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1191 lines (861 loc) · 42.6 KB

File metadata and controls

1191 lines (861 loc) · 42.6 KB



  • Add payer_name, bic and iban_last_chars to LocalPaymentCompleted webhook
  • Add edit_paypal_vault_id to PayPalAccount
  • Removes redundant integration test for provision_raw_apple_pay
  • Add ani_first_name_response_code and ani_last_name_response_code to CreditCardVerification
  • Add shipping_tax_amount to Tranaction


  • Add foreign_retailer to Transaction
  • Add international_phone to Address and Customer
  • Add funding_source_description to PayPalAccount
  • Add missing GooglePayCard error code
  • Add REFUND_FAILED to Webhook Notification
  • Add final_capture to Transaction _submit_for_partial_settlement_signature
  • Deprecate paypal_tracking_id in favor of paypal_tracker_id in package_details.rb


  • Deprecate credit method in credit_card and credit_card_gateway
  • Deprecate sale method in credit_card and credit_card_gateway
  • Add domains parameter support to ClientToken::generate


  • Add UnderReview status to Dispute
  • Add DisputeUnderReview webhook to WebhookNotification
  • Cleanup useless assignments in XML::Parser, Util, HTTP, Disbursement, and Configuration classes
  • Fix issue where advanced searches using between were not correctly evaluating values larger than the minimum


  • Add process_debit_as_credit to credit_card field in options field during Transaction create
  • Add package_tracking method to transaction_gateway to make request to add tracking information to transactions
  • Add packages to Transaction object
  • Add image_url,upc_code, and upc_type to LineItems in transaction_gateway


  • Add PickupInStore to ShippingMethod enum
  • Add external_vault and risk_data to CreditCardVerification create request


  • Add meta_checkout_card and meta_checkout_token payment methods
  • Add meta_checkout_card_details and meta_checkout_token_details to Transaction
  • Add industry_data to Transaction.submit_for_settlement options
  • Add dateOfBirth and countryCode parameters to
  • Add billing_address and shipping_address to VenmoProfileData
  • Add additional_processor_response to UsBankAccountVerification
  • Add verification_add_ons to PaymentMethod create options for ACH NetworkCheck
  • Add Maestro to DebitNetwork enum


  • Add retry_ids, retried_transaction_id, and debit_network to Transaction
  • Add evidence_submittable to Dispute
  • Add implicitly_vaulted_payment_method_token and implicitly_vaulted_payment_method_global_id to LocalPaymentDetails
  • Add merchant_token_identifier and source_card_last4 to ApplePayCard and ApplePayDetails response objects
  • Add debit_network to TransactionSearch
  • Add DebitNetwork enum to CreditCard
  • Add SubscriptionBillingSkipped webhook notification support
  • Deprecate three_d_secure_token in favor of three_d_secure_authentication_id
  • Deprecate venmo_sdk_session, venmo_sdk_payment_method_code, and venmo_sdk?


  • Add payment_receipt object to Transaction
  • Add global_id string to UsBankAccountDetails


  • Add retry_ids array to Transaction
  • Add retried_transaction_id string to Transaction
  • Add merchant_token_identifier and source_card_last4 to ApplePayCard and ApplePayDetails response objects
  • Add processing_overrides to options
  • Add arrival_date and ticket_issuer_address to industry object in Transaction and add industry to Transaction.submit_for_settlement


  • Add merchant_advice_code and merchant_advice_code_text to Transaction object


  • Add intended_transaction_source to CreditCardVerificationGateway
  • Add payment_method_nonce to CreditCardVerificationGateway
  • Add three_d_secure_authentication_id to CreditCardVerificationGateway
  • Add three_d_secure_pass_thru to CreditCardVerificationGateway
  • Add network_tokenization_attributes parameter to
  • Add network_token_details to response
  • Add is_network_tokenized to CreditCardDetails
  • Add subscriptions to SepaDirectDebitAccount


  • Add billing_address attribute reader to ApplePayCard
  • Add pre_dispute_program to Dispute and DisputeSearch
  • Add AutoAccepted status to Dispute
  • Add DisputeAutoAccepted webhook to WebhookNotification
  • Add ExcessiveRetry to GatewayRejectionReason
  • Add SEPADirectDebitAccount payment method
  • Add sepa_direct_debit_return_code to Transaction
  • Add sepa_direct_debit_account_details to Transaction
  • Add sepa_direct_debit_account_nonce_details to PaymentMethodNonceDetails
  • Add SEPA_DIRECT_DEBIT_ACCOUNT to PaymentInstrumentType
  • Add sepa_debit_paypal_v2_order_id to TransactionSearch
  • Add sepa_direct_debit_accounts to Customer
  • Add SEPA Direct Debit specific error codes


  • Add cardholder_name attribute reader to ApplePayCard (Thanks @AxelTheGerman)
  • Deprecate chargeback_protection_level and add protection_level to Dispute and DisputeSearch


