- Improve Dart 3 support
- ALL additions in 0.10.1 were written by @cranst0n! (PRs #88, #91 and #93)
- Added bimap, cond and ensure to Either
- Added when and unless to Option
- Added head, tail, init, last and append to Tuple2 through Tuple20
- Added traverseTask and sequenceTask to Option, Either and IList
- Added a whole slew of useful combinators to Task (See #93 for details)
- Stable release of null safety
- Dart 2.12+ is now required
- Updating dev_dependency plugin test to 0.17.1
- Corrected signature of
toA? => Option<A>
(issue #74, thanks @rich-j) - Added
(issue #74, thanks @apiep)
- Basic null safety support
- Requires Dart >= 2.12. Dart 1 is no longer supported at all.
- mapXX and liftXX arities up to 20 on Option, Either and Free, courtesy of @cranst0n!
- Dart 2.8.1 compatibility
- Type class hierarchy reworked to be implemented rather than extended
- Removed monad transformers and some other stuff that can't be made type safe on Dart 2
- IList and Option has some const support
- Improved Dart 2 support
- Conveyor works on Dart 2!
- TupleXX and FunctionXX arities up to 20, courtesy of @modulovalue!
- IVector#indexOf
- Polished pana score
- Dart 2.6.0 compatibility
- Refined types on Task, for better Dart 2 support (issue #24, thanks @rlavolee)
- Added asCons() and option to IList (issue #17, thanks @modulovalue)
- Added isEmpty to AVLTree, IList, IMap, ISet and IVector (issue #23, thanks @rich-j)
- Compatibility with Dart 2.4.0 (issue #18, thanks @xsobolx)
- Compatibility with Dart > 2.3.2 through workaround for dart-lang/sdk#35097
- Thanks @modulovalue and @CatherineThompson for reporting!
- Direct
access on Some, Left and Right- Thanks @modulovalue for PR #15!
- Added transform, filter, where and partition to ISet
- Preliminary Dart 2.2.0 compatibility
- 'cast' now generates "implicit" checks, causing dart2js to produce dramatically more efficient js code in some cases
- Added isLeft, isRight and swap to Either
- Fixed some type issues on 2.1.0-dev.6.0
- Massive performance improvements for many operations on IMap on Dart 2
- Inserts and lookups are now almost as fast on Dart 2 as on Dart 1
- Fixed some tests that passed for the wrong reason...
- Bridge release with few breaking changes, full Dart 1 support and rudimentary Dart 2 support
- (0.9.0 will probably be Dart 2 only and have lots of breaking changes)
- Basic things work correctly on Dart 2 -- many other things don't...
- Started work on removing type class hierarchy, with hard coded replacements such as IList#traverseFuture being added
- Temporarily replaced propcheck with quick'n'dirty minimal replacement, while it is being updated for Dart 2
- Disabled some broken monad transformer tests, since they probably won't survive the move to Dart 2
- IMap.fromPairs and IHashMap.fromPairs, for constructing maps from sequences of Tuple2
- IList.flattenIList and IVector.flattenIVector for type safe flattening of IList/IVector
- IList.flattenOption and IVector.flattenOption for type safe flattening/uniting IList/IVector of Option
- Corrected analyzer errors on recent Dart 2 dev releases
- More useful types for eitherM()
- Declared argument type F of '>>' on MonadOps as covariant, enabling better specialization in implementations
- Specialized types for replace on StateT
- Fixed buggy foldLeftWithIndex/foldRightWithIndex on IVector
- Added curried versions of several Lens members (setC, modifyC and so on)
- Improved typing for generic methods on Evaluation
- More type information retained for filter operations on MonadPlus instances
- Added custom filter operation on Either
- Introduced 'where' as an alias to filter where applicable
- Added foldLeftWithIndexBetween and foldRightWithIndexBetween to IVector
- Added cata and order to IMap
- Exposed step operation on Free, enabling manual bind reassociation for now
- Preparations for Dart 2.0
- Improved type safety for IMap and ISet
- Reworked and/or removed functions/constructors that implicitly assumed that keys/members implemented Comparable
- Added replacement helpers for constructors that couldn't be saved
- All dependencies on Comparable are now explicit and enforced by the type system
- IMap additions:
- getKey
- mapKV
- traverseKV
- traverseKV_
- Added:
- foldLeftBetween and foldRightBetween operations to AVLTree
- foldLeftBetween, foldRightBetween and subSetBetween operations to ISet
- regexp pipe to Text utilities
- IList.generate factory constructor
- ifM combinator and some type refinements to Free
- Eq instances for Iterators
- More memory efficient and faster equality checks for IMap, IHashMap, AVLTree, ISet and IVector
- New, slightly more advanced example for streaming IO
- I goofed up... the "efficient file reads" from 0.6.1 now actually work!
