Configure the Box CLI
box configure:environments:add PATH
box configure:environments:delete [NAME]
box configure:environments:get
box configure:environments:select [ID]
box configure:environments:set-current [ID]
box configure:environments:switch-user [USERID]
box configure:environments:update [NAME]
box configure:settings
Add a new Box environment
$ box configure:environments:add PATH [--no-color] [-h] [-v] [-q] [--private-key-path <value>] [--set-as-current] [-n <value>]
[--ccg-user <value> --ccg-auth]
PATH Provide a file path to configuration file
-h, --help
Show CLI help
-n, --name=<value>
[default: default] Set a name for the environment
-q, --quiet
Suppress any non-error output to stderr
-v, --verbose
Show verbose output, which can be helpful for debugging
Add a CCG environment that will use service account. You will have to provide enterprise ID with client id and
Provide an ID for a user for CCG. Use it to obtain user token. In order to enable generating user token you have to
go to your application configuration that can be found here
In`Configuration` tab, in section `Advanced Features` select `Generate user access tokens`.
Do not forget to re-authorize application if it was already authorized.
Turn off colors for logging
Provide a path to application private key
Set this new environment as your current environment
Add a new Box environment
See code: src/commands/configure/environments/add.js
Delete a Box environment
$ box configure:environments:delete [NAME] [--no-color] [-h] [-v] [-q]
NAME Name of the environment
-h, --help Show CLI help
-q, --quiet Suppress any non-error output to stderr
-v, --verbose Show verbose output, which can be helpful for debugging
--no-color Turn off colors for logging
Delete a Box environment
See code: src/commands/configure/environments/delete.js
Get a Box environment
$ box configure:environments:get [--no-color] [-h] [-v] [-q] [-c | -n <value>]
-c, --current Get the current default Box environment
-h, --help Show CLI help
-n, --name=<value> Get a Box environment with this name
-q, --quiet Suppress any non-error output to stderr
-v, --verbose Show verbose output, which can be helpful for debugging
--no-color Turn off colors for logging
Get a Box environment
See code: src/commands/configure/environments/get.js
Set your current Box environment to use
$ box configure:environments:select [ID] [--no-color] [-h] [-v] [-q]
ID Name of the environment
-h, --help Show CLI help
-q, --quiet Suppress any non-error output to stderr
-v, --verbose Show verbose output, which can be helpful for debugging
--no-color Turn off colors for logging
Set your current Box environment to use
$ box configure:environments:select
Set your current Box environment to use
$ box configure:environments:set-current [ID] [--no-color] [-h] [-v] [-q]
ID Name of the environment
-h, --help Show CLI help
-q, --quiet Suppress any non-error output to stderr
-v, --verbose Show verbose output, which can be helpful for debugging
--no-color Turn off colors for logging
Set your current Box environment to use
$ box configure:environments:select
See code: src/commands/configure/environments/set-current.js
Switch the default Box user to run commands as
$ box configure:environments:switch-user [USERID] [-t <value>] [--as-user <value>] [--no-color] [--json | --csv] [-s |
--save-to-file-path <value>] [--fields <value>] [--bulk-file-path <value>] [-h] [-v] [-y] [-q] [--default]
USERID The user ID to switch to
-h, --help Show CLI help
-q, --quiet Suppress any non-error output to stderr
-s, --save Save report to default reports folder on disk
-t, --token=<value> Provide a token to perform this call
-v, --verbose Show verbose output, which can be helpful for debugging
-y, --yes Automatically respond yes to all confirmation prompts
--as-user=<value> Provide an ID for a user
--bulk-file-path=<value> File path to bulk .csv or .json objects
--csv Output formatted CSV
--default Switch to the default user, i.e. the Service Account
--fields=<value> Comma separated list of fields to show
--json Output formatted JSON
--no-color Turn off colors for logging
--save-to-file-path=<value> Override default file path to save report
Switch the default Box user to run commands as
See code: src/commands/configure/environments/switch-user.js
Update a Box environment
$ box configure:environments:update [NAME] [--no-color] [-h] [-v] [-q] [--config-file-path <value>] [--name <value>]
[--private-key-path <value>] [--user-id <value>] [--cache-tokens]
NAME The name of the environment
-h, --help Show CLI help
-q, --quiet Suppress any non-error output to stderr
-v, --verbose Show verbose output, which can be helpful for debugging
--[no-]cache-tokens Enable token caching, which significantly improves performance. Run with
--no-cache-tokens and then --cache-tokens if your application config updates are not
reflected in your requests.
--config-file-path=<value> Provide a file path to configuration file
--name=<value> New name of the environment
--no-color Turn off colors for logging
--private-key-path=<value> Provide a file path to application private key
--user-id=<value> Store a default user ID to use with the session commands. A default user ID can be
stored for each Box environment
Update a Box environment
See code: src/commands/configure/environments/update.js
View and update CLI configuration settings
$ box configure:settings [--no-color] [-h] [-v] [-q] [--json] [--enable-proxy] [--proxy-url <value>] [--proxy-username
<value> --proxy-password <value>] [--downloads-folder-path <value>] [--file-format csv|json|txt] [--output-json]
[--reports-folder-path <value>] [--enable-analytics-client] [--analytics-client-name <value>]
-h, --help Show CLI help
-q, --quiet Suppress any non-error output to stderr
-v, --verbose Show verbose output, which can be helpful for debugging
--analytics-client-name=<value> Set custom analytics client header value
--downloads-folder-path=<value> Set folder path for the downloads folder
--[no-]enable-analytics-client Enable or disable custom analytics client
--[no-]enable-proxy Enable or disable proxy
--file-format=<option> Set the file format for generated reports
<options: csv|json|txt>
--json Output CLI configuration settings in JSON format
--no-color Turn off colors for logging
--[no-]output-json Default to JSON output for all commands
--proxy-password=<value> Set password for proxy
--proxy-url=<value> Set proxy url, which should contain the protocol, url, and port (i.e.
--proxy-username=<value> Set username for proxy
--reports-folder-path=<value> Set folder path for the reports folder
View and update CLI configuration settings
See code: src/commands/configure/settings.js