  • Add ach_return_responses to Transaction for search results that search for transaction that have ach return response related data.
  • Add ach_return_responses_created_at range field to to TransactionSearch
  • Add reason_code to TransactionSearch to search for reason codes on transaction that have ach return responses associated with them.
  • Add 'ExchangeRateQuoteAPI'
  • Add LiabilityShift class and liability_shift field to RiskData
  • Replace generic errors with api_error_response


  • Add AchReturnCode to transaction object
  • Add retried boolean to Transaction


  • Add PaymentMethodCustomerDataUpdated webhook notification support


  • Add plan create/update/find API endpoint
  • Add support for TransactionReview webhook notification


  • Sanitize encrypted_card_data logs
  • Add LocalPaymentExpired and LocalPaymentFunded webhook notification support


  • Add a log message to the ArgumentError at TransactionGateway.find
  • Add exchange_rate_quote_id to Transaction.create
  • Add error code ExchangeRateQuoteIdTooLong to Transaction
  • Add the following fields to ApplePayCard and GooglePayCard:
    • commercial
    • debit
    • durbin_regulated
    • healthcare
    • payroll
    • prepaid
    • product_id
    • country_of_issuance
    • issuing_bank
  • Add the following fields to PayPalDetails:
    • tax_id
    • tax_id_type


  • Add default? to PaymentMethodNonce (thanks @klouvas)
  • Add error code TaxAmountIsRequiredForAibSwedish for attribute tax_amount in transaction key for AIB:Domestic Transactions in Sweden


  • Add payment_reader_card_details parameter to
  • Add webhook sample for GrantedPaymentMethodRevoked
  • Add skip_advanced_fraud_checking to:
    • Customer#create and Customer#update
    • PaymentMethod#create and PaymentMethod#update
    • CreditCard#create and CreditCard#update
  • Include rexml in Gemspec (fixes #214)
  • Fix incorrect error code constants (fixes #213)
    • PaymentMethodNonceConsumed is now 93107
    • CannotForwardPaymentMethodType is now 93106


  • Breaking Changes
    • Update gemspec to require ruby >= 2.6.0
    • Remove ExternalVault::CardTypeIsInvalid error code
    • Remove RiskData::CustomerBrowserIsTooLong error code
    • Remove paypal_vault_without_upgrade parameter from PaymentMethod#create
    • Add PaymentMethodNonceDetails and PaymentMethodNonceDetailsPayerInfo
      • PaymentMethodNonce#details is now an instance of PaymentMethodNonceDetails rather than a hash
      • PaymentMethodNonceDetails#payer_info is now an instance of PaymentMethodNonceDetailsPayerInfo rather than a hash
  • Add phone_number to Address
  • Add paypal_messages to Dispute
  • Add tax_identifiers parameter to Customer.create and Customer.update
  • Add chargeback_protection_level into dispute search
  • Make libxml-ruby an optional dependency instead of required (addresses JRuby incompatibility issues raised in #203 and #205)


  • Add local_payment_reversed webhook notification
  • Add Transaction.adjust_authorization method to support for multiple authorizations for a single transaction
  • Add merchant_account_id parameter to Transaction#refund
  • Add store_id and store_ids parameters to Transaction#search
  • Add support for ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone when generating XML (thanks @Tonkpils!)


  • Add decision_reasons and transaction_risk_score fields to RiskData
  • Add acs_transaction_id, pares_status, three_d_secure_transaction_id, lookup, and authentication to ThreeDSecureInfo


  • Add SCA exemption to Transaction sale
  • Add Installment support to Transaction sale
    • Add installment_count to Transaction
    • Add new Installment and Installment::Adjustment classes to Transaction
  • Add verification_currency_iso_code parameter to Customer.create, PaymentMethod.create, CreditCard.create, Customer.update, PaymentMethod.update, and CreditCard.update
  • Add currency_iso_code parameter to
  • Add validation errors
    • CreditCard::CurrencyCodeNotSupportedByMerchantAccount
    • Transaction::CurrencyCodeNotSupportedByMerchantAccount
  • Allows ResourceCollection#first to receive one argument and return that argument number of items(Thanks @regismesquita)


  • Add acquirer_reference_number to Transaction
  • Add billing_agreement_id to PayPalDetails
  • Update BinData class to correctly execute the inspect method.(Thanks @kinduff)