- Way more efficient file reads using Free IO and Conveyor
- Improved typing for Applicative liftX and mapX, with specialized overrides on Option and Either
- Added optionOf utility, for safely wrapping a possibly null value in Option
- Added forEach operation to dartz_unsafe, for performing side effects on Foldables
- Added forEach operations to Option, Either, IList, IVector, ISet, IMap, IHashMap and AVLTree
- Various small tweaks, additions and bug fixes
- Updated sdk requirement to >= 1.24.0
- Now uses real (non-commented) generic method syntax
- Takes advantage of improvements in strong mode type inference
- Various workarounds for remaining strong mode quirks
- Added efficient operations related to lower/upper bounds to IMap:
- min
- max
- minKey
- maxKey
- minGreaterThan
- maxLessThan
- foldLeftKVBetween
- foldRightKVBetween
- hashCode consistent with '==' where overridden
- 'Gather' IO primitive for parallelizing IO operations
- Refined types for map2 to map6 on Free and IO monads
- Improvements to type safety/inference for Free and IO
- Slightly less efficient, but more correct/safe traverse for IList
- Better type inference for Either and Future Monad instance helpers
- Added modifyE to EvaluationMonad, for state updates that can fail
- Either, Option, Evaluation, State, StateT and Free:
- Tightened types of various derived operations, such as flatMap, andThen and <<
- Reworked Free to be stack safe in more cases
- Implementations more similar to the ones in scalaz and cats
- Still a work in progress, but works for basic use cases
- Added TraversableMonad instance for Function0
- Improved performance of set operation on IMap and IVector
- Added setIfPresent to IMap
- Added setIfPresent, removeFirst, dropFirst, removeLast and dropLast to IVector
- Added window and windowAll to Pipe and Conveyor
- Added experimental Lens implementation and example!
- Added IMap.fromIterables
- Slightly faster get operations on IMap and AVLTree
- Swallowed a chunk of purist pride:
- Added toIterable and iterator operations to Option, Either and all immutable collections
- Added iterables/iterators for pairs, keys and values to IMap and IHashMap
- Added minSi and maxSi to Order
- Added reverse to TraversableMonadPlus
- Added zip to IList
- Tightened types of some overrides and helpers
- Added free IO primitive Delay
- Added scanWhile to Pipe
- Added foldWhile to Conveyor
- Added repeatEval and repeatEval_ to Source
- Added uniteOption to Pipe
- Added chunk to Pipe and Conveyor
- Square bracket syntax as alternative to get(K key) on IMap and IHashMap
- Got rid of all implicit down casts by disabling them in the analysis options
- Cleaner types on Pipe
- Aggressive internal optimizations in IList, for speed and memory efficiency
- Much faster map and bind/flatMap IList operations, especially on V8
- Slightly faster map operations on IMap and IVector
- Helpers for composing Free algebras and interpreters through coproduct nesting
- Free composition example
- Moved Free IO primitives into IOOps, for easy composition with other Free algebras
- emptyMap and singletonMap convenience functions for IMap
- Some more convenience functions for Conveyor
- mini library, dartz_streaming!
