diff --git a/apps/docs/astro.config.mjs b/apps/docs/astro.config.mjs
index 3f82aff653..3f572a1b4e 100644
--- a/apps/docs/astro.config.mjs
+++ b/apps/docs/astro.config.mjs
@@ -1,89 +1,91 @@
-import { defineConfig } from "astro/config";
-import starlight from "@astrojs/starlight";
+import {defineConfig} from 'astro/config';
+import starlight from '@astrojs/starlight';
export default defineConfig({
integrations: [
- title: "Flagship Code",
- favicon: "./src/assets/logo.svg",
+ title: 'Flagship Code',
+ favicon: './src/assets/logo.svg',
logo: {
- src: "./src/assets/logo.svg",
+ src: './src/assets/logo.svg',
social: {
- github: "https://github.com/brandingbrand/flagship",
+ github: 'https://github.com/brandingbrand/flagship',
- customCss: ["./src/styles.css"],
+ customCss: ['./src/styles.css'],
sidebar: [
- label: "Overview",
+ label: 'Overview',
items: [
- { label: "Overview", link: "/overview/overview/" },
- { label: "Objectives", link: "/overview/objectives/" },
- { label: "How It Works", link: "/overview/how-it-works/" },
+ {label: 'Overview', link: '/overview/overview/'},
+ {label: 'Objectives', link: '/overview/objectives/'},
+ {label: 'How It Works', link: '/overview/how-it-works/'},
- label: "Guides",
+ label: 'Guides',
items: [
- label: "Getting Started",
- link: "/guides/getting-started",
+ label: 'Getting Started',
+ link: '/guides/getting-started',
- label: "Flagship Code Configuration",
- link: "/guides/config/",
+ label: 'Flagship Code Configuration',
+ link: '/guides/config/',
- { label: "Build Configuration", link: "/guides/build/" },
- { label: "Env Configuration", link: "/guides/env/" },
- { label: "Plugins", link: "/guides/plugins/" },
- { label: "Migration", link: "/guides/migration/" },
+ {label: 'Build Configuration', link: '/guides/build/'},
+ {label: 'Env Configuration', link: '/guides/env/'},
+ {label: 'Plugins', link: '/guides/plugins/'},
+ {label: 'Migration', link: '/guides/migration/'},
- label: "Packages",
+ label: 'Packages',
items: [
- { label: "cli", link: "/packages/cli/" },
+ {label: 'app-env', link: '/packages/app-env/'},
+ {label: 'app-router', link: '/packages/app-router/'},
+ {label: 'cli', link: '/packages/cli/'},
- label: "cli-kit",
- link: "/packages/cli-kit/",
+ label: 'cli-kit',
+ link: '/packages/cli-kit/',
- label: "jest-config",
- link: "/packages/jest-config/",
+ label: 'jest-config',
+ link: '/packages/jest-config/',
- label: "plugin-app-icon",
- link: "/packages/plugin-app-icon/",
+ label: 'plugin-app-icon',
+ link: '/packages/plugin-app-icon/',
- label: "plugin-asset",
- link: "/packages/plugin-asset/",
+ label: 'plugin-asset',
+ link: '/packages/plugin-asset/',
- label: "plugin-fastlane",
- link: "/packages/plugin-fastlane/",
+ label: 'plugin-fastlane',
+ link: '/packages/plugin-fastlane/',
- label: "plugin-native-navigation",
- link: "/packages/plugin-native-navigation/",
+ label: 'plugin-native-navigation',
+ link: '/packages/plugin-native-navigation/',
- label: "plugin-permissions",
- link: "/packages/plugin-permissions/",
+ label: 'plugin-permissions',
+ link: '/packages/plugin-permissions/',
- label: "plugin-splash-screen",
- link: "/packages/plugin-splash-screen/",
+ label: 'plugin-splash-screen',
+ link: '/packages/plugin-splash-screen/',
- label: "plugin-target-extension",
- link: "/packages/plugin-target-extension/",
+ label: 'plugin-target-extension',
+ link: '/packages/plugin-target-extension/',
- site: "https://brandingbrand.github.io",
- base: "flagship",
+ site: 'https://brandingbrand.github.io',
+ base: 'flagship',
diff --git a/apps/docs/src/content/docs/packages/app-env.mdx b/apps/docs/src/content/docs/packages/app-env.mdx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1673baa58b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/docs/src/content/docs/packages/app-env.mdx
@@ -0,0 +1,309 @@
+title: app-env
+## **Introduction**
+The **`app-env`** package provides a comprehensive solution for managing environment configurations in React Native applications. It supports both iOS and Android platforms and integrates seamlessly with `@brandingbrand/code-app-router`. With **`app-env`**, developers can:
+- Define environment-specific settings.
