This project uses Semantic Versioning and follows these changelog guidelines.
- ensure six is a newer version
update the patch for responses' cookie parsing library.
- supports latest responses
properly keep strings as six.text_types in the cassete
- should fix using, json=dict(...))
- should fix using
- custom wrappers now work properly in playback mode
allow more customizations for naming cassettes (based on callables), although for now the old convention of naming cassettes is still being the default one.
allow for custome wrappers around HTTP transactions mocked by vts
- reseting the vts recorder now waits for any background jobs started by the tested code
- to be filled in
- proper comparison for warnings when comparing request body vs recorded tracks.
- proper comparison for request bodies when matching against recorded tracks.
- unittests vs python 2.7 and 3.6
- don't record set-cookie in case cookies library fails to parse it. This is to mitigate responses usage of cookies.
- support for chunked http transactions
- allow requests to be recorded in multi-(g)threaded environments.
- no change, expect pypi's fixed description for CHANGELOG link
add support for python3
playback mode: improved comparison of HTTP requests agains the recorded ones. By default a warning is being logged or if "strict_body" is enabled the body is being asserted
recording mode: beside switching to this mode when a cassette file is missing, now it's possile to force this mode by using
environment variable
- remove almost all usages of external sites for unittests
- disable the matching of requests' bodies to the recorded requests bodies.
- minor changes to description page on PyPI
- recording mode: when a cassette file is missing all http calls are requested using requests library and the HTTP request-response pair is saved to the cassette file
- playback mode: when a cassette file is present, its information is being rewind-ed into responses callback mocks.
- an unrecognized HTTP request during playback will obey the default behaviour of responses
- cassettes names and locations are determined by default using test module location and name.
pytest fixture is now parametrizable, usingindirect=[]