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File metadata and controls

270 lines (234 loc) · 12.2 KB


Media-Utilities is a collection of services to assist in your Plex and Emby media management.

  1. Sync Watched Status
  • Allows the syncing of watch status from plex to emby
  • Allows the syncing of watch status from emby to plex. For admin of plex server only.
  1. Delete Watched (DVR function)
  • Delete watched items after a specified time period
  • Uses Tautulli or Jellystat to get watched items
  1. DVR Maintainer
  • Allows user to specify a show and how to keep episodes
  • Can be keep last X days
  • Can be keep length X days
  1. Folder Cleanup
  • Cleanup empty folders and notify media servers of delete

Each service can be configured independently. Each service allows for a cron rate on when to run.

Installing Media-Utilities

Media-Utilities offers a pre-compiled docker image


Use docker compose to run Media-Utilities


    image: brikim/media-utilities:latest
    container_name: media-utilities
      - no-new-privileges:true
      - TZ=America/Chicago
      - /docker/media-utilities/config:/config
      - /docker/media-utilities/logs:/logs
      - /pathToMedia:/media
    restart: unless-stopped


📝 /media folder can not be read only for all services to function correctly

Environment Variables

Env Function
TZ specify a timezone to use

Volume Mappings

Volume Function
/config Path to a folder containing config.yml used to setup Media-Utilities
/logs Path to a folder to store Media-Utilities log files
/media Path to your media files. Used by services to monitor your media files

Configuration File

A configuration file is required to use Media-Utilities. Create a config.yml file in the volume mapped to /config


    "plex_url": "",
    "plex_api_key": "",
    "plex_admin_user_name": "AdminUserName",
    "plex_media_path": "/media/",

    "tautulli_url": "",
    "tautulli_api_key": "",

    "emby_url": "",
    "emby_api_key": "",
    "emby_media_path": "/media/",

    "jellystat_url": "",
    "jellystat_api_key": "",

    "gotify_logging": {
        "enabled": "True",
        "url": "",
        "app_token": "",
        "message_title": "Title of message",
        "priority": 6

    "sync_watched": {
        "enabled": "True",
        "cron_run_rate": "0 */2",

        "users": [
            {"plex_name": "User1", "can_sync_plex_watch": "True", "emby_name": "User1"},
            {"plex_name": "User2", "can_sync_plex_watch": "False", "emby_name": "User2"}

    "delete_watched": {
        "enabled": "True",
        "cron_run_rate": "0 */2",
        "delete_time_hours": 24,
        "users": [
            {"plex_name": "User1", "emby_name": "User1"},
            {"plex_name": "User2", "emby_name": "User2"}
        "libraries": [
                "plex_library_name": "PlexLibraryName", "plex_media_path": "/pathPlexUsesForMedia",
                "emby_library_name": "EmbyLibraryName", "emby_media_path": "/pathEmbyUsesForMedia",
                "utilities_path": "/pathUtilitiesToMedia"

    "dvr_maintainer": {
        "enabled": "True",
        "cron_run_rate": "0 */2",
        "_comment": "shows actions include KEEP_LAST_ followed by an integer of total shows to keep and KEEP_LENGTH_DAYS_ followed by an integer of days",
        "libraries": [
                "plex_library_name": "PlexLibraryNameThatContainsName1",
                "emby_library_name": "EmbyLibraryNameThatContainsName1",
                "utilities_path": "/pathUtilitiesToMedia",
                "shows": [
                    {"name": "DirectoryNameInUtilitiesLibraryPath", "action": "KEEP_LAST_5"},
                    {"name": "DirectoryNameInUtilitiesLibraryPath2", "action": "KEEP_LENGTH_DAYS_7"}
                "plex_library_name": "PlexLibraryNameThatContainsName2",
                "emby_library_name": "EmbyLibraryNameThatContainsName2",
                "utilities_path": "/pathUtilitiesToMedia2",
                "shows": [
                    {"name": "DirectoryNameInUtilitiesLibraryPath", "action": "KEEP_LAST_5"},
                    {"name": "DirectoryNameInUtilitiesLibraryPath2", "action": "KEEP_LENGTH_DAYS_7"}

    "folder_cleanup": {
        "enabled": "True",
        "cron_run_rate": "0 */2",
        "paths_to_check": [
            {"path": "/pathToCheckForEmpty", "plex_library_name": "nameOfPlexLibrary", "emby_library_name": "nameOfEmbyLibrary"}
        "_comment_ignore_folder_in_check": "Folders to ignore for the path to be considered empty",
        "ignore_folder_in_empty_check": [
            {"ignore_folder": "someFolderToIgnore"}
        "_comment_ignore_files_in_check": "Files to ignore for the path to be considered empty",
        "ignore_file_in_empty_check": [
            {"ignore_file": "someFileToIgnore"}

Option Descriptions

You only have to define the variables for servers in your system. For plex only define plex_url and plex_api_key in your file. The emby and jellyfin variables are not required.

