[Home](./index.md) > [react-native-bitmovin-player](./react-native-bitmovin-player.md) > [Player](./react-native-bitmovin-player.player.md) ## Player class The player component. Signature: ```typescript declare class Player extends PureComponent ``` Extends: PureComponent<PlayerProps ## Constructors | Constructor | Modifiers | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | [(constructor)(props)](./react-native-bitmovin-player.player._constructor_.md) | | Constructs a new instance of the Player class | ## Properties | Property | Modifiers | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | [\_onEvent](./react-native-bitmovin-player.player._onevent.md) | | (event: NativeSyntheticEvent<Event>) => void | | | [\_onPlay](./react-native-bitmovin-player.player._onplay.md) | | (event: NativeSyntheticEvent<PlayEvent>) => void | | | [\_onReady](./react-native-bitmovin-player.player._onready.md) | | (event: NativeSyntheticEvent<Event>) => void | | | [create](./react-native-bitmovin-player.player.create.md) | | (config: PlayerConfig) => void | | | [destroy](./react-native-bitmovin-player.player.destroy.md) | | () => void | | | [getCurrentTime](./react-native-bitmovin-player.player.getcurrenttime.md) | | (mode?: "absolute" \| "relative" \| undefined) => Promise<number> | | | [getDuration](./react-native-bitmovin-player.player.getduration.md) | | () => Promise<number> | | | [getSource](./react-native-bitmovin-player.player.getsource.md) | | () => Promise<Source \| null> | | | [getVolume](./react-native-bitmovin-player.player.getvolume.md) | | () => Promise<number> | | | [isAirPlayActive](./react-native-bitmovin-player.player.isairplayactive.md) | | () => Promise<boolean> | | | [isAirPlayAvailable](./react-native-bitmovin-player.player.isairplayavailable.md) | | () => Promise<boolean> | | | [isDestroyed](./react-native-bitmovin-player.player.isdestroyed.md) | | () => Promise<boolean> | | | [isLive](./react-native-bitmovin-player.player.islive.md) | | () => Promise<boolean> | | | [isMuted](./react-native-bitmovin-player.player.ismuted.md) | | () => Promise<boolean> | | | [isPaused](./react-native-bitmovin-player.player.ispaused.md) | | () => Promise<boolean> | | | [isPlaying](./react-native-bitmovin-player.player.isplaying.md) | | () => Promise<boolean> | | | [loadSource](./react-native-bitmovin-player.player.loadsource.md) | | (config: SourceConfig) => void | | | [mute](./react-native-bitmovin-player.player.mute.md) | | () => void | | | [pause](./react-native-bitmovin-player.player.pause.md) | | () => void | | | [play](./react-native-bitmovin-player.player.play.md) | | () => void | | | [seek](./react-native-bitmovin-player.player.seek.md) | | (time: number) => void | | | [setVolume](./react-native-bitmovin-player.player.setvolume.md) | | (volume: number) => void | | | [unload](./react-native-bitmovin-player.player.unload.md) | | () => void | | | [unmute](./react-native-bitmovin-player.player.unmute.md) | | () => void | | ## Methods | Method | Modifiers | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | [componentDidMount()](./react-native-bitmovin-player.player.componentdidmount.md) | | | | [componentWillUnmount()](./react-native-bitmovin-player.player.componentwillunmount.md) | | | | [render()](./react-native-bitmovin-player.player.render.md) | | |