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607 lines (431 loc) · 18.4 KB

File metadata and controls

607 lines (431 loc) · 18.4 KB

CHANGES for jamilih


  • BREAKING: Require Node 18
  • perf(build): target Node 18


  • fix: revert making list attribute nullable (needs setAttribute)


  • fix: make list attribute nullable


  • fix: for common uses, return more accurate type for jml()


  • fix(plugins): ensure passing root element


  • fix(types): Element -> HTMLElement


  • feat: Add type for JamilihDocumentFragmentContent


  • fix: types for jamilih/src/jml-jsdom.js


  • fix: Plugin types (add PluginValue and allow Promise<void> for plugins)


  • fix: switch to nodenext moduleResolution


  • feat: more toHTML support
  • feat: TypeScript typings
  • fix: Better error checking/reporting


  • fix: expose src/jml-jsdom.js export


  • fix: expose jml-jsdom.js export



  • feat: switch to native ESM


  • chore: update devDeps.
  • chore: fix AMO bundle extension
  • docs: update license dev. badge
  • docs: dev instructions



  • npm: Remove core-js-bundle from peerDependencies


  • Build: Update per latest devDeps.
  • Linting: As per latest ash-nazg
  • npm: Switch from deprecated rollup-plugin-commonjs to @rollup/plugin-commonjs
  • npm: Remove remark-lint
  • npm: Add separate nyc testing script
  • npm: Switch to stable mocha-multi-reporters
  • npm: Switch to server without reported vulnerabilities
  • npm: Switch to pnpm
  • npm: Update devDeps.


  • Fix: Missed adding updated build files


  • Fix: Resume allowing no-op for $on


  • Build: Change to Node 10 targets
  • Build: Switch to babelrc with "json" extension
  • Enhancement: More details in error messages
  • Docs: Update badges per latest
  • Linting: Check hidden files; update per latest ash-nazg
  • npm: Switch from deprecated rollup-plugin-babel to rollup/plugin-babel; use babelHelpers explicitly
  • npm: Update devDeps and peerDep


  • Fix: Wrong mapping for minlength


  • Fix: minlength and maxlength needed case-changing
  • Docs: Update coverage badge per latest coveradge
  • Docs: Remove redundant license badge
  • npm: Update devDeps


  • Breaking change: Require Node 10 (dev. env. relies upon)
  • Enhancement: Add minlength and maxlength as nullables
  • Build: Update build files
  • Docs: Add license badges for devs/devDeps
  • npm: Update devDeps


  • Enhancement: Add autocomplete as nullable property
  • npm: Update devDeps


  • Enhancement: Add integrity as nullable property


  • Fix: For getInterpolator plugin, export uuid


  • Fix: Add UMD dist for new plugin
  • Build: Update dist files


  • Enhancement: Allow non-array Jamilih (e.g., object-based fragments) in $document head and body
  • Enhancement: Expose state to plugins, adding new states
  • Enhancement: Add interpolator plugin
  • Optimization: Avoid checking for child name unless needed
  • Refactoring: Prefer replaceWith to replaceChild
  • npm: Update devDeps; use stable mocha-badge-generator


  • Fix: Ensure all instances of XMLSerializer are on internal "window".


  • Breaking change: Remove setXMLSerializer/getXMLSerializer and setDocument/getDocument and check on window (set by setWindow) instead (this will now also set body).
  • Breaking change: Switch name of polyglot file to dist/jml-jsdom.js (pointed to in main so should not be breaking unless hard-coding the path).
  • Breaking change: Drop ordered attribute array (object properties can be iterated now in order)
  • Breaking update: Remove now removed entities, notations, internalSubset properties
  • Breaking update: Remove now removed xmlDeclaration handling
  • Breaking change: toJML will not get defaults with falsey value besides undefined
  • Fix: Ensure that extra childNodes from the default HTML document are overwritten (and completely overwritten) before attempting to add the user's own childNodes.
  • Fix: Allow previously undocumented fragment creation to accept children
  • Fix: Ensure stripWhitespace on text node returns a text node (that is empty)
  • Fix: Ensure can reset to null namespace for namespaced elements
  • Fix: Underdocumented named $map had not been working properly
  • Enhancement: Add config for toJML to reportInvalidState
  • Enhancement: Check for DOMParser on window so can get automatically after setting window
  • Enhancement: Allow wrapping a document and inserting nodes
  • Enhancement: Allow wrapping of customized built-in elements
  • Enhancement: With $define array allow absent 2nd (options) argument
  • Enhancement (Errors):
    • Throw proper TypeError on undefined child content; throw also for null.
    • Throw if non-function added within $on array
    • Throw for all non-objects given as plugins
    • Report exact type if passing in bad type as Jamilih argument
    • Throw if passing in null in non-final position
    • Make DOMException polyfill inherit from Error and include message and name
  • Docs: Add testing and coverage badges
  • Docs: Begin commands docs
  • Docs: Add jsdoc blocks on methods where missing
  • Linting (ESLint): As per latest ash-nazg
  • Travis: Adding builds 10, 12
  • Testing: Coverage 100%
  • Testing: Use builtin body, $, $$, nbsp
  • npm: Update package-lock.json
  • npm: Switch from deprecated rollup-plugin-json to replacement
  • npm: Update devDeps, peerDep


