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vite-plugin-shopify aims to integrate Vite as seamlessly as possible with Shopify themes for a best-in-class developer experience.


  • ⚡️ Everything Vite provides, plus:
  • 🤖 Automatic entrypoint detection
  • 🏷 Smart generation of script and link tags for entrypoints
  • 🌎 Full support for assets served from Shopify CDN
  • 👌 Zero-Config


npm i vite-plugin-shopify -D

# yarn
yarn add vite-plugin-shopify -D

# pnpm
pnpm add vite-plugin-shopify -D


Vite Plugin

Add the shopify plugin to vite.config.js / vite.config.ts:

import viteShopify from "vite-plugin-shopify";

export default {
  plugins: [
    /* Plugin options are not required, defaults shown */
      // Root path to your Shopify theme directory (location of snippets, sections, templates, etc.)
      themeRoot: "./",
      // Front-end source code directory
      sourceCodeDir: "frontend",
      // Front-end entry points directory
      entrypointsDir: "frontend/entrypoints",
      // Additional files to use as entry points (accepts an array of file paths or glob patterns)
      additionalEntrypoints: []

You can customize this file as needed. Check Vite's plugins and config reference for more info.

File structure

The Shopify Vite plugin treats each script and stylesheet in the entrypoints directory (frontend/entrypoints by default) as an input for the Vite build. You can organize the rest of your frontend code however you'd like. For example:

  ├── entrypoints
  │   │ # Vite entry point files
  │   │── theme.ts
  │   └── theme.scss
  │ # Additional frontend source files to be imported from entrypoints
  │── components
  │   └── App.vue
  │── stylesheets
  │   └── my_styles.css
  └── images
      └── logo.svg
  • Only script and stylesheet files are supported as entrypoints.
  • You can customize where vite-plugin-shopify loads entrypoints by specifying a value for the entrypointsDir plugin option.

Adding scripts and styles to your theme

In your <head> element add this

{%- render 'vite-client' -%}
  • vite-plugin-shopify will generate vite-client.liquid.
  • This will add a <script> tag to load the ViteJS HMR client.
  • This will only render if the dev server is running.

Then render the vite-tag snippet (in your <head> element too) to insert tags for loading assets from a given entrypoint file:

{% render 'vite-tag' with 'theme.ts' %}
  • vite-plugin-shopify will generate new versions of vite-tag.liquid during development and on each production build.
  • The vite-tag snippet will render HTML tags to load the provided entrypoint.
  • Script tags are generated with a type="module" and crossorigin attributes like Vite does by default.
  • In production mode, the asset_url filter is used to load resources from the Shopify CDN.
  • In production mode, the vite-tag snippet will automatically render separate tags for loading stylesheets and preloading imported JS chunks.
  • When running the development server, these tags are omitted, as Vite will load the dependencies as separate modules.
{% render 'vite-tag' with 'theme.ts' %}

# HTML output (development)
<script src="http://localhost:5173/theme.ts" type="module"></script>

# HTML output (production)
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ 'theme.4d95c99b.css' | asset_url }}">
<script src="{{ 'theme.3b623fca.js' | asset_url }}" type="module" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
<link href="{{ 'lodash.13b0d649.js' | asset_url }}" rel="modulepreload" as="script" crossorigin="anonymous">
  • In development mode, assets are loaded from the Vite development server host.
  • In production mode, assets are loaded from the Shopify CDN using the asset_url filter and a relative base path.

Loading additionalEntrypoints:

# Relative to sourceCodeDir
{%- render 'vite-tag' with '@/foo.ts' -%}
{%- render 'vite-tag' with '~/foo.ts' -%}

# Relative to themeRoot
{%- render 'vite-tag' with '/resources/bar.ts' -%} # leading slash is required

Preloading stylesheets:

{%- render 'vite-tag' with 'theme.css', preload_stylesheet: true -%}

Note: The preload_stylesheet parameter will enable the preload parameter of the stylesheet_tag, use it sparingly e.g. consider preloading only render-blocking stylesheets. Learn more

Import aliases

For convenience, ~/ and @/ are aliased to your frontend folder, which simplifies imports:

import App from "@/components/App.vue";
import "@/styles/my_styles.css";


See the vite-shopify-example theme for a basic demonstration of vite-plugin-shopify usage.


  • Unit tests


Please create an issue if you found any bugs, to help us improve this project!


We would like to specifically thank the following projects, for inspiring us and helping guide the implementation for this plugin by example: