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File metadata and controls

91 lines (60 loc) · 2.63 KB


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A utility for validating your metal-soy components. This tool is not meant to do the same work that your javascript or soy compiler already does. Instead it checks for anti-patterns in your components.


First install mcritic from npm:

$ npm install -g metal-soy-critic

Then pass it a directory containing soy files that you would like to check:

$ mcritic src

You can also ignore files matching a particular glob:

$ mcritic . --ignore "**/{node_modules,classes,build}/**"


By default, mcritic will recursively search the current and parent folders for a .soycriticrc.json file from the current working directory. Here is an example:

  "callToImport": [
      "regex": "(\\S+)",
      "replace": "{$1|param}"

Here are the currently supported settings:


This property is used to provide a list of replacement configurations. Each list item must contain two properties:

  • regex

    This property is used to provide matches for replace. This should be a standard javascript regex that contains capture groups to be referenced in replace.

  • replace

    This property uses match groups defined in regex to translate a component name in a soy template to its corresponding import name when validating their import.

    When referencing match groups from regex, interpolation should be in the form of {$n}, where n is the match group number. An example would be "{$1}.js".

    Interpolations can also contain named string transformations delimited by a |. This transformation corresponds to the functions provided by change-case.


    • "{$1|lower|snake}.js"
    • "{$2}-{$1}"
    • "{$1|dot}.js"
Type Default
array "[{"regex": "(.*)", "replace": "{$1}"}]"


This property is used to provide implicit params when checking if a Soy param is present in a component's STATE configuration. Here is an example:

  "implicitParams": {
    ".*Clay": ["visible", "elementClasses"],
    "DropDown": "open"

Each key shoud be a valid RegExp string, which will be used to match a class name in your project. When a match is found, the value (which should be a string or Array<string>) will be added to the available params for that class when compared against it's Soy file.

Type Default
object {}


Feature requests, issues, and pull requests are welcome!