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Clash Forth Machine

The CFM core is a 16-bit dual-stack CPU patterned after James Bowman's J1 core.

Architectural highlights

  • Memory and stacks are 16 bits wide. Memory is, however, byte-addressed, and the LSB of addresses is ignored.
  • Instructions are 16 bits long and aligned. The PC is 15 bits (LSB omitted) and can address any word in the address space.
  • There are two stacks, data and return, for supporting Forth code.
  • Calls are single-cycle, returns can often be folded into a previous instruction.
  • I/O devices are placed in a separate address space (Intel-style) to maximize room for RAM.

Compared to the J1

I haven't attempted to maintain source, binary, or timing compatibility with the J1 core described in Bowman's original paper.

Load Timing

The CFM targets Lattice ICE40 FPGAs. The ICE40 series uses 1R1W RAM, i.e. simple dual-ported RAM that can issue a single read and a single write independently per cycle. By contrast, the J1 targeted Xilinx's block RAMs, which are 2RW -- they can issue two reads or writes per cycle. The J1 used this to ensure that a code fetch could always overlap with a memory operation; on ICE40 we have no such luxury.

As a result, loads (ALU instructions with Tmux set to memory) and stores (bit NM set) now take two cycles.

On the up side, external memory is also single-ported, so the CFM can run from external SRAM.

Separate I/O space

Memory and I/O occupy separate address spaces, to get the most out of 16 bits. Bit 4, previously unused in the instruction encoding, has been repurposed as an "I/O select" bit that changes the meaning of loads and stores.

ALU changes

  • Tmux 10: decrement has been replaced with subtraction. The magnitude comparator used by < is already most of the way to a subtraction circuit, so exposing this actually makes the chip smaller.

  • The shifts are explicitly mod-16, which made the shift logic simpler.

  • The depth value at Tmux 14 returns the current depth of both stacks, packed as bytes into the 16-bit result.

Registers and data buses

There are four visible internal registers:

  • PC (15 bits) holds the word address of the instruction being executed.
  • T (16 bits) holds the top word of the stack. The rest of the stack is in data stack memory.
  • DPtr (8 bits) holds the data stack memory pointer.
  • RPtr (8 bits) holds the return stack memory pointer.

The buses to the data and return stack memories are referred to as N and R, respectively.

Instruction encoding and timing

CFM instructions are 16 bits wide and loaded from aligned addresses in memory.

There are four instruction types. All run in a single cycle unless noted otherwise.

Push Literal

15  14                           0
|1 |         value                |

Effect: ( -- value)

value is zero-extended and pushed to the data stack.

To get a literal with bit 15 set, use this instruction and complement the result.


15   13 12                       0
|0 0 0 |     target               |

Effect: ( -- )

target is zero-extended and loaded into the PC. Note that this means it's a word address, pointing into the lower 8 kiW / 16 kiB of the address space.

Jump if Zero

15   13 12                       0
|0 0 1 |     target               |

Effect: ( f -- )

Pops a flag off the data stack. If it is zero, target is zero-extended and loaded into the PC. Otherwise, execution continues linearly.

Note that target is a word address, pointing into the lower 8 kiW / 16 kiB of the address space.


15   13 12                       0
|0 1 0 |     target               |

Effect: ( -- ) R: ( -- raddr )

Pushes the address of the next instruction onto the return stack.

target is zero-extended and loaded into the PC. Note that target is a word address, pointing into the lower 8 kiW / 16 kiB of the address space.


15   13                                 0
|0 1 1 |RP| Tmux   |TN|TR|NM|IO|Radj|Dadj|

The everything-else instruction. This instruction carries unencoded control information for the processor datapath.

The single bit fields function as follows when set:

RP: PC loaded from R.

TN: N loaded from T.

TR: R loaded from T.

NM: memory at address T loaded from N.

IO: loads and stores target I/O, not RAM.

The Tmux field controls a multiplexer that chooses the next value for T.

0 -> t
1 -> n
2 -> t + n
3 -> t .&. n
4 -> t .|. n
5 -> t `xor` n
6 -> complement t
7 -> signExtend $ pack $ n == t
8 -> signExtend $ pack $ unpack @(Signed 16) n < unpack t
9 -> n `shiftR` (fromIntegral t `mod` 16)
10 -> n - t
11 -> r
12 -> loadFrom (t `shiftR` 1)
13 -> n `shiftL` (fromIntegral t `mod` 16)
14 -> pack (rdepth, depth)
15 -> signExtend $ pack $ n < t

Notes on those options:

  • Comparison results generate a full-word bitmask, in keeping with Forth tradition, rather than setting only bit 0 like MIPS.
  • Loading from memory (option 12) triggers a state machine that processes the load on the next cycle, so the instruction takes two cycles when this option is selected.
  • depth (option 14) yields the current data and return stack pointers when the instruction began executing.