  • Add CreditCardVerification::GatewayRejectionReason
  • Memory improvements related to XML parsing (addresses #159)
  • Breaking changes:
    • Remove support for Transparent Redirect, Coinbase, iDEAL, Amex Express Checkout and Masterpass
    • Rename DownForMaintenanceError to ServiceUnavailableError
    • Update to raise an UnexpectedError if the search yields unexpected results
    • Add GatewayTimeoutError and RequestTimeoutError
    • Remove ForgedQueryString error
    • Remove error codes:
      • EuropeBankAccount.IBANIsRequired
      • EuropeBankAccount.BICIsRequired
      • EuropeBankAccount.AccountHolderNameIsRequired
      • SEPAMandate.AccountHolderNameIsRequired
      • SEPAMandate.BICIsRequired
      • SEPAMandate.IBANIsRequired
      • SEPAMandate.TypeIsRequired
      • SEPAMandate.IBANInvalidCharacter
      • SEPAMandate.BICInvalidCharacter
      • SEPAMandate.BICLengthIsInvalid
      • SEPAMandate.BICUnsupportedCountry
      • SEPAMandate.IBANUnsupportedCountry
      • SEPAMandate.IBANInvalidFormat
      • SEPAMandate.LocaleIsUnsupported
      • SEPAMandate.BillingAddressIsInvalid
      • SEPAMandate.TypeIsInvalid
      • Transaction.AmountDoesNotMatchIdealPaymentAmount
      • Transaction.IdealPaymentNotComplete
      • Transaction.IdealPaymentsCannotBeVaulted
      • Transaction.MerchantAccountDoesNotMatchIdealPaymentMerchantAccount
      • Transaction.OrderIdDoesNotMatchIdealPaymentOrderId
      • Transaction.OrderIdIsRequiredWithIdealPayment
      • TransactionLineItem.DiscountAmountMustBeGreaterThanZero
      • TransactionLineItem.UnitTaxAmountMustBeGreaterThanZero
    • Remove deprecated methods:
      • Address#delete
      • Address#update and Address#update!
      • CreditCard.grant
      • CreditCard#credit and CreditCard#credit!
      • CreditCard#delete
      • CreditCard#sale and CreditCard#sale!
      • CreditCard#update and CreditCard#update!
      • CreditCardGateway#grant
      • Customer#default_credit_card
      • Customer#sale and Customer#sale!
      • Customer#update and Customer#update!
      • Dispute#forwarded_comments
      • Subscription#next_bill_amount
      • Transaction#refund
      • Transaction#refund_id
      • Transaction#submit_for_settlement and Transaction#submit_for_settlement!
      • Transaction#void and Transaction#void!
    • Remove unused WebhookNotification::Kind::GrantedPaymentInstrumentUpdate
    • Rename all Android Pay classes and methods to Google Pay
    • Rename Dispute::HistoryEvent to Dispute::StatusHistory
    • Update the following methods to return Dates instead of Strings (fixes #161):
      • DisbursementDetails#disbursement_date
      • StatusHistory#disbursement_date
      • StatusHistory#effective_date
      • Subscription#billing_period_end_date
      • Subscription#billing_period_start_date
      • Subscription#first_billing_date
      • Subscription#next_billing_date
      • Subscription#paid_through_date
      • SubscriptionDetails#billing_period_end_date
      • SubscriptionDetails#billing_period_start_date
    • Bump API version to support declined refund objects
    • Remove deprecated parameters:
      • device_session_id from CreditCard#create, Transaction#sale, PaymentMethod#create, and Customer#create
      • fraud_merchant_id from CreditCard#create, Transaction#sale, PaymentMethod#create, and Customer#create
      • recurring from Transaction#sale
    • Update builder dependency to >= 3.2.4
    • Update libxml-ruby dependency to >= 3.2.0
    • Update gemspec to require ruby >= 2.5.0


This version has been yanked from rubygems, do not use.


  • Update LocalPaymentCompleted webhook to handle no transaction being created for unbranded local payment methods


  • Deprecate Masterpass and American Express Checkout payment methods.
  • Add installment_count accessor to dispute.transaction on dispute webhooks
  • Add implicitly_vaulted_payment_method_token and implicitly_vaulted_payment_method_global_id to paypal_details


  • Add RiskThreshold to gateway rejection reasons
  • Add network_transaction_id to CreditCardVerification
  • Add product_sku to Transaction
  • Add phone_number and shipping_method to AddressDetails
  • Add customer_device_id, customer_location_zip, and customer_tenure to RiskData
  • Add validation errors:
    • Transaction::ProductSkuIsInvalid
    • Transaction::ShippingMethodIsInvalid
    • Transaction::ShippingPhoneNumberIsInvalid
    • Transaction::BillingPhoneNumberIsInvalid
    • RiskData::CustomerBrowserIsTooLong
    • RiskData::CustomerDeviceIdIsTooLong
    • RiskData::CustomerLocationZipInvalidCharacters
    • RiskData::CustomerLocationZipIsInvalid
    • RiskData::CustomerLocationZipIsTooLong
    • RiskData::CustomerTenureIsTooLong
  • Add processed_with_network_token to Transaction
  • Add is_network_tokenized to CreditCard
  • Add created_at accessor to dispute.transaction on dispute webhooks (closes #200)


  • Add threeDSecurePassThru parameters to Customer.create, PaymentMethod.create, CreditCard.create, Customer.update, PaymentMethod.update, and CreditCard.update
  • Add recurring_customer_consentand recurring_max_amount options to authentication_insightto payment method nonce create
  • Add ThreeDSecure test payment method nonces
  • Add test AuthenticationIds
  • Add DisputeAccepted, DisputeDisputed, and DisputeExpired webhook constants
  • Add Authentication Insight to payment method nonce create
  • Add FileIsEmpty error to DocumentUpload
  • Add retrieval_reference_number to Transaction