+- Switch between development, staging, and production environments.
+- Access native environment modules and developer tools.
+## **Installation**
+To add the **`app-env`** package to your project, follow these steps:
+### **Step 1: Install the Package**
+import {Tabs, TabItem} from '@astrojs/starlight/components';
+yarn add @brandingbrand/code-app-env
+npm install @brandingbrand/code-app-env
+pnpm add @brandingbrand/code-app-env
+bun add @brandingbrand/code-app-env
+### **Step 2: Link Native Modules**
+If you are using **React Native 0.60+**, auto-linking should handle the native dependencies. However, for manual linking or troubleshooting, follow these steps:
+#### **For iOS**
+1. **Install CocoaPods dependencies**:
+ ```bash
+ cd ios && pod install && cd ..
+ ```
+2. Ensure the **`react-native-flagship-env`** module is included in your `Podfile`:
+ ```ruby
+ pod 'react-native-flagship-env', :path => '../node_modules/@brandingbrand/code-app-env'
+ ```
+#### **For Android**
+1. Add the module to your **`settings.gradle`**:
+ ```gradle
+ include ':react-native-flagship-env'
+ project(':react-native-flagship-env').projectDir = new File(rootProject.projectDir, '../node_modules/@brandingbrand/code-app-env/android')
+ ```
+2. Add the dependency in your **`app/build.gradle`**:
+ ```gradle
+ implementation project(':react-native-flagship-env')
+ ```
+3. Update **`MainApplication.java`** to include the package:
+ ```java
+ import com.flagshipenv.FlagshipEnvPackage;
+ @Override
+ protected List getPackages() {
+ return Arrays.asList(
+ new MainReactPackage(),
+ new FlagshipEnvPackage() // Add this line
+ );
+ }
+ ```
+### **Step 3: Verify Installation**
+Run the following command to ensure the package is properly linked:
+npx react-native run-ios
+# or
+npx react-native run-android
+If you encounter errors related to missing modules, follow the linking instructions above or clean your build:
+cd ios && pod install --repo-update && cd ..
+npx react-native start --reset-cache
+## **Configuration**
+### **Environment Configuration Files**
+Create environment configuration files in your project. These files define environment-specific settings and are named using the pattern **`env..ts`**. For example:
+1. **`env.development.ts`**
+ ```typescript
+ export default {
+ apiUrl: 'https://api-dev.example.com',
+ featureFlag: true,
+ };
+ ```
+2. **`env.staging.ts`**
+ ```typescript
+ export default {
+ apiUrl: 'https://api-staging.example.com',
+ featureFlag: false,
+ };
+ ```
+3. **`env.production.ts`**
+ ```typescript
+ export default {
+ apiUrl: 'https://api.example.com',
+ featureFlag: false,
+ };
+ ```
+### **`.flagshipappenvrc` Configuration**
+Create a **`.flagshipappenvrc`** file in your project root to specify the location of your environment files and hidden environments.
+Example **`.flagshipappenvrc`**:
+ "dir": "./config/environments",
+ "hiddenEnvs": ["test"],
+ "singleEnv": "development"
+#### **Options:**
+- **`dir`**: Path to the directory containing your environment files.
+- **`hiddenEnvs`**: Array of environments to exclude from selection.
+- **`singleEnv`**: (Optional) Specify a single environment to use.
+## **Using the `FlagshipEnv` Native Module**
+The `FlagshipEnv` module provides constants and methods to manage environment settings at runtime.
+### **Constants**
+- **`envName`**: Current environment name.
