diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 42f2383b9..457dffbbd 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -7,58 +7,92 @@ jqGrid was developed mostly by [Tony Tomov](https://github.com/tonytomov) in the The code from the GitHib repository is the fork of jqGrid 4.7.0 - the latest version available under MIT/GPL-licenses. It will be provided under MIT/GPL-licenses. -Below you can find short description of new features and bug fixes implemented in free jqGrid 4.12.1 (compared with version 4.12.1). The version is developed by [Oleg Kiriljuk](https://github.com/OlegKi), alias [Oleg](http://stackoverflow.com/users/315935/oleg) on the stackoverflow and [OlegK](http://www.trirand.com/blog/?page_id=393) on trirand forum. +Below you can find short description of new features and bug fixes implemented in free jqGrid 4.13.0 (compared with version 4.12.1). The version is developed by [Oleg Kiriljuk](https://github.com/OlegKi), alias [Oleg](http://stackoverflow.com/users/315935/oleg) on the stackoverflow and [OlegK](http://www.trirand.com/blog/?page_id=393) on trirand forum. Read [Wiki](https://github.com/free-jqgrid/jqGrid/wiki) for more detailed information about the features of free-jqGrid. The preliminary version of the documentation can be found [here](http://free-jqgrid.github.io/). -Free jqGrid can be used *for free*. We still ask to contribute the development by donating via PayPal, if one have the possibility for it. One can donate by clicking on the following button [![PayPayl donate button](https://www.paypalobjects.com/webstatic/en_US/btn/btn_donate_pp_142x27.png)](https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=JGTCBLQM2BYHG "Donate once-off to free jqGrid project using Paypal") or by sending money via Paypal to oleg.kiriljuk@ok-soft-gmbh.com with the comment "free jqGrid". +Free jqGrid can be used *for free*. We still ask to contribute the development by donating via PayPal, if one have the possibility for it. One can donate by clicking on the following button [![PayPayl donate button](https://www.paypalobjects.com/webstatic/en_US/btn/btn_donate_pp_142x27.png)](https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=JGTCBLQM2BYHG "Donate once-off to free jqGrid project using PayPal") or by sending money via PayPal to oleg.kiriljuk@ok-soft-gmbh.com with the comment "free jqGrid". Bank transfer based on the invoice from OK soft GmbH is another option of the donation. Just send the email with the information about the sum of donation and you will get the corresponding invoice with the full information about our bank account and our VAT number. One can install the package with respect of [bower](http://bower.io/search/?q=free-jqgrid) by using "bower install free-jqgrid", with respect of [npm](https://www.npmjs.com/package/free-jqgrid) by using "npm install free-jqgrid" or from [NuGet](https://www.nuget.org/packages/free-jqGrid) by using "Install-Package free-jqGrid". -Free jqGrid is published on [cdnjs](https://cdnjs.com/libraries/free-jqgrid) and [jsDelivr CDN](http://www.jsdelivr.com/#!free-jqgrid). So one can use it directly from Internet by including for example +Free jqGrid is published on [cdnjs](https://cdnjs.com/libraries/free-jqgrid) and [jsDelivr CDN](http://www.jsdelivr.com/#!free-jqgrid). Thus one can use it directly from Internet by including for example the URLs like ```html - - - + + + ``` +or +```html + + + +``` +The locale file is optional. One can, but one don't need to include `grid.locale-en.min.js`, becusue the same information is already included in `jquery.jqgrid.min.js`. -It somebody want to test the *latest* version of free jqGrid, one can load it directly from GitHib using [RawGit](http://rawgit.com/) service: +If somebody want to test the *latest* version of free jqGrid, one can load it directly from GitHib using [RawGit](http://rawgit.com/) service: ```html ``` -All other language files and plugins are avalable from CDN too. See [the wiki article](https://github.com/free-jqgrid/jqGrid/wiki/Access-free-jqGrid-from-different-CDNs) for more details about the usage of free jqGrid from CDNs and RawGit. +All other language files and plugins are available from CDN too. See [the wiki article](https://github.com/free-jqgrid/jqGrid/wiki/Access-free-jqGrid-from-different-CDNs) for more details about the usage of free jqGrid from CDNs and RawGit. The package is published on [WebJars](http://www.webjars.org/) and it's deployed on [Maven Central]((http://search.maven.org/#search%7Cga%7C1%7Ca%3A%22free-jqgrid%22)) too. -Remark: the above