  • Add RefundAuthHardDeclined and RefundAuthSoftDeclined to validation errors
  • Add is_network_tokenized? to android_pay_card and android_pay_details
  • Add handling for gzip encoding to graphql_client
  • Add Graphql ID to CreditCardVerification, Customer, Dispute, and Transaction
  • Add three_d_secure_authentication_id to ThreeDSecureInfo
  • Add three_d_secure_authentication_id support to transaction
  • Add level 2 processing options purchase_order_number, tax_amount, and tax_exempt to Transaction submit_for_settlement
  • Add level 3 processing options shipping_amount, discount_amount, ships_from_postal_code, and line_items to Transaction submit_for_settlement


  • Add ProcessorDoesNotSupportMotoForCardType to validation errors
  • Add bin to apple_pay_details and android_pay_details


  • Add processor_comments to Dispute
  • Deprecate forwarded_comments on Disputes


  • Add network_response_code and network_response_text to transactions and verifications
  • Add PayPalHereDetails
  • Add three_d_secure_info to credit_card_verification
  • Add xid, cavv, eciFlag, dsTransactionId, and threeDSecureVersion to ThreeDSecureInfo
  • Add graphql_client to Braintree::Gateway class
  • Add AmountNotSupportedByProcessor to validation error


  • Add capture_id to local_payment_details
  • Add refund_id to local_payment_details
  • Add debug_id to local_payment_details
  • Add transaction_fee_amount to local_payment_details
  • Add transaction_fee_currency_iso_code to local_payment_details
  • Add refund_from_transaction_fee_amount to local_payment_details
  • Add refund_from_transaction_fee_currency_iso_code to local_payment_details
  • Add three_d_secure_version, authentication_response, directory_response, cavv_algorithm and ds_transaction_id to 3DS pass thru fields
  • Add verification_account_type support for credit_card create/update and customer create/update
  • Add room_tax field to transactions
  • Add no_show field to transactions
  • Add advanced_deposit field to transactions
  • Add fire_safe field to transactions
  • Add property_phone field to transactions
  • Add additional_charges field to transactions
  • Add payer_info to payment_method_nonce details
  • Add PostalCodeIsRequiredForCardBrandAndProcessor to validation errors


  • Add prepaid field to android_pay_card
  • Add healthcare field to android_pay_card
  • Add debit field to android_pay_card
  • Add durbin_regulated field to android_pay_card
  • Add commercial field to android_pay_card
  • Add payroll field to android_pay_card
  • Add issuing_bank field to android_pay_card
  • Add country_of_issuance field to android_pay_card
  • Add product_id field to android_pay_card
  • Add global_id field to android_pay_card
  • Add prepaid field to apple_pay_card
  • Add healthcare field to apple_pay_card
  • Add debit field to apple_pay_card
  • Add durbin_regulated field to apple_pay_card
  • Add commercial field to apple_pay_card
  • Add payroll field to apple_pay_card
  • Add issuing_bank field to apple_pay_card
  • Add country_of_issuance field to apple_pay_card
  • Add product_id field to apple_pay_card
  • Add bin field to apple_pay_card
  • Add global_id field to apple_pay_card
  • Add refund_from_transaction_fee_amount field to paypal_details
  • Add refund_from_transaction_fee_currency_iso_code field to paypal_details
  • Add revoked_at field to paypal_account
  • Add support for PaymentMethodRevokedByCustomer webhook
  • Add payment_method_nonce field to LocalPaymentCompleted webhook
  • Add transaction field to LocalPaymentCompleted webhook
  • Add local_payment_detail field to transactions
  • Add TokenIssuance gateway rejection reason enum


  • Deprecate GrantedPaymentInstrumentUpdate and add GrantorUpdatedGrantedPaymentMethod and RecipientUpdatedGrantedPaymentMethod
  • Add account_type support for transaction sale, verification, and payment_method create/update


  • Add bin field to payment_method_nonce_details
  • Add Error indicating pdf uploads too long for dispute evidence.
  • Add GrantedPaymentMethodRevoked webhook response objects
  • Update BigDecimal#New calls to un-deprecated Kernel#BigDecimal calls
    • Thank you @john-denisov and @jfiander!


  • Allow PayPal payment ID and payer ID to be passed during transaction create
  • Add travel_flight support to industry-specific data
  • Add fraud_service_provider field to risk_data


  • Add processor_response_type to Transaction, AuthorizationAdjustment, and CreditCardVerification.
  • Add authorization_expires_at to Transaction


  • Add local payment webhook support
  • Add subscription charged unsuccessfully sample webhook to webhook testing gateway
  • Fix issue where environment was not automatically converted from a string to a symbol (#148, #164)
  • Fix issue where logger could not be set on gateway instance
  • Fix dispute results in transactions not showing the correct status sometimes
  • Whitelist usage of external_vault in transaction create.
  • Visa transactions will now contain a network_transaction_id in the response


