xboxdrv is a driver for Xbox and Xbox360 gamepads. It works by reading the raw data from the controller with the userspace library libusb and then passes the interpreted data to the kernel via uinput. This allows xboxdrv to provide regular joystick and event devices, which makes it compatible with all Linux software.
xbox 360 wireless controller
xbox 360 wireless gaming receiver (support up to 4 controllers)
Note: if you want to see a list of other supported devices
xboxdrv --list-supported-devices
(might also be called: xserver-xorg-input-joystick )
Note: uninstall this because we want to disable the joystick from moving the mouse cursor
sudo vim /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf
blacklist xpad
Note: add that line into the conf file to disable xpad so it will not interfere with the xbox controller
sudo vim /etc/default/xboxdrv
silent = true
# controller 1
trigger-as-button = true
dpad-as-button = true
deadzone = 4000
# controller 2
next-controller = true
trigger-as-button = true
dpad-as-button = true
deadzone = 4000
# controller 3
next-controller = true
trigger-as-button = true
dpad-as-button = true
deadzone = 4000
# controller 4
next-controller = true
trigger-as-button = true
dpad-as-button = true
deadzone = 4000
dbus = disabled
sudo systemctl enable xboxdrv.service
sudo systemctl start xboxdrv.service
Note: just to be sure restart your computer to apply all the changes
The Xbox 360 controller does not have an "off" button
It will auto shutoff when it idles for about 5-10mins
To turn it on just hold the middle Xbox logo button
_ _ _ _
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| (_| | (_) | |_| |_) | | __/ |_| |_| |
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