^ I've worked at CodePen for a few months now ^ I've been making CSS art for almost 3 years
- Making CSS art will make you better at CSS
- Making CSS art will help you see graphics modularly
- Making CSS art will force you to think critically about how you organize your code
^ I first started playing around with CSS art when I found my CSS skills lacking. I started by making more functional things, but then moved on to trying to make drawings with it. ^ Making these drawings has helped me not only improve my ability to write CSS, but also my organization and ability to solve weird layout problems.
(Credit: Kristjan Pikk)
(Credit: Infographic Paradise)
(Credit: Molli Ross)
- A place to code (e.g. CodePen)
- A color picker (e.g. Digital Color Meter)
- Something to measure pixels (e.g. a screenshotting tool)
- a.singlediv.com
- Christina Gorton's CSS Art class: https://skl.sh/2NZOV2Q
- CodePen Spark: https://codepen.io/spark