The Radj and Dadj fields hold twos-complement integers that are added to the return and data stack pointers, respectively. The addition is performed after the respective stacks are read, but before they are written. That is, an ALU instruction with the fields

TN = 1
Tmux = 1
Dadj = -1

has the effects

T <= DSTACK[dptr]
DSTACK[dptr - 1] <= T

or as a Forth stack comment: ( x n t -- t n ).

Instruction set notes and tricks

Common instructions

Here are some ALU-instruction encodings of common Forth words. Many of these are due to Bowman's J1 paper. Omitted fields are zero.

dup     $6081 ALU            TN               Dadj=+1
over    $6181 ALU    Tmux=1  TN               Dadj=+1
swap    $6180 ALU    Tmux=1  TN
nip     $6003 ALU                             Dadj=-1
drop    $6103 ALU    Tmux=1                   Dadj=-1

2nip    $6002 ALU                             Dadj=-2

>r      $6147 ALU    Tmux=1     TR            Dadj=-1 Radj=+1
r>      $6b8d ALU    Tmux=11 TN               Dadj=+1 Radj=-1
r@      $6b81 ALU    Tmux=11 TN               Dadj=+1
exit    $700c ALU RP                                  Radj=-1

rdrop   $600c ALU                                     Radj=-1

+       $6203 ALU    Tmux=2                   Dadj=-1
and     $6303 ALU    Tmux=3                   Dadj=-1
or      $6403 ALU    Tmux=4                   Dadj=-1
xor     $6503 ALU    Tmux=5                   Dadj=-1
invert  $6600 ALU    Tmux=6
=       $6703 ALU    Tmux=7                   Dadj=-1
<       $6803 ALU    Tmux=8                   Dadj=-1
rshift  $6903 ALU    Tmux=9                   Dadj=-1
-       $6a03 ALU    Tmux=10                  Dadj=-1
lshift  $6d03 ALU    Tmux=13                  Dadj=-1
u<      $6f03 ALU    Tmux=15                  Dadj=-1

@       $6c00 ALU    Tmux=12


Forth's store-to-memory operator ! requires two instructions on CFM (as with J1). This is because it needs to reference two stack cells: N to get the value to store, and the cell under N as the new value of T. There are two !-like instructions that have proven useful:

!a  ( x addr -- addr )  $6023
!d  ( x addr -- x )     $6123

Follow either with drop to complete a Forth-style store.

Instruction fusion

This instruction set provides a lot of opportunities for optimization. In many cases, multiple Forth-level operations can be encoded into a single instruction. The assembler and BsForth both perform all the fusion cases below automatically.

There are other fusion opportunities that aren't currently implemented, because they're pretty rare in practice.

Return fusion

A function return can be fused into many ALU instructions. Specifically, any instruction that does not set the TR or Radj bits. This means returning from a function is often free.

Practically, this means that code will be slightly smaller and faster if the final instruction in a routine does not affect the return stack. For instance, a function that ends by discarding a value from each stack:

... drop rdrop ;

will save one word and one cycle by doing the return stack manipulation first:

... rdrop drop ;

Tail-call optimization

A function return can be fused into a call instruction, by converting it to a jump.

Unary non-destructive operation fusion

A unary operation such as @ or invert can be made to leave its operand available, i.e. to be non-destructive, by preceding it with dup.

This sequence can be fused, by adjusting Dadj. In general, the sequence

dup @

takes one word/cycle.

Commutative non-destructive operation fusion

A commutative binary operation such as + or = can be made to leave one operand on the stack by preceding it with over. This sequence can be fused.

Furthmore, it can be made to leave both operands on the stack by prepending another over. This can also be fused.

Thus, the sequence

over over +

takes one word/cycle. In particular, over over xor is the cheapest way of comparing two values non-destructively for inequality for use with conditional branches.

Note that the assembler is not currently smart enough to recognize that this is equivalent to:

: 2dup over over ;

2dup +

That is, the over over sequence must be written inline to be recognized.