  • BREAKING CHANGE: Switch jsdom and request to peerDependencies so they do not need to be downloaded for browser-only use.
  • Testing: Add code coverage
  • Testing: Move code out of HTML to bootstrap file
  • npm: Remove rollup from test script
  • npm: Switch to non-deprecated @rollup/plugin-node-resolve
  • npm: Update dep. jsom, peerDep core-js-bundle, and devDeps


  • Linting (ESLint): Update code per linting updates; reenable jsdoc/check-types
  • npm: Add Markdown and HTML files to JS linting routine
  • npm: Update peerDeps, deps, devDeps


  • Breaking change: Require polyfills for ChildNode/ParentNode
  • Breaking change: Remove XMLSerializer: had become slightly buggy and now jsdom has own
  • Breaking change: Remove @babel/polyfill dep but add core-js-bundle peer dep.; @babel/polyfill may continue to work, but should be more efficient and future-proof to use core-js-bundle
  • Breaking change: Return TypeError if plugins not an array
  • Enhancement: glue utility
  • Linting: Switch to recommended rc file format; switch to eslint-config-ash-nazg; lint; safer hasOwnProperty calls
  • Testing: Switch from end-of-lifed nodeunit to Mocha/Chai
  • npm: Update deps, devDeps; remove readmeFilename property in package.json
  • npm: Added request dep (peer dep now of jsdom)
  • npm: Switch from opn-cli to open-cli
  • npm: open-docs/build-docs scripts
  • Docs: JSDoc config; headings; todos; refactoring


  • Fix: Ensure pointing to dist files in package.json
  • Enhancement: In case using main in bundlers for browser use, make Node version polyglot-capable


  • Enhancement: Add @babel/polyfill dependency
  • jsonchema: Add some attributes and other node types
  • Linting (Markdown): Fix linting format
  • npm: Update to Babel 7; update other devDeps and jsdom dep


  • Fix: Properly escape processing instructions (LGTM-inspired)
  • Refactoring: Remove unused function in demo, avoid passing extra arg (LGTM-inspired)
  • Linting (LGTM): Add lgtm.yml exclusions of bundles


  • Fix: Set charset attribute on meta
  • Enhancement: Allow $DOCTYPE shorthand


  • Fix: Call createDocumentType with empty strings for empty systemId or publicId
  • Testing: Undo adding XMLSerializer to browser environment (ok if we create the document type correctly)


  • Fix: Allow for falsey or string "undefined" publicId/systemId
  • Refactoring: Use includes for strings and arrays in XMLSerializer polyfill
  • Testing: Add document test; add XMLSerializer to browser environment for consistency for Firefox


  • Fix: Undo logging
  • Fix: $document to handle non-array arguments and properly set node
  • Testing: Add $document/$DOCTYPE creation test


  • Enhancement: Export body for document.body (frequently targeted for appending)
  • Testing: Avoid Firefox-specific exception for password input attribute serialization order (now passing)


  • Security fix: Bump versions as part of npm security audit
  • Fix: Ensure nbsp exported in Node as well
  • npm: Update devDeps


  • Enhancement: Add nbsp as export (for another very frequently needed template item)


  • Breaking change: Remove yarn.lock


  • Deprecated: Default ES6 export deprecated over new named export
  • Enhancement: Add $ and $$ utilities for querySelector/querySelectorAll.


