diff --git a/ardublockly/msg/ch.js b/ardublockly/msg/ch.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..85ec6b1165
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ardublockly/msg/ch.js
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+var Ardublockly = Ardublockly || {};
+Ardublockly.LOCALISED_TEXT = {
+ translationLanguage: "chinese",
+ title: "Ardublockly",
+ blocks: "Blocks",
+ /* Menu */
+ open: "打开",
+ save: "保存",
+ deleteAll: "删除所有",
+ settings: "设置",
+ documentation: "文档",
+ reportBug: "报告错误",
+ examples: "例子",
+ /* Settings */
+ compilerLocation: "编译器地址",
+ compilerLocationDefault: "编译器路径未知",
+ sketchFolder: "Sketch 文件夹",
+ sketchFolderDefault: "Sketch 文件夹 未知",
+ arduinoBoard: "Arduino 板",
+ arduinoBoardDefault: "Arduino 板未知",
+ comPort: "串口",
+ comPortDefault: "串口 未知",
+ defaultIdeButton: "默认 IDE 按钮",
+ defaultIdeButtonDefault: "IDE options 未知",
+ language: "语言",
+ languageDefault: "语言未知",
+ sketchName: "Sketch 名字",
+ /* Arduino console output */
+ arduinoOpMainTitle: "Arduino IDE 输出",
+ arduinoOpWaiting: "等待IDE输出...",
+ arduinoOpUploadedTitle: "Successfully Uploaded Sketch",
+ arduinoOpVerifiedTitle: "Successfully Verified Sketch",
+ arduinoOpOpenedTitle: "Sketch opened in IDE",
+ arduinoOpOpenedBody: "The sketch should be loaded in the Arduino IDE.",
+ arduinoOpErrorUpVerTitle: "Build or Upload failed",
+ arduinoOpErrorSketchTitle: "Sketch not found",
+ arduinoOpErrorFlagTitle: "Invalid command line argument",
+ arduinoOpErrorFlagPrefTitle: "Preference passed to 'get-pref' flag does not exist",
+ arduinoOpErrorIdeDirTitle: "Unable to find Arduino IDE",
+ arduinoOpErrorIdeDirBody: "The compiler directory has not been set.
" +
+ "Please set it in the Settings.",
+ arduinoOpErrorIdeOptionTitle: "What should we do with the Sketch?",
+ arduinoOpErrorIdeOptionBody: "The launch IDE option has not been set.
" +
+ "Please select an IDE option in the Settings.",
+ arduinoOpErrorIdePortTitle: "Serial Port unavailable",
+ arduinoOpErrorIdePortBody: "The Serial Port is not accessible.
" +
+ "Please check if the Arduino is correctly connected to the PC and select the Serial Port in the Settings.",
+ arduinoOpErrorIdeBoardTitle: "Unknown Arduino Board",
+ arduinoOpErrorIdeBoardBody: "The Arduino Board has not been set.
" +
+ "Please select the appropriate Arduino Board from the settings.",
+ /* Modals */
+ noServerTitle: "Ardublockly app not running",
+ noServerTitleBody: "
For all the Ardublockly features to be enabled, the Ardublockly desktop application must be running locally on your computer.
" + + "If you are using an online version you will not be able to configure the settings nor load the blocks code into an Arduino.
" + + "Installation instruction can be found in the Ardublockly repository.
" + + "If you have Ardublockly already installed, make sure the application is running correctly.
", + noServerNoLangBody: "If the Ardublockly application is not running the language cannot be fully changed.", + addBlocksTitle: "Additional Blocks", + /* Alerts */ + loadNewBlocksTitle: "Load new blocks?", + loadNewBlocksBody: "Loading a new XML file will replace the current blocks from the workspace.