+ ```typescript
+ import {envName} from '@brandingbrand/code-app-env';
+ console.log(envName); // 'development'
+ ```
+- **`appVersion`**: The current app version.
+ ```typescript
+ import {appVersion} from '@brandingbrand/code-app-env';
+ console.log(appVersion); // '1.0.0'
+ ```
+- **`buildNumber`**: The current build number.
+ ```typescript
+ import {buildNumber} from '@brandingbrand/code-app-env';
+ console.log(buildNumber); // '42'
+ ```
+### **Methods**
+- **`setEnv(name: string)`**: Set the current environment and update configurations.
+ ```typescript
+ import {setEnv} from '@brandingbrand/code-app-env';
+ await setEnv('staging');
+ ```
+## **Components**
+### **`DevMenu`**
+The `DevMenu` component provides a developer menu for managing environments and performing common tasks.
+#### **Props**
+- **`screens`**: Array of React components for additional screens in the menu.
+- **`onRestart`**: Function to restart the app.
+- **`onEnvChange`**: Function to handle environment changes.
+- **`location`**: Position of the Version Overlay (`'topLeft'`, `'topRight'`, `'bottomLeft'`, `'bottomRight'`).
+#### **Example**
+import {DevMenu} from '@brandingbrand/code-app-env';
+import {DebugScreen} from './DebugScreen';
+export default function App() {
+ return (
+ console.log('Restarting...')}
+ onEnvChange={env => console.log(`Switched to ${env}`)}
+ location="bottomRight">
+ Welcome to the app!
+ );
+### **`EnvSwitcher`**
+The `EnvSwitcher` component allows developers to switch between different environments dynamically.
+#### **Example**
+import {EnvSwitcher} from '@brandingbrand/code-app-env';
+export default function DevSettings() {
+ return ;
+## **File Structure**
+ ├── android/
+ │ └── src/
+ │ └── main/
+ │ └── java/
+ │ └── com/
+ │ └── flagshipenv/
+ │ ├── FlagshipEnvModule.kt
+ │ └── FlagshipEnvPackage.kt
+ ├── ios/
+ │ ├── FlagshipEnv-Bridging-Header.h
+ │ └── FlagshipEnv.swift
+ ├── src/
+ │ ├── components/
+ │ │ ├── DevMenu.tsx
+ │ │ └── EnvSwitcher.tsx
+ │ └── lib/
+ │ └── env.ts
+ ├── .flagshipappenvrc
+ └── package.json
+## **Troubleshooting**
+### **Common Issues**
+1. **Native Module Not Linked**:
+ - Ensure you've run `pod install` for iOS.
+ - Check that `MainApplication.java` includes `FlagshipEnvPackage` for Android.
+2. **Configuration File Not Found**:
+ - Verify that `.flagshipappenvrc` exists in your project root.
+ - Ensure the `dir` field in `.flagshipappenvrc` points to the correct path.
+3. **Environment Not Switching**:
+ - Check if `setEnv` is called correctly.
+ - Restart the app after changing environments.
diff --git a/apps/docs/src/content/docs/packages/app-router.mdx b/apps/docs/src/content/docs/packages/app-router.mdx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e899be942f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/docs/src/content/docs/packages/app-router.mdx
@@ -0,0 +1,298 @@
+title: app-router
+The **`app-router`** package is a routing and navigation solution for React Native applications built on top of **React Native Navigation**. It provides a robust API to manage navigation stacks, bottom tabs, modals, deep linking, and route guards. The package is designed to be highly configurable and TypeScript-friendly, making it ideal for scalable applications.
+## **Installation**
+### **Step 1: Install the Package**
+import {Tabs, TabItem} from '@astrojs/starlight/components';
+yarn add @brandingbrand/code-app-router
+npm install @brandingbrand/code-app-router
+pnpm add @brandingbrand/code-app-router
+bun add @brandingbrand/code-app-router
+### **Step 2: Install Peer Dependencies**
+Ensure **React**, **React Native**, and **React Native Navigation** are installed:
+pnpm add react react-native react-native-navigation
+### **Step 3: Link Native Dependencies**
+For React Native **0.60+**, auto-linking should handle native dependencies. If needed, follow these manual steps:
+#### **For iOS**
+1. Install CocoaPods dependencies:
+ ```bash
+ cd ios && pod install && cd ..