  • Enhancement: Support no-innerHTML ES6 Module dist file
  • npm: Update devDeps


  • npm: Update deps (jsdom), devDeps; fixes security vulnerability
  • Testing: Add opn-cli


  • Fix: Move dir, lang, and title to nullables


  • Enhancement: Add global HTMLElement DOM-settable properties (for undefined to have no effect)
  • Build: Add nodeType existence check (avoiding strict warnings)
  • npm: Update devDeps
  • Testing: Fix test to exclude attribute nodes (depends still on jsdom fixing)


  • Fix: browser and module not pointing to updated file names
  • Docs: Fix paths in docs
  • Enhancement: Add "es" dist file
  • npm: Fix browser-test script


  • Breaking change (file locations): Move files to dist or src subdirectories accordingly (and move demo file to own directory)
  • Breaking change (Bower): Remove bower.json (service is deprecated; use npm instead as is also usable for browser)
  • Enhancement: Add "no innerHTML" distribution for sake of add-on validators
  • Linting: ESLint
  • Testing: Make conditional check for Firefox in test
  • npm: Add chokidar watch script
  • npm: Update deps and devDeps
  • npm: Fix scripts to avoid building upon install


  • Enhancement: Support plugins


  • Fix: npmignore


  • Build: Add yarn
  • npm: Remove babel-env
  • npm: Update dev deps


  • Breaking change: Don't throw if encountering Node.nodeType as undefined; temporarily treat as Node.ATTRIBUTE_NODE for jsdom
  • Breaking change: Remove an unused IE Shiv polyfill from tests directory
  • npm: Add browser to package.json (and change main to point to Node-specific file)
  • npm: Remove unused dependencies; add Rollup ones
  • Build: Move Node code into separate entry file
  • Build: Add Rollup code to potentially handle JSDOM as import (incomplete and may not work)
  • Testing: Convert non-Nodeunit tests to Nodeunit and merge two test directories into one; simplify testing and leverage setUp; fix all broken tests; rename our assert code and have it accept a test object; make separate entry files for Node and browser; add test messages


  • Fix: Actually add plugin apparently insisted on by Babel


  • Fix: Add plugins apparently insisted on by Babel


  • Fix: Add plugins apparently insisted on by babel-env


  • Breaking change: Use setAttribute for style to ensure consistent serialization; could break if had been using to add styles to an existing element
  • Breaking change (Browser): Remove most polyfills (no longer as concerned about old IE support, Babel or others can polyfill, and some are now better standardized, e.g., XMLSerializer)
  • Breaking change (Node): Rather than always creating a new jsdom window, document (and XMLSerializer), look first for global ones (in case user wants to interact with same document object
  • Breaking change (Node): Adjust and apply our own more browser-up-to-date XMLSerializer polyfill in place of xmldom.
  • Enhancement: Allow for getting/setting of window, document, and XMLSerializer objects so we don't need to inject globals in Node.
  • Fix: For Jamilih Maps, stop calling super on this (not needed and problematic in jsdom)
  • Refactoring: Rollup and apply Babel to jml-es6.js to jml.js (ensuring older browsers and Node can support new features)
  • Refactoring: Use new jsdom API
  • npm: Add module property for sake of Rollup/Webpack
  • npm: Update deps and devDeps
  • npm: Add ESLint to test routines
  • npm: Remove xmldom dep., add Rollup plugins for testing
  • Testing: Add messages to tests, skipping some tests known to be not supported by jsdom
  • Testing: Support one Node/browser polyglot testing, using Rollup
  • Testing: Update tests to current browser expectations
  • Docs: Document some newer features and other improvements


  • For both files:

    • Breaking change: Support reasonable dynamic template creation (append to its content fragment instead of to template itself)
    • Allow document fragment to be appended as with elements
  • For jml-es6.js file:

    • Breaking change: Change API for jml.(Weak)Map.invoke to pass element as first instead of last arg
    • Enhancement: Add $shadow for creating Shadow DOM
    • Enhancement: Add $define for Custom Element definitions
    • Enhancement: Add $custom for arbitrary addition of DOM properties/methods
    • Enhancement: Add jml.command() utility for invoking functions or methods attached to an element by symbol or map
    • Enhancement: Override jml.Map and jml.WeakMap get and set to accept selectors in place of elements; also allow in custom invoke


  • Fix: For jml-es6.js file, avoid error if opts.$map doesn't exist!