  • Add processor_response_code and processor_response_text to authorization adjustments subfield in transaction response.
  • Stop restricting transaction_source values for Disputes search, allow searching by OAuth Application client_id
  • Add support for Samsung Pay


  • Warn when instantiating a Braintree::Gateway with mixed environments
  • Allow payee ID to be passed in options params for transaction create
  • Add merchant_id to ConnectedMerchantStatusTransitioned and ConnectedMerchantPayPalStatusChanged Auth webhooks


  • Add support for Micro Transfer ACH verifications
  • Add image_url and token attributes to AndroidPayDetails and ApplePayDetails


  • Add Dispute error ValidEvidenceRequiredToFinalize


  • Remove sepa_mandate_type and sepa_mandate_acceptance_location params from ClientTokenGateway
  • Add payer_id accessor in PayPalAccount
  • Add support for VCR compelling evidence dispute representment


  • Add support for oauth_access_revocation on WebhookNotifications
  • Add support for US Bank Account verifications via PaymentMethod#create, PaymentMethod#update, and Transaction#create
  • Add support for US Bank Account verification search


  • Add support for address.create! to gateway instance
  • Add support for address.update! to gateway instance
  • Add support for credit_card.create! to gateway instance
  • Add support for customer.create! to gateway instance
  • Add support for customer.update! to gateway instance
  • Add support for document_upload.create! to gateway instance
  • Add support for merchant_account.create! to gateway instance
  • Add support for merchant_account.update! to gateway instance
  • Add support for payment_method.create! to gateway instance
  • Add support for payment_method.update! to gateway instance
  • Add support for payment_method_nonce.create! to gateway instance
  • Add support for subscription.cancel! to gateway instance
  • Add support for subscription.create! to gateway instance
  • Add support for subscription.update! to gateway instance
  • Add support for subscription.retry_charge to gateway instance
  • Add support for transaction.cancel_release! to gateway instance
  • Add support for transaction.hold_in_escrow! to gateway instance
  • Add support for transaction.clone_transaction! to gateway instance
  • Add support for! to gateway instance
  • Add support for transaction.refund! to gateway instance
  • Add support for transaction.release_from_escrow! to gateway instance
  • Add support for! to gateway instance
  • Add support for transaction.submit_for_settlement! to gateway instance
  • Add support for transaction.submit_for_partial_settlement! to gateway instance
  • Add support for transaction.void! to gateway instance
  • Add support for profile_id in Transaction#create options for VenmoAccounts
  • Add support for association_filter_id in Customer#find
  • Add support for customer_id, disbursement_date and history_event_effective_date in Dispute#search
  • Update country names to have parity with documentation


  • Add support for tax_amount field on transaction line_items
  • Add support for source_merchant_id on webhooks
  • Deprecated DiscountAmountMustBeGreaterThanZero error in favor of DiscountAmountCannotBeNegative.
  • Deprecated UnitTaxAmountMustBeGreaterThanZero error in favor of UnitTaxAmountCannotBeNegative.
  • Add find_all static method to TransactionLineItem class


  • Add support for tagged evidence in DisputeGateway#add_text_evidence (Beta release)
  • Update https certificate bundle


  • Add support for line_items
  • Update README to use instance methods


  • Fix spec to expect PayPal transactions to move to settling rather than settled
  • Fix permissions issue where SDK could not be loaded in some environments


  • Add bin_data to Payment Method Nonce
  • Add support for including level 3 summary fields to transaction create and transaction response


  • Add device_data_captured field to risk_data
  • Add submit_for_settlement to Braintree::Subscription.retry_charge
  • Add options -> paypal -> description for creating and updating subscriptions
  • Add bin to ApplePayCard
  • Add support for upgrading a PayPal future payment refresh token to a billing agreement
  • Fix spec to expect PayPal transaction to settle immediately after successful capture
  • Add GrantedPaymentInstrumentUpdate webhook support
  • Add options -> paypal -> shipping for creating & updating customers as well as creating payment methods
  • Add ability to create a transaction from a shared nonce
  • Add ruby 2.4 compatibility for the XML Generator (thanks @kinkade!)
  • Add README note for supression of logs (thanks @badosu!)
  • Allow VenmoAccount to be returned from PaymentMethod.find (thanks @NickMele!)


  • Support eci_indicator for Transaction#sale with raw Apple Pay parameters


  • Add AuthorizationAdjustment class and authorization_adjustments to Transaction
  • Add document upload support
  • Add Braintree::Dispute.find method
  • Add method
  • Add Braintree::Dispute.accept method
  • Add Braintree::Dispute.finalize method
  • Add Braintree::Dispute.add_file_evidence method
  • Add Braintree::Dispute.add_text_evidence method
  • Add Braintree::Dispute.remove_evidence method
  • Coinbase is no longer a supported payment method. PaymentMethodNoLongerSupported will be returned for Coinbase operations.
  • Add Braintree::ApplePay for web domain registration
  • Add facilitated details to Transaction if present


  • Pass configured gateway to Merchant#_new instead of using global gateway (thanks @cwalsh!)


