'
# On branch master
# Changes not staged for commit:
# (use "git add/rm <file>..." to update what will be committed)
# (use "git restore <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)
# deleted: dir/name.ext
# deleted: dir/name2.ext
# Untracked files:
# (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)
# -funame.ext
# -funame2.ext
# .bashrc
# .gitconfig
# .profile
# dir/fn
# no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a")
echo 1 >f
git add f
echo 2 >f
# 执行:
git restore --source HEAD --worktree -- f
# 检查:
git cat-file blob $(git ls-files -s -- f | awk '{ print $2; }')
# 1
cat f
# 0
Lv2 一步一步来即可
# 准备:
echo 0 >f
git add f
git commit -m '0'
# On branch master
# Changes not staged for commit:
# (use "git add/rm <file>..." to update what will be committed)
# (use "git restore <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)
# deleted: dir/name.ext
# deleted: dir/name2.ext
# Untracked files:
# (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)
# -funame.ext
# -funame2.ext
# .bashrc
# .gitconfig
# .profile
# dir/fn
# no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a")
echo 1 >f
git add f
echo 2 >f
# 执行:
git restore --source HEAD --staged --worktree -- f
# 检查:
git cat-file blob $(git ls-files -s -- f | awk '{ print $2; }')
# 0
cat f
# 0
注意:git restore --worktree
git restore [--source <tree-ish>] [--staged] [--worktree] -- <path>
- 若
留空:- 不写
表示index --worktree
表示index--staged --worktree
- 不写
- 不写
- 若
git restore [--worktree] -- <path>
=git checkout -f -- <path>
git restore --staged --worktree -- <path>
=git checkout -f -- <path>
git restore [--source <tree-ish>] --staged -- <path>
=git reset [<tree-ish>] -- <path>
git restore --source <tree-ish> --staged --worktree -- <path>
=git checkout -f <tree-ish> -- <path>
git restore --source <tree-ish> [--worktree] -- <path>
有时候我们希望将一个文件的部分更改放入index中,此时使用git add -p
如果不小心放多了,使用git restore -p
即可。(旧语法git reset -p
- Lv3
只需git stash [pop]
git status
# On branch master
# Changes not staged for commit:
# (use "git add/rm <file>..." to update what will be committed)
# (use "git restore <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)
# deleted: dir/name.ext
# deleted: dir/name2.ext
# Untracked files:
# (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)
# -funame.ext
# -funame2.ext
# .bashrc
# .gitconfig
# .profile
# dir/fn
# no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a")
git stash
# Saved working directory and index state WIP on master: 5e2ea31 0
git status
# On branch master
# Untracked files:
# (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)
# -funame.ext
# -funame2.ext
# .bashrc
# .gitconfig
# .profile
# dir/fn
# nothing added to commit but untracked files present (use "git add" to track)
git stash pop
# Removing dir/name2.ext
# Removing dir/name.ext
# On branch master
# Changes not staged for commit:
# (use "git add/rm <file>..." to update what will be committed)
# (use "git restore <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)
# deleted: dir/name.ext
# deleted: dir/name2.ext
# Untracked files:
# (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)
# -funame.ext
# -funame2.ext
# .bashrc
# .gitconfig
# .profile
# dir/fn
# no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a")
# Dropped refs/stash@{0} (d6ae6279a658b60a3a396fc2db675fcd84dcdb14)
git status
# On branch master
# Changes not staged for commit:
# (use "git add/rm <file>..." to update what will be committed)
# (use "git restore <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)
# deleted: dir/name.ext
# deleted: dir/name2.ext
# Untracked files:
# (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)
# -funame.ext
# -funame2.ext
# .bashrc
# .gitconfig
# .profile
# dir/fn
# no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a")
注意:请一定认真检查git stash
不要假设git stash
如果git stash
git stash pop
本质是git merge
touch extra
# 检查多出来了什么文件
git clean -nd
# Would remove -funame.ext
# Would remove -funame2.ext
# Would remove .bashrc
# Would remove .gitconfig
# Would remove .profile
# Would remove dir/fn
# Would remove extra
# 统统删掉
git clean -fd
# Removing -funame.ext
# Removing -funame2.ext
# Removing .bashrc
# Removing .gitconfig
# Removing .profile
# Removing dir/fn
# Removing extra
(非常危险,请一定先git clean -n
echo 'fff' >.gitignore
git add .gitignore
touch fff
touch extra
# 准备删掉多出来的non-ignored文件
git clean -nd
# Would remove extra
# 准备删掉多出来的所有文件
git clean -ndx
# Would remove extra
# Would remove fff
# 准备删掉多出来的ignored文件
git clean -ndX
# Would remove fff
- Lv1
git update-index --add --cacheinfo <mode>,<SHA1>,<path>
- 不常用Lv2
git update-index --add [--info-only] -- <path>
git update-index --force-remove -- <path>
git checkout-index -fu [--prefix=<pf>] -a
git checkout-index -fu [--prefix=<pf>] -- <path>
- 常用Lv2
git update-index --chmod +x -- <path>
git ls-files -s
git ls-files -s -- <path>
git read-tree [--prefix=<pf>] <tree-ish>
git write-tree [--prefix=<pf>]
- Lv3
git add -f -- <path>
git rm --cached -- <path>
git mv
git restore [--source <tree-ish>] [--staged] [--worktree] -- <path>
git commit
git stash [pop]
git clean -nd [-x|-X] [-- <path>]
- 交互式修改index
git add -p
git restore -p