Releases: blue-marble/gridpath
Releases · blue-marble/gridpath
GridPath v0.7.2
Changes since v0.7.1:
- Fix bug in importing all subscenario IDs
- Only delete temp test DB files if they exist
- Fix GP script path on Windows with Anaconda environment
GridPath v0.7.1
Changes since v0.7.1:
- Refactor results-processing column updates and fix bug of failing to update spinup_and_lookahead column in results tables
- Clarify capacity costs w/o spinup/lookahead by adding column in results_project_costs_capacity table; also disallow NULLs for the spinup_or_lookahead flag
GridPath v0.7.0
Changes since v0.6.1:
- Support for market-participation/asset-valuation
- Record end time when E2E run errors out
- Upgrade for compatibility with Pyomo v5.7
- Various refactoring and minor bug fixes
- Minor updates to docs
GridPath v0.6.1
Changes since v0.6.0:
- Bugfix: only write/load by-tmp reserve req if specified
- Bugfix: small fix to scenario utility arguments
GridPath v0.6.0
Changes since v0.5.1:
- Allow soft startup and shutdown ramp constraints
- Support for aggregated project files
- Support curtailment cost
- Fix bug in gen_always_on validation
- Enhanced support for loading scenarios from CSV
- Support for deleting scenarios via scenario utility
GridPath v0.5.1
Changes since v0.5.0:
- Fix inefficient update of the spinup_and_lookahead flag in the by-timepoint results tables
GridPath v0.5.0
Changes since v0.4.0:
- Results dashboard added
- Timepoints in results tables are now tagged with spinup_or_lookahead flag
- Simple startup costs allowed in gen_commit_bin and gen_commit_lin
- Improvements to documentation
- Doc files modularized in CSV directories
- Inefficient insert fixed
GridPath v0.4.0
Changes since v0.3.0:
- The min up/down and ramp up/down constraints of the
can now be made soft by specifying a violation penalty - Prior data for a specific subscenario ID can now be deleted before reimporting by specifying the
flag when running the port script - Additional aggregate database tables in preparation for results dashboard functionality
GridPath v0.3.0
Changes since v0.2.0:
- Refactor and reorganize input validation functions
- Fix write_validation_to_database error that was writing out duplicate validation results
- Add additional input validation checks to various modules
- Add an input validation check to the unittests for each test example and updated test example inputs such that there are no validation errors (note: this changes the test examples’ objective functions)
- Refactor and reorganize port-CSVs-to-database functionality
- Allow for individual subscenario directories or CSVs to be loaded into the database
- Track solver termination condition
- Update ELCC surface formulation
- Various bugfixes
GridPath v0.2.0
Major features and changes implemented since Workshop 2:
- Allow no fuels
- Change loading levels to percentage of capacity in heat rate curves
- Optional auxiliary consumption
- Cost input units are now per MW/MWh (not per kW/kWh)
- Implement variable O&M curve
- Add period index to heat rate and variable O&M curve inputs
- Support for specifying RPS targets as percent of load
- Support for specifying reserves as percent of load
- Linked subproblems
- Flexible units