  • Add support for additional PayPal options when vaulting a PayPal Order


  • Add Visa Checkout support
  • Add ConnectedMerchantStatusTransitioned and ConnectedMerchantPayPalStatusChanged Auth webhooks
  • Add new properties to CreditCardVerification and Customer


  • Bugfix: Add unique_number_identifier to Transaction::CreditCardDetails
  • Updates to specs


  • Remove account_description field from +UsBankAccount+ and +UsBankAccountDetails+


  • Allow optional configuration of SSL version
  • Add functionality to list all merchant accounts for a merchant with merchant_account.all


  • Bugfix: Update UsBank tests to use legal routing numbers
  • Add option +skip_advanced_fraud_check+ for transaction flows
  • Add IdealPayment class with +sale+ and +find+ methods
  • Add payer_status accessor to paypal_details object


  • Bugfix: Allow PaymentMethod.find(token) to return +UsBankAccount+


  • Add +default?+ support for +UsBankAccount+
  • Add +ach_mandate+ data to +UsBankAccount+ and +UsBankAccountDetails+


  • Bugfix: allow Customer#payment_methods to return UsBankAccounts


  • Fix compatibility with new gateway endpoint


  • Add 'UsBankAccount' payment method


  • Add 'created_at' to subscription search
  • Expose 'plan_id' in subscription 'status_details'
  • Add cannot clone marketplace transaction error
  • Add FailOnDuplicatePaymentMethod to Customer update


  • Add 'currency_iso_code' to subscription 'status_details'
  • Expose credit card 'product_id'
  • Add validation error for verifications with submerchants


  • Allow authenticated proxies
  • Add new constant for Venmo Account payment instrument type


  • Add 'default_payment_method' option to Customer


  • Add order_id to Refund
  • Enabled 3DS pass thru support
  • Expose IDs in resource collections
  • Add 'success?' method to disbursement


  • Add method of revoking OAuth access tokens.


  • Fix compatibility in specs with Ruby 1.8.7


  • Add transaction +UpdateDetails+
  • Support for Too Many Requests response codes
  • Add +default?+ method to MerchantAccount


  • Allow Coinbase account to be updated
  • Add support to pass currencies to merchant create
  • Support multiple partial settlements
  • Add IsInvalid error code for addresses


  • Add support for third party Android Pay integrations


  • Add AccountUpdaterDailyReport webhook parsing


  • Add Verification#create
  • Add options to +submit_for_settlement+ transaction flows
  • Upgrade libxml-ruby version to 2.8.0
  • Update https certificate bundle


  • Add better defaults to client token generation when using an access token by consolidating client token defaults into ClientTokenGateway
  • Add PaymentMethod#revoke


  • Add VenmoAccount
  • Add support for Set Transaction Context supplementary data


  • Treat dispute date_opened and date_won attributes as Dates. Note: in versions 2.51.0-2.53.0, the dispute date_opened and date_won attributes were incorrectly parsed as strings. We pulled them off RubyGems to prevent the incorrect code from being downloaded.


  • This version of the library was removed from RubyGems. See the note on 2.54.0 for further explanation.
  • Adds options to skip avs and cvv checks for a single transaction


  • This version of the library was removed from RubyGems. See the note on 2.54.0 for further explanation.
  • Add Amex Express Checkout payment method
  • Fix bug where Customer#payment_methods didn't include Android Pay cards


  • This version of the library was removed from RubyGems. See the note on 2.54.0 for further explanation.
  • Fixes bug with signature of partner oauth connect url
  • Adds date_won, date_opened and kind to dispute webhook parsing
  • Make grant a method on PaymentMethod and not just CreditCard


  • Adds support for nonce granting to CreditCards
  • Adds FacilitatorDetails for facilitated transactions
  • Adds authorized_transaction_id, partial_settlement_transaction_ids and facilitator_details attr_readers to Transaction
  • Adds support for Transaction#sale with raw Apple Pay parameters
  • Adds Merchant.provision_raw_apple_pay
  • Relaxes constraints on TransactionSearch#source
  • Adds Check WebhookNotifications
  • Adds Transaction.submit_for_partial_settlement


  • Remove Amex Pay with Points response from response
  • Add expired? method to Apple Pay card
  • Add customer_id property to +AndroidPayCard+, +ApplePayCard+, +CoinbaseAccount+, +EuropeBankAccount+, +PaypalAccount+, and +UnknownPaymentMethod+
  • Add new error +ProcessorDoesNotSupportAuths+


  • Fix issue in TestTransaction spec
  • Fix issue with LibXML causing a segfault when using Ruby version 2.0.0


  • Add support for Amex rewards transactions
  • Add billing_agreement_id to PayPalAccount
  • Fix bug in TestingGateway#check_environment


  • Add {ApplePayDetails,ApplePayCard,AndroidPayDetails,AndroidPayCard}#source_description
  • Add AndroidPayDetails#source_card_type, #source_card_last_4
  • Add PaypalDetails#description, #transaction_fee_amount, #transaction_fee_currency_iso_code
  • Add new card-specific Android Pay test nonces
  • Add various other test nonces


