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File metadata and controls

175 lines (122 loc) · 5.39 KB

HSQL (HPCC Systems Structured Query Language)


HSQL is the new big data query language of the HPCC Systems.

It leverages a declarative SQL like syntax and translates to Enterprise Control Language (ECL). It can also work in conjunction with ECL to allow a team of data science developers to explore and analyze big data across a high performance computing cluster without the programmer being involved in many of the lower level, imperative decisions.

It is designed mostly for SQL developers that are interested in developing on the HPCC systems platform. Using HSQL, developers should easily adapt to the HPCC systems platform and start working with big-data right away.


HSQL Installation

Our recommendation is to install the Microsoft Visual Studio Code Extension, which helps with syntax highlighting and auto-completion features.

  • Download or Clone the repository
  • Open this repository in Visual Studio Code
  • Look for the latest version of hsqlt-extension-0.0.*.vsix under HSQL folder. At the time of writing the file hsqlt-extension-0.0.35.vsix is the latest version.
  • Right click on the file name and selet "Install Extension VSIX"
  • In the right lower corner you will receive a message stating
Completed installing hsqlt-extension extension from VSIX. Please reload Visual Studio Code to enable it.
  • Click "Reload Now"


By installing HSQL you are able to write SQL code and convert it to ECL (Enterprise Control Language).

HPCC Platform Installation

To execute the generated ECL code, you need to install HPCC client tool on your local machine/computer. From [Platform Download](https://HPCC select your Operating System for "Gold" version and follow the provided instruction.

Setup VS Code

Once HPCC client tool is installed, you need to setup ECL Language extension in your VS Code.

  • Open VS Code
  • On the left side menu, open "Extension" or use (Ctrl + Shit + X).
  • Search for ECL Language Extension
  • Click "Install"

ECL Extension

Create launch.json

Once the ECL Language extension is completed, we need to connect to a HPCC cluster for executing ECL file.

  • On the left side menu, open "Run and Debug" or use (Ctrl + Shift + D)
  • Click "Create a launch.json file"

Run And Debug

  • From dropdown menu select "ECL"

Run And Debug

  • A default launch.json file is created and loaded on the main pane.
  • Edit values with following
  "version": "0.2.0",
  "configurations": [
      "name": "HPCC-Cluster",
      "type": "ecl",
      "request": "launch",
      "mode": "submit",
      "workspace": "${workspaceRoot}",
      "program": "${file}",
      "protocol": "http",
      "serverAddress": "",
      "port": 8010,
      "rejectUnauthorized": false,
      "targetCluster": "thor",
      "eclccPath": "${config:ecl.eclccPath}",
      "eclccArgs": [],
      "includeFolders": "${config:ecl.includeFolders}",
      "legacyMode": "${config:ecl.legacyMode}",
      "resultLimit": 100,
      "user": "YourName",
      "password": ""

Simple Test

Once the installations are complete

  • Open "HSQL\Documentation\SampleCode\SimpleTest.hsql"
  • Pres (Ctrl + Shit + P) and search for "HSQL: Compile a HSQL Program"
  • When compile is completed a window will popup in lower right corner stating "Done Writing"
  • You should see a SimpleTest.ecl in the same folder
  • Open SimpleTest.ecl and press F5 (Start Debugging)
  • Results are ready to view in VS Code and on ECL WatchPage

HSQL Reference

Please refer to HSQL Commands to see what commands are available.

Examples and Syntax:

Select all columns from table

a = select * from tableName;
b = select column1,column2, column4 as X from tableName;

Group by

g = select * from tableName group by column1;
g = select AVG(wages) from employees group by wages;


c = select * from table1,table2, table3 join table4 on table3.x = table4.y;


plot from xyz title myplot type bar;
plot from abc title myotherplot type column;


a = 5;
OUTPUT a;                  // regular output
OUTPUT a TITLE my_Var;     // give the output a name


function isInCountry(layout rec x,string y) {
    z = select * from x where country=y order by customerid desc;
    return z;

Machine Learning

ind = select PersonID,age from commonsimple.simpleTable where PersonID<5;
dep = select PersonID,wage from commonsimple.simpleTable where PersonID<5;

test = select PersonID,age from commonsimple.simpleTable where PersonID>4;

model = train from ind,dep method LinearRegression;

result = predict model from test;