Set of components + responsive layout system
- elemental - A flexible and beautiful UI framework for React.js.
- rctui - A collection of components for React.
- belle - Configurable React Components with great UX.
- react-uikit-components - React UIkit Components for the UIKit CSS framework.
- searchkit - React UI components / widgets. The easiest way to build a great search experience with Elasticsearch.
- rebass - Configurable React Stateless Functional UI Components.
- react-foundation-apps - Foundation Apps components built with React.
- grommet - The most advanced UX framework for enterprise applications.
- @blueprintjs/core - Core styles & components.
- react-foundation - Foundation as React components.
- semantic-ui-react - The official Semantic-UI-React integration.
- pivotal-ui-react - React components based on a custom version of the Bootstrap library.
- antd - A UI Design Language.
- react-bootstrap - Bootstrap 3 components built with React.
- reactstrap - Simple React Bootstrap 4 components.
- react-mdl - React Components for Material Design Lite.
- react-materialize - Material design for react, powered by materializecss.
- react-toolbox - A set of React components implementing Google's Material Design specification with the power of CSS Modules.
- react-material - Material design components written with React.js and React Style.
- material-ui - React Components that Implement Google's Material Design.
- react-essence - Essence - The Essential Material Design Framework.
- onsenui - Hybrid Mobile App UI Framework for iOS and Material Design with Angular and React Components.
- reactionic - React Ionic.
- touchstonejs - Mobile App Framework powered by React.
- antd-mobile - A configurable Mobile UI.
Set of components without layout system
- dataminr-react-components - Collection of reusable React Components and utility functions.
- react-components - React components used by Khan Academy.
- react-desktop - React UI Components for macOS Sierra and Windows 10.
- aframe-react - Build virtual reality experiences with A-Frame and React.
- admin-on-rest - A frontend framework for building admin SPAs on top of REST services, using React and Material Design.