  • Add oauth support


  • Add support for Android Pay


  • Validate webhook challenge payload
  • Changed CreditCardVerification::Status constants
  • Add missing criteria to CreditCardVerification search


  • Add 3DS info to server side


  • Add {ApplePayCard,CoinbaseAccount}#default?
  • Add {ApplePayCard,CoinbaseAccount} payment instrument constants
  • Add European Bank Account test nonce


  • Add support for new SEPA workflow


  • Add 3D Secure transaction fields
  • Add ability to create nonce from vaulted payment methods


  • Surface Apple Pay payment instrument name in responses
  • Support Coinbase payment instruments
  • Improve support for SEPA payment instruments
  • Upgrade RSpec and improve tests
  • Update links to documentation


  • Use OpenSSL::Digest instead of OpenSSL::Digest::Digest (Thanks, Michael Koziarski (@NZKoz))


  • Add risk_data to Transaction and Verification with Kount decision and id
  • Add verification_amount an option when creating a credit card
  • Add TravelCruise industry type to Transaction
  • Add room_rate to Lodging industry type
  • Add CreditCard#verification as the latest verification on that credit card
  • Add ApplePay support to all endpoints that may return ApplePayCard objects
  • Align WebhookTesting with other client libraries


  • Allow descriptor to be passed in Funding Details options params for Merchant Account create and update.


  • Add additional_processor_response to transaction


  • Allow payee_email to be passed in options params for Transaction create


  • Added paypal specific fields to transaction calls
  • Added SettlementPending, SettlementDeclined transaction statuses


  • Update version number


  • Allow credit card verification options to be passed outside of the nonce for PaymentMethod.create
  • Allow billing_address parameters and billing_address_id to be passed outside of the nonce for PaymentMethod.create
  • Add Subscriptions to paypal accounts
  • Add PaymentMethod.update
  • Add fail_on_duplicate_payment_method option to PaymentMethod.create
  • Add Descriptor#url


  • Official support for SDKs.


  • Add support for lodging industry data


  • Ensure that TR Data is encoded correctly


  • Make webhook parsing more robust with newlines
  • Add messages to InvalidSignature exceptions


  • Include Dispute information on Transaction
  • Search for Transactions disputed on a certain date


  • Disbursement Webhooks
  • Use OpenSSL::Digest instead of OpenSSL::Digest::Digest (Thanks Scott Rocher, [email protected])


  • Merchant account find API


  • Merchant account update API
  • Merchant account create API v2


  • Official support for Partnerships
  • Changed visibility of methods used in multi-tenancy


  • Adds hold_in_escrow and hold_in_escrow! methods
  • Add error codes for verification not supported error
  • Add company_name and tax_id to merchant account create
  • Updates webhook notification to provide errors and merchant account at the top level
  • Adds cancel_release and cancel_release! methods
  • Refactors transaction_gateway
  • Adds release_from_escrow!
  • Adds release_from_escrow functionality
  • Adds owner_phone to merchant account signature.
  • Adds merchant account phone error code.


  • Adds device data to transactions, customers, and credit cards.


  • Adds disbursement details to transactions.
  • Adds image_url to transactions.


  • Adds channel field to transactions.


  • Add card type indicators to transactions and verifications


  • Add additional card types for card type indicators
  • Added ability to allow TR query parameters with no value (thanks @dmathieu!)


  • Adds verification search


  • Additional card information, such as prepaid, debit, commercial, Durbin regulated, healthcare, and payroll, are returned on credit card responses
  • Allows transactions to be specified as recurring


  • Adds prepaid attribute to credit cards (possible values: Yes, No, Unknown)


  • Adds webhook gateways for parsing, verifying, and testing incoming notifications
  • Adds Transaction.refund!(id, amount = nil)


  • Adds unique_number_identifier attribute to CreditCard


  • Adds search for duplicate credit cards given a payment method token
  • Adds flag to fail saving credit card to vault if card is duplicate


  • Allows both url encoded and decoded query string and hash


  • Exposes plan_id on transactions
  • Fixes GitHub issue #19 - Unescapes escaped characters in query string


  • Added error code for invalid purchase order number
  • Changes transparent redirect query string regexp to allow hash to appear anywhere in params string


  • Made the production endpoint configurable


  • Added new error code for merchant accounts that do not support refunds
  • Added GEMSPEC file


  • Added ability to retrieve all Plans, AddOns and Discounts
  • Added Transaction cloning


  • Added SettlementBatchSummary


  • Added support for international Maestro cards with payer authentication


  • Support builder >= 2.0
  • Changed comments to point to new doc site


  • Added subscription_details to Transaction
  • Added flag to store in vault only when a transaction is successful
  • Added new error code


  • Added a new transaction state, AuthorizationExpired.
  • Enabled searching by authorization_expired_at.