+ ```
+#### **For Android**
+Ensure the following in your **`settings.gradle`**:
+include ':react-native-navigation'
+project(':react-native-navigation').projectDir = new File(rootProject.projectDir, '../node_modules/react-native-navigation/android/app')
+## **Configuration**
+### **Step 1: Define Your Routes**
+Create a routes file, e.g., **`routes.ts`**:
+import HomeScreen from './screens/HomeScreen';
+import ProfileScreen from './screens/ProfileScreen';
+export const routes = [
+ {
+ name: 'Home',
+ path: '/',
+ Component: HomeScreen,
+ type: 'bottomtab',
+ options: {bottomTab: {text: 'Home'}},
+ stackId: 'mainStack',
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Profile',
+ path: '/profile',
+ Component: ProfileScreen,
+ type: 'component',
+ },
+### **Step 2: Register Routes**
+In your **entry file** (e.g., **`App.tsx`**), register the routes and set the root layout:
+import {register} from '@brandingbrand/code-app-router';
+import {routes} from './routes';
+ routes,
+ onAppLaunched: async () => {
+ console.log('App launched');
+ },
+## **API Overview**
+### **Router Configuration**
+#### `register({ routes, onAppLaunched, Provider, setRoot })`
+Registers routes and initializes the router.
+- **`routes`**: Array of route definitions.
+- **`onAppLaunched`** (optional): Callback when the app launches.
+- **`Provider`** (optional): A React component to provide global context.
+- **`setRoot`** (optional): Function to customize root layout logic.
+## **Hooks**
+### **1. `useNavigator`**
+Provides navigation functions like `push`, `pop`, `showModal`, etc.
+import { useNavigator } from '@brandingbrand/code-app-router';
+function HomeScreen() {
+ const navigator = useNavigator();
+ const goToProfile = () => navigator.push('/profile');
+ return ;
+### **2. `useLinking`**
+Handles deep linking by listening for URL changes.
+import { useLinking } from '@brandingbrand/code-app-router';
+function App() {
+ useLinking(['app'], (e) => console.error(e));
+ return ;
+### **3. `useModal`**
+Manages modal state with `resolve` and `reject` functions.
+import { useModal } from '@brandingbrand/code-app-router';
+function MyModal() {
+ const { resolve, reject } = useModal();
+ return (
+ );
+## **Defining Routes**
+### **Route Types**
+1. **Bottom Tab Route**
+ ```typescript
+ {
+ name: 'Home',
+ path: '/',
+ Component: HomeScreen,
+ type: 'bottomtab',
+ options: { bottomTab: { text: 'Home' } },
+ }
+ ```
+2. **Component Route**
+ ```typescript
+ {
+ name: 'Profile',
+ path: '/profile',
+ Component: ProfileScreen,
+ type: 'component',
+ }
+ ```
+3. **Action Route**
+ ```typescript
+ {
+ name: 'Logout',
+ path: '/logout',
+ type: 'action',
+ action: async () => {
+ await logoutUser();
+ },
+ }
+ ```
+## **Advanced Features**
+### **1. Route Guards**
+Guards control navigation by allowing redirection or cancellation.
+const authGuard = async (to, from, {redirect}) => {
+ if (!isAuthenticated()) {
+ redirect('/login');
+ }
+const routes = [
+ {
+ name: 'Profile',
+ path: '/profile',
+ Component: ProfileScreen,
+ guards: [authGuard],
+ },
+### **2. Modals**
+Use `showModal` to display a modal dynamically.
+const result = await navigator.showModal(MyModalComponent, {prop1: 'value'});
+## **File Structure**
+ ├── src/
+ │ ├── hooks/
+ │ │ ├── useNavigator.tsx
+ │ │ ├── useLinking.ts
+ │ │ └── ...
+ │ ├── context.tsx
+ │ ├── router.tsx
+ │ └── types.ts
+ ├── package.json
+ └── README.md
+## **Troubleshooting**
+1. **Navigation Not Working**: Ensure routes are registered and native modules are linked.
+2. **Deep Linking Issues**: Verify the `hosts` parameter in `useLinking`.