- Moved Conveyor and friends to dartz_streaming
- Added lots of stream combinators for general use, IO and text processing
- Added Execute IO primitive for running external commands
- Beefed up mock IO interpreter
- foldLeftWithIndex and foldRightWithIndex on Foldable/FoldableOps
- Specialized foldLeftWithIndex/foldRightWithIndex implementations on IVector
- Source.fromStream (Conveyor) now takes a Stream thunk instead of a direct Stream
- Minor cleanups in streaming IO example
- Improved resource safety of Conveyor primitives
- repeatUntilExhausted, repeatNonEmpty, intsFrom, window2 and window2all operations for Conveyor
- Corrections for stronger strong mode
- repeatNotEmpty operation for Conveyor
- Opaque FileRefs in Free IO
- Proper type parameterization for derived Tuple Semigroups and Monoids
- Tee construct for combining Conveyors
- tee, zip, zipWith, interleave, intersperse and constant operations on Conveyor
- through and to operations for effectful sinks and channels on Conveyor
- Moved Free IO algebra back into library
- Extracted side effecting IO interpreter into "unsafe" mini library
- Updated for the improvements to strong mode in Dart 1.19.0
- Fully mockable IO type and other cleanups in examples
- Renamed Conveyor primitives (await -> consume, emit -> produce)
- Added identity, drop and dropWhile operations to Pipe and Conveyor
- Added Source#fromStream for driving Conveyors from Dart Streams
- Helpers for creating anonymous Eq instances
- ObjectEq Eq instance for comparing Objects for equality using '=='
- Beefed up mock IO interpreter in Free IO example
- Funner, faster and longer streaming IO example
- Conveyor, an experimental implementation of functional streams, based on work by Chiusano/Bjarnason (chapter 15 in FPIS)
- Clarified Free IO example
- Added Streaming IO example, based on Free IO and Conveyor
- MonadCatch type class
- Simplistic Task implementation, with MonadCatch instance
- Fixed incompatibilities with dart2js
- TraversableMonadPlus type class, with partition operation
- TraversableMonadPlus instances for IList, List, IVector and Option
- prependElement and appendElement operations for ApplicativePlus
- better type inference for applicative mapX operations on Option and Either
- uncons, unconsO and sort operations for IList
- Added Free IO example
- Added two examples
- Foldable instance for ISet
- liftOption operation for Evaluation
- foldMapM operation for Foldable
- More type annotations and convenience functions
- TraversableMonad and TraversableMonadOps
- Moved traverseM operation to TraversableMonadOps
- Removed IO stuff
- Removed redundant type class instance aliases. Use IListMP instead of IListA, and so on
- Gave up on mixin inheritance chains, since dart2js still doesn't implement them properly
- Inspire dart2js to insert fewer cast checks and other runtime type paranoia, leading to significant performance improvements all over the place
- Type parameters for Option mapX operations
- traverseM operation for Traversable
- IHashMap, an immutable and persistent map that, unlike IMap, doesn't require a total ordering of keys, but instead relies on hashCode and equality of keys
- Even more method/function type parameters added
- More efficient primitives for State and Evaluation
- A lot more method/function type parameters for better type safety/inference
- find and specialized filter operations for IList
- Modified all tests for strong mode compliance
- orElse and eager getOrElse operator '|' for Either
- orElse and getOrElse operations on Option and Either take thunks instead of values
- Faster IMap modify
- Various cleanups
- Dart Strong Mode compliance. This forced a couple of breaking changes:
- Use
Option<A> none<A>()
instead ofOption<dynamic> none
- Prefer
IList<A> nil<A>()
toIList<dynamic> Nil
- ...and so on for emptyVector, IMapMi, etc.
- Use
- Much improved type safety through type parameterization of commonly used methods/functions, using the prototype syntax. More type annotations to come!
- Fixed embarrassing bug in IMap#set. Let's never mention it again.
- IVector, an immutable and persistent indexed sequence with O(log n) prepend, append, get and set operations
- MonadPlus, Traversable and Monoid instances for IVector
- Faster List monoid
- Faster map and set operation for IMap
- strengthL and strengthR operations for Functor
- foldLeftM and foldRightM operations for Foldable
- Improved compatibility with dart2js, Dartium and dart strong mode
- Proper type parameters for Tuple semigroups and monoids
- Much faster and leaner IMap
- Significantly faster and leaner ISet and AVLTree
- Slightly faster IList
- Significantly faster and lighter AVLTree, IMap and ISet
- Corrected a couple of type annotations in IList and Evaluation
- toIterable and iterator operations for IList
- Faster, stack safe equality checks for IList, IMap, ISet and AVLTree
- Tighter types for id and Endo
- Bind Evaluation and Future through microtask queue by default
- Optimized map implementations for Evaluation and Future
- Retain more type information in Evaluation and EvaluationMonad operations
- Added liftEither and handleError operations to Evaluation/EvaluationMonad
- Default foldMap for Traversable is now trampolined
- Moved State primitives to StateMonad
- MonadPlus instance for List
- reverse operation for Order
- modify, foldLeftKV, foldRightKV, foldMapKV, mapWithKey and optimized Foldable operations for IMap
- Curried appendC for Semigroup
- Order constructs (order, orderBy, min and max semigroups)
- length, any, all, minimum and maximum operations for Foldable
- Plus, PlusEmpty, ApplicativePlus and MonadPlus type classes
- MonadPlus instances for Option and IList
- ISet monoid and operations for union, intersection and difference
- Option and Either utils (cata, toOption, catching)
- StateT
- Trampoline
- mapWithIndex and zipWithIndex for Traversable
- The immutable conception