URLs will be available **after publishing** the release of the version of 4.12.1 - -### Main new features and improvements implemented in the version 4.12.1. - -* Add `div.ui-jqgrid-errorbar` and default implementation of `loadError`. Free jqGrid displays now an error message on errors during loading the data from the server. -* Add `afterResizeDblClick` callback and `jqGridAfterResizeDblClick` event. It allows to make some custom actions after Auto-Resizing of columns for example. -* Add support of `key`, `jsonmap`, `xmlmap` for `additionalProperties` items specified in object format. - -### The below is the full list of changes in the version 4.12.1 compared with 4.12.0 - -* Bug fix in displaying of the column name in the validation error message of inline editing. -* Add missing en-locale information in locale embedded in `grid.base.js`/`jquery.jqgrid.src.js`/`jquery.jqgrid.min.js`. Some texts are missed if one used `jquery.jqgrid.src.js`/`jquery.jqgrid.min.js` *without* including the locale file `grid.locale-en.min.js`. -* Bug fix of *local* sorting if old style filters (the `postData` with `searchField`, `searchOper`, `searchString`) are used. -* Improvement of building process, add `watch` to `gruntfile.js`, fix `sourceMappingURL`. -* Implementing `editrules.custom` as function with more information in parameter as `custom_func`. -* Add `div.ui-jqgrid-errorbar` and default implementation of `loadError`. Free jqGrid displays now an error message on errors during loading the data from the server. -* Bug fix of "Next" and "Last" buttons, which should be not enabled on empty local grid. -* Bug fix of `setRowData` to fill `options.rowData` for custom formatters. -* Fix the reference to .css from .css.map files. -* Bug fix in `addChildNode`. -* Bug fix of internal `readInput` method to correctly support `xmlmap` properties of `colModel` items. -* Bug fix in saving of postion of editing dialogs. -* Add `afterResizeDblClick` callback and `jqGridAfterResizeDblClick` event. It allows to make some custom actions after Auto-Resizing of columns for example. -* Add support of `key`, `jsonmap`, `xmlmap` for `additionalProperties` items specified in object format. +Remark: the above URLs will be available **after publishing** the release of the version of 4.13.0. + +### Main new features and improvements implemented in the version 4.13.0. + +* Free jqGrid can be used now without jQuery UI CSS, only with Bootstrap CSS and optional Font Awesome. One need just add `guiStyle: "bootstrap"` or `guiStyle: "bootstrapPrimary"` to existing grid. +* New `iconSet: "glyph"` is supported now. It allows to use only Bootstrap CSS without Font Awesome. +* One can customize the `iconSet` now more easy by usage of `baseIconSet` property. +* The CSS settings of jqGrid are changed a little because of including support of Bootstrap CSS. As the results some width of columns and some other CSS setting could be changed a little. If you created the grids, which uses every pixel of the results exactly, then you could have to make some changes of the width and height values after upgrade to free jqGrid 4.13.0. +* Some minor changes are made in `$.jgrid.viewModal`. Such changes can produces compatibility problems with the old code. It could be important **only if you call the method directly in your code**. In the case one should add `.call(gridDOM, ...` to the call of `$.jgrid.viewModal` to initialize `this` of `$.jgrid.viewModal` to the DOM element of the grid. + +Some demos could be helpful for understanding how `guiStyle: "bootstrap"`, `guiStyle: "bootstrapPrimary"` and `iconSet` can be used: +[Bootstrap with Font Awesome](http://www.ok-soft-gmbh.com/jqGrid/OK/formEditOnDoubleClick-bootstrap.htm) +[BootstrapPrimary with Font Awesome](http://www.ok-soft-gmbh.com/jqGrid/OK/formEditOnDoubleClick-bootstrapPrimary.htm) +[Bootstrap glyph fonts](http://www.ok-soft-gmbh.com/jqGrid/OK/formEditOnDoubleClick-bootstrap-glyph.htm) +[TreeGrid with Bootstrap and custom iconSet based on glyph fonts](http://www.ok-soft-gmbh.com/jqGrid/OK/LocalAdjacencyTree-glyph.htm). The demo ovewrite icons used for three nodes and uses no icons for leafs. +[Grouping with Bootstrap glyph fonts and custom colors](http://www.ok-soft-gmbh.com/jqGrid/OK/grouping-bootstrap-glyph.htm) +[jQuery UI](http://www.ok-soft-gmbh.com/jqGrid/OK/formEditOnDoubleClick-jqueryui.htm) +[jQuery UI with Font Awesome](http://www.ok-soft-gmbh.com/jqGrid/OK/formEditOnDoubleClick-jqueryui-fa.htm) +[jQuery UI with glyph fonts](http://www.ok-soft-gmbh.com/jqGrid/OK/formEditOnDoubleClