A port of Moonlight Stream for playing games using GeForce Experience or Sunshine for the Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S family of consoles
This application is still in early stages of development. Expect things to not work or working badly
- Open Microsoft Edge and click the "Get it from Microsoft" Button above
- Downlad Moonlight UWP from the Microsoft Store
- Open Moonlight on Xbox and, if not already, your host app
- Press the "+" button, Insert your PC IP Address and press "Connect"
- Pair if neeeded
- Choose from the list below the application you want to run
- ???
- Profit!
Looking for the Standard Dev Mode Builds? Can be found here: Link Looking for the Bleeding Edge Builds? Can be found here: Link
- Enable the Dev Mode on your Xbox https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/uwp/xbox-apps/devkit-activation
- Using the Device Portal, install the Application (moonlight-xbox-dx.msixbundle) and, in the following step, add the required dependencies (Microsoft.UI.Xaml.2.7.appx and Microsoft.VCLibs.x64.14.00.appx)
- Open Moonlight on Xbox and, if not already, your host app
- Your PC should already be on the list. If not, press the "+" button, Insert your PC IP Address and press "Connect"
- Pair if neeeded
- Choose from the list below the application you want to run
- ???
- Profit!
- Connection and Pairing
- Application List fetching
- Video Streaming (configurable on a host-basis in the settings)
- Gamepad Input (with Rumble and a mouse mode to move the pointer using the gamepad)
- Keyboard (both on-screen and using an Hardware one)
- Graceful Disconnection
- Host configuration (for resolution and bitrate) and saved host history
- Audio
- Hardware Mouse (UWP Limitations sadly)
- 120FPS (Never tested, let me know if it works)
- Everything else not listed above
- Windows 10
- Visual Studio 2022
- Clone this repository (
) with submodules enabled! - Install VCPKG and all dependencies:
- Clone VCPKG (
git clone https://github.com/Microsoft/vcpkg.git
) intomoonlight-xbox/vcpkg
- Run
- Install dependencies:
.\vcpkg\vcpkg.exe install --triplet x64-uwp
- Clone VCPKG (
- Run x64 Visual Studio Prompt (Tools → Command Line → Developer Command Prompt)
- Run
to generatemoonlight-common-c
VS project - Go to
and runbuild-uwp.bat
to generatelibgamestream
VS project
- Run
- After all the actions above, you finally can open and build solution.