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Angular UI NestedSortable

Build Status

Angular NestedSortable is an AngularJS UI component that can sort nested lists, provides drag & drop support and doesn't depend on jQuery.


  • Uses the native AngularJS scope for data binding
  • Sorted and move items through the entire tree
  • Prevent elements from accepting child nodes

Supported browsers

The Angular NestedSortable is tested with the following browsers:

  • Chrome (stable)
  • Firefox
  • IE 8, 9 and 10

For IE8 support, make sure you do the following:


Watch the NestedSortable component in action on the demo page.


  • Angularjs



  • Using bower to install it. bower install Angular-NestedSortable
  • Download from github.

Load Script

Load the script file: angular-nested-sortable.js in your application:

<script type="text/javascript" src="bower_components/angular-nested-sortable/angular-nested-sortable.js"></script>


Add the sortable module as a dependency to your application module:

var myAppModule = angular.module('MyApp', ['ui.nestedSortable'])

Injecting ui.nestedSortable, ui-nested-sortable-item and ui-nested-sortable-handle to your html.

HTML View or Templates

<ol ui-nested-sortable="" ng-model="list">
  <li ng-repeat="item in list" ui-nested-sortable-item="">
    <div ui-nested-sortable-handle>
    <ol ui-nested-sortable="" ng-model="item.items">
      <li ng-repeat="subItem in item.items" ui-nested-sortable-item="">
        <div ui-nested-sortable-handle>

Developing Notes:

  • Using ng-model to bind the list data with element. It should be an array and it's required.
  • Adding ui-nested-sortable to your root element.
  • Adding ui-nested-sortable-item to your item element, it always follow the ng-repeat attribute.
  • Adding ui-nested-sortable-handle to mark which element do you want to handle the drage action
  • All ui-nested-sortable, ng-model, ui-nested-sortable-item and ui-nested-sortable-handle are necessary. And they can be nested.
  • If you add a data-nodrag attribute to an element, the element won't response for the drag action.
  • If you changed the datasource bound, sometimes you have to call $scope.$apply() to refresh the view, otherwise you will get an error Cannot read property '0' of undefined (Issue #32).


Scope of Sortable

The scope of a ui-nested-sortable element.



Data type: Array
The data bound with current scope.



if a ui-nested-sortable element belongs to another ui-nested-sortable-item element, using parentItemScope() to get the scope of it's parent item.


Calculate it's level in the tree. The level of a root element is 1.


Collapse all sub-nodes.


Expand all sub-nodes.


The Callbacks can be passed through the directive.

myAppModule.controller('MyController', function($scope) {
  $scope.items = [...];
  $scope.sortableOptions = {
    accept: function(modelData, sourceItemScope, targetScope, destIndex) {
      return true;
    itemRemoved: function(scope, modelData, sourceIndex) {

    itemAdded: function(scope, modelData, destIndex) {

    itemMoved: function(sourceScope, modelData, sourceIndex, destScope, destIndex) {

    orderChanged: function(scope, modelData, sourceIndex, destIndex) {

    itemClicked: function(modelData) {
    start: function(scope, modelData, elements) {

    move: function(scope, modelData, elements) {

    stop: function(scope, modelData, elements) {

<ol ui-nested-sortable="sortableOptions" ng-model="items">
  <li ng-repeat="item in items" ui-nested-sortable-item="">
    <div ui-nested-sortable-handle>
  • accept callback: Check if the dragging item can be dropped to current item. return true means it can be dropped here. return false means it cann't.
  • itemRemoved callback: When a sub-item is removed.
  • itemAdded callback: When a sub-item is added.
  • itemMoved callback: When a sub-item is moved from a node to another node.
  • orderChanged callback: Is only fired if the dragged item gets dropped at the same parent node.
  • itemClicked callback: When an item is clicked.
  • start callback: When an item starts to drag.
  • move callback: When an item is moving.
  • stop callback: When an item stops dragging.
  • scope, sourceScope or sourceItemScope is the scope object of the dragging item

  • targetScope is the scope object which the dragging item is dragging over.

  • modelData is the data bint with the dragging item

  • destScope is the scope object which the dragged item dropped.

  • sourceIndex is the index of item before it dragged.

  • destIndex is the index of item after it dropped.

  • elements is a collection of dragging elements.

    • placeholder: the placeholder element.
    • dragging: the current dragging element.

Scope of Item

The scope of a ui-nested-sortable-item element.



Data type: Bool
true: Current item is collapsed;
false: Current item is expanded.



Get the model data which bind with the scope.


Get the max level of all the sub-items of the scope. If there is no sub-items, return 0.


Get the scope of the parent ui-nested-sortable element.


Get the scope of the child ui-nested-sortable element.


Collapse current node.


Expand current node.

NgModules Link

Give us a like on ngmodules

Development environment setup



  • Grunt (task automation)
  • Bower (package management)


Run the commands below in the project root directory.

#####1. Install Grunt and Bower

$ sudo npm install -g grunt-cli bower

#####2. Install project dependencies

$ npm install
$ bower install

Useful commands

####Running a Local Development Web Server To debug code and run end-to-end tests, it is often useful to have a local HTTP server. For this purpose, we have made available a local web server based on Node.js.

To start the web server, run:

$ grunt webserver

To access the local server, enter the following URL into your web browser:


By default, it serves the contents of the demo project.

####Building NestedSortable To build NestedSortable, you use the following command.

$ grunt build

This will generate non-minified and minified JavaScript files in the dist directory.

####Run tests You can run the tests once or continuous.

$ grunt test
$ grunt test:continuous