/localStorage (example)
- Component can define nested components or services.
- Scene can define nested scenes, components, or services.
- Service can define nested services.
- Nested features can only use from its parent.
Note: By parent feature, I mean a parent, grandparent, great-grandparent etc… You cannot use a feature that is a “cousin”, this is not allowed. You will need to move it to a parent to use it.
- Basic building blocks
- Root components are shared across whole app
- Nested components can only be used by parent
- Example:
- Button can be used anywhere
- Notifications can be used anywhere
- ButtonDismiss uses Button but can only be used in Notifications
- Example:
- Components can contain components, and services
- Pages of the application
- A component
- Scenes can contain scenes, components, and services
- Not a copmonent
- Self-contained module
- E.g. core business logic
- Api requests should happen through a service
- To be able to better write acceptance tests, components that needs to show data should recieve it through it's properties. A container component shoud encapsulate the component. The role of this component will be to have a connection to the redux store.
An example could be the UserOverview scene under the Users scene. The overview contains a userlist. The userlist itself is a stateless component that takes a few properties that is being passed to it, throught the UserListContainer component.
- In a folder called
- Located next to the file under test.
- Example:
has tests in/scenes/Home/__tests__/index.tsx
- Example:
Note: Currently there's a warning with React 16
console.error node_modules\fbjs\lib\warning.js:33
Warning: React depends on requestAnimationFrame. Make sure that you load a polyfill in older browsers. http://fb.me/react-polyfills
How to better organize your React applications? How to use Redux on highly scalable javascript applications?