  • For jml-es6.js file, add jml.sym (and aliases jml.symbol and jml.for) utilities for retrieving a Symbol (or Symbol.for) instance on a particular element
  • For jml-es6.js file, allow $symbol two-item array with the first item as a Symbol (or a string for Symbol.for) to be added as a key on the given element with the second item as the function or object to be its value. The object will have an elem property added to it to reference the current element, or, if a function is used, its this will be set to the element.
  • For jml-es6.js file, allow $data attribute (and $map in config) (as yet undocumented)


  • For jml-es6.js file, add jml.weak, jml.strong, jml.Map, and jml.WeakMap for easier association of elements to Map or WeakMap maps.


  • For jml-es6.js file, dataset recursive objects fixed to always repeat prefix when other properties on same sub-object


  • For jml-es6.js file, dataset recursive objects now support non-string primitive values (with null/undefined ignoring)


  • For jml-es6.js file, support recursive objects under dataset.


  • Refactoring: Add jml-es6.js file for ES6 module support
  • Linting: ESLint ES6 module file and tests
  • npm: Add ESLint script
  • Testing: Serve proper content-types in test server
  • Testing: Use ES6 modules in HTML tests and demo file
  • Testing: Simplify suite running API


  • Add lang to NULLABLE att group


  • Add pattern to DOM properties
  • Add new internal group NON_NULL for attributes that if set to null or undefined, they will not be set at all (useful for templates that can use the ternary operator to avoid setting)
  • Add max, min to NON_NULL att group


  • Avoid having nully dataset value set dataset, class/className, style, for/htmlFor, innerHTML, and $on handlers (as setting by DOM alone sets it to the string "undefined" or "null").


  • Fix readOnly in map and bool check


  • Add ATTR_MAP (inspired by JsonML): Only readOnly->readonly for now
  • Add ATTR_DOM (inspired by JsonML): Attributes to be set in DOM along with booleans (Uses attributes in JsonML)
  • Add 'disabled', 'readonly', 'indeterminate' to boolean attributes
  • Refactoring: Define BOOL_ATTS (paralleling JsonML) for our boolean attributes
  • Test refactoring (minor): Dummy favicon placeholders in test files for avoiding logs
  • Test refactoring (minor): Switch from GLOBAL to global in tests
  • npm: Update deps


  • Add defaultChecked and defaultSelected support as properties


  • npm: apply correct branch!


  • npm: Upgrade jsdom version
  • Demo: Fix
  • Testing: Unskip createCDATASection test for jsdom now that implemented


  • Bower: Shrink description as per npm


  • npm: Shrink description to fit limit


  • Rename MIT license file to LICENSE-MIT.txt


  • Docs: Fix license text displayed
  • Travis: Add dependencies status to README

0.10.1 (skipped 0.10.0)

  • npm: Update dependencies
  • Travis: Add support and display build status
  • Testing: Workaround nodeunit in browser issue


  • npm: Lint, add scripts for browser/Node testing
  • npm: Rely on latest jsdom rather than my now outdated fork
  • Refactoring: Avoid DOMParser from xmldom since jsdom supports (still need its XMLSerializer however)
  • Testing/npm: Support nodeunit also in browser, via testing server
  • Testing: All tests passing in Node, browser
  • Testing: Upgrade tests per current DOM spec (no more createEntityReference) and jsdom behavior
  • Testing: Temporarily avoid or provide workarounds for jsdom in testing (Needs attr. node added back and createCDATASection)
  • Testing: Temporarily provide workaround for xmldom in testing (non-namespaced serialization)
  • Schema: Provided tentative JSON Schema


  • Actual Node support
  • Add document, document type, notation, entity, attribute node support
  • Add ordered attribute support
  • New methods on jml: toJML(), toJMLString(), toHTML() (or toDOMString()), toXML() (or toXMLDOMString()), toDOM() (an alias for jml()).
  • Added unit tests


  • Support appending of attributes/properties and children to existing DOM element
  • Support style as object (with hyphenated or CamelCase keys)
  • Append style string attributes rather than replacing


  • Breaking change to allow on-prefixed event handlers to become set as direct properties rather than through addEventListener. If you need the latter, use the $on object syntax.
  • Allow decimal character references to be supplied as numbers


  • Number and boolean children converted to text nodes


  • Better error reporting


  • Support "defaultValue" property setting