  • Added next_billing_date and transaction_id to subscription search
  • Added address_country_name to customer search
  • Added new error codes


  • Added advanced vault search for customers and payment methods
  • Added dynamic descriptors
  • Added level 2 fields to transactions:
    • tax_amount
    • tax_exempt
    • purchase_order_number


  • Allow passing of existing shipping_address_id on new transactions


  • Added billing_address_id to allowed parameters for credit cards create and update
  • Allow searching on subscriptions that are currently in a trial period using in_trial_period


  • Now supports ruby 1.9.1 and 1.9.2


  • Added ability to perform multiple partial refunds on Transactions
  • Deprecated Transaction refund_id in favor of refund_ids
  • Added Braintree::Address::CountryNames, a list of the country names/codes that the gateway accepts (thanks r38y[])
  • Added revert_subscription_on_proration_failure flag to Subscription update that specifies how a Subscription should react to a failed proration charge
  • Deprecated Subscription next_bill_amount in favor of next_billing_period_amount
  • Added new fields to Subscription:
    • balance
    • paid_through_date
    • next_billing_period_amount


  • Removed ssl expiration check
  • Lazy initialize Configuration.logger when directly instantiating configuration


  • Lazy initialize Configuration.logger to fix bug with ssl expiration check


  • Added AddOns/Discounts
  • Enhanced Subscription search
  • Enhanced Transaction search
  • Made gateway operations threadsafe when using multiple configurations
  • Allowed prorate_charges to be specified on Subscription update
  • Added AddOn/Discount details to Transactions that were created from a Subscription
  • Added Expired and Pending statuses to Subscription
  • Added constants for CreditCardVerification statuses
  • Renamed GatewayRejectionReason constants to make them more idiomatic
  • Removed 13 digit Visa Sandbox Credit Card number and replaced it with a 16 digit Visa
  • Added refund class method on Transaction
  • Deprecated instance methods on Resource classes in favor of class methods
  • Added new fields to Subscription:
    • billing_day_of_month
    • days_past_due
    • first_billing_date
    • never_expires
    • number_of_billing_cycles


  • Added unified message to result objects
  • Added ability to specify country using country_name, country_code_alpha2, country_code_alpha3, or country_code_numeric (see ISO_3166-1[])
  • Added gateway_rejection_reason to Transaction and Verification
  • Added delete as a class method on CreditCard (in addition to the existing instance method)
  • Allow searching with Date objects (in addition to DateTime and Time objects)
  • When creating a Subscription, return failed transaction on the ErrorResult if the initial transaction is not successful


  • Fixed gem packaging


  • Removed dependency on libxml -- it will still be used if libxml is explicitly required or it will fall back on rexml
  • Added unified TransparentRedirect url and confirm methods and deprecated old methods
  • Allow updating the payment_method_token on a subscription
  • Added methods to link a Transaction with its refund and vice versa
  • Allow card verification against a specified merchant account
  • Added ability to update a customer, credit card, and billing address in one request


  • Prevent race condition when pulling back collection results -- search results represent the state of the data at the time the query was run
  • Rename ResourceCollection's approximate_size to maximum_size because items that no longer match the query will not be returned in the result set
  • Correctly handle HTTP error 426 (Upgrade Required) -- the error code is returned when your client library version is no longer compatible with the gateway


  • Added transaction advanced search
  • Added ability to partially refund transactions
  • Added ability to manually retry past-due subscriptions
  • Added new transaction error codes
  • Allow merchant account to be specified when creating transactions
  • Allow creating a transaction with a vault customer and new payment method
  • Allow existing billing address to be updated when updating credit card


  • Updated success? on transaction responses to return false on declined transactions
  • Search results now include Enumerable and will automatically paginate data
  • Added credit_card[cardholder_name] to allowed transaction params and CreditCardDetails (thanks chrismcc[])


  • Added ValidationErrorCollection#shallow_errors to get all of the ValidationErrors at a given level in the error hierarchy
  • Added the ability to make a credit card the default card for a customer
  • Added constants for transaction statuses
  • Updated Quick Start in README.rdoc to show a workflow with error checking


  • Added Subscription search
  • Updated production CA SSL certificate authority
  • Updated credit cards to include associated subscriptions when finding in vault
  • Fixed bug where we used to raise a "forged query string" exception when we were down for maintenance.


  • Fixed a bug with empty search results
  • Added support for appending to user agent
  • Finding a customer using id as an integer will now work (even though customer ids are actually strings)


  • Allow passing expiration_month and expiration_year separately
  • Updated Customer.find to raise an ArgumentError if given an invalid id
  • Added error code for transaction amounts that are too large
  • Include Enumerable in Braintree::Errors to iterate over all validation errors
  • Added processor_authorization_code attr_reader to Braintree::Transaction
  • Added cvv_response_code attr_reader to Braintree::Transaction
  • Added deep_errors method to Braintree::ValidationErrorCollection to get errors at every level of nesting


  • Added explicit require for date to fix missing initialize (thanks jherdman[])
  • Allow Transaction price and Subscription amount as BigDecimals (as well as Strings)
  • Ruby 1.9 bug fixes (thanks Leo Shemesh)


  • Recurring billing support


  • Custom fields support
  • Transaction status history support


  • Initial release