Media Server Function
plex_url Url to your plex server (Make sure you include the port if not reverse proxy)
plex_api_key API Key to access your plex server
plex_admin_user_name Name of the admin user for the plex server
plex_media_path Path your plex media server is using in the container to its media
tautulli_url Url to your tautulli server (Make sure you include the port if not reverse proxy)
tautulli_api_key API key to access your tautulli server
emby_url Url to your emby server (Make sure you include the port if not reverse proxy)
emby_api_key API Key to access your emby server
emby_media_path Path your emby media server is using in the container to its media
jellystat_url Url to your jellystat server (Make sure you include the port if not reverse proxy)
jellystat_api_key API Key to access your jellystat server

Gotify Logging

Not required unless wanting to send Warnings or Errors to Gotify

Gotify Function
enabled Enable the function with 'True'
url Url including port to your gotify server
app_token Gotify app token to be used to send notifications
message_title Title to put in the title bar of the message
priority The priority of the message to send to gotify

Sync Watched configuration

Sync Watched service will sync the watch status between Plex and Emby users. Requires Tautulli and Jellystat to work. Define a plex user name to sync to an emby user name and vice versa.

sync_watched Function
enabled Enable the sync watch service
cron_run_rate Rate at which to run this service. Cron format but only uses minutes and hours
users A list of users to sync watch status

1 to many users can be listed for sync watched

users Function
plex_name The plex user name to sync watch status
can_sync_plex_watch This should be True for the admin user of the server only
emby_name The emby user name to sync watch status

Delete Watched

Plex by default does not allow users to delete media. This service was intended to be used on a TV Recordings library but can be used however you want. Define a set of libraries and users. If the service detects an item has been watched by a defined user it will delete the item after a defined time period.

delete_watched Function
enabled Enable the delete watched service
cron_run_rate Rate at which to run this service. Cron format but only uses minutes and hours
delete_time_hours How long to wait in hours after a show has been watched to delete
users A list of users to monitor for watched status
libraries A list of libraries to monitor for defined user watches

1 to many users can be listed for sync watched

users Function
plex_name The plex user name to to monitor for watches (Optional)
emby_name The emby user name to to monitor for watches (Optional)

1 to many libraries can be listed for sync watched

libraries Function
plex_library_name The name of the plex library to monitor for user watches (Optional)
emby_library_name The name of the emby library to monitor for user watches (Optional)
utilities_path The path in the media-utilities container that corresponds to the plex or emby library media

DVR Maintainer

Plex and Emby have a very basic DVR function for removing media after a certain amount of time or a max episode limit. This service expands on this and allows you to specify a max number of episodes or a length in days a episode is allowed to be on the server.

dvr_maintainer Function
enabled Enable the delete watched service
cron_run_rate Rate at which to run this service. Cron format but only uses minutes and hours
libraries A list of libraries to monitor for media deletion

1 to many libraries can be listed for dvr maintainer

libraries Function
plex_library_name Name of the plex library to notify on media deletion (Optional)
emby_library_name Name of the emby library to notify on media deletion (Optional)
utilities_path Path in the container that corresponds to this libraries media
shows A list of shows to monitor and how long episodes should be kept

1 to many shows can be listed for each library

shows Function
name Name of the show to monitor for deletions
action Action for the keep time/number of this show. Two options are supported. KEEP_LAST_X - Where X is the number of episodes to keep for this show. Must be an integer. Will delete the oldest shows by file timestamp. KEEP_LENGTH_DAYS_X. Where X is the number of days to keep episodes in this show.

Folder cleanup

Will remove empty folders within a specified directory. This can be useful running with DVR Maintainer. Emby will still list a show in the library even though media does not exist in it. This service cleans up empty folders and notified media servers of this change.

folder_cleanup Function
enabled Enable the delete watched service
cron_run_rate Rate at which to run this service. Cron format but only uses minutes and hours
paths_to_check A list of paths to check for empty folders
ignore_folder_in_empty_check A list folder names to ignore empty checks
ignore_file_in_empty_check A list of files to ignore. If a folder contains this file it will still be considered empty

1 to many ignore_folder_in_empty_check can be listed

ignore_folder_in_empty_check Function
path Path to check for empty folders

1 to many ignore_folder_in_empty_check can be listed

ignore_folder_in_empty_check Function
ignore_folder Path to ignore for empty checks. If this path is found the folder will still be considered empty

1 to many ignore_file_in_empty_check can be listed

ignore_file_in_empty_check Function
ignore_file File to ignore for empty checks. If this file is found the folder will still be considered empty