Releases: bk138/multivnc
🛠 Fixes
- Fixed Triple-T changelog to simply point to online
- Fixed a race crash in VNCConnService, now in a more robust way.
🛠 Fixes
- Fixed possible crash on connecting to servers that immediately sent a NewFBSize.
- Fixed a race crash in VNCConnService.
Version 2.0.0 is the culmination of the 1.9.x series and marks the completion of exchanging the previous Java-based RFB engine with a fully native one based on LibVNCClient. Here's why that happened:
It's more feature-rich: the native backend now supports Apple Remote Desktop servers (i.e. all Macs), UltraVNC's MSLogon security type (Microsoft Windows) and Vino's AnonTLS authentication (GNOME's remote desktop server).
It's faster: with LibVNCClient, MultiVNC can now finally make use of Tight VNC encoding, a lossy JPEG encoding which drastically reduces needed throughput capacity. Also, the now-native JPEG decoding can make use of libjpeg-turbo, a JPEG image codec that uses SIMD instructions to accelerate JPEG decompression.
Big thanks go out to Gaurav Ujjwal who contributed a lot of very good UI improvements as well as under-the-hood changes. You might want to check out his excellent AVNC VNC client for Android. Thanks also to Alexandr Kondratev, Sergiy Stupar, Suso Comesaña, ferrumcccp,nagasawa and Frischid for contributing code and translations.
- Fixed keyboards covering ½ the screen in landscape mode.
- Fixed a possible crash on Android 9.
- Changed support dialog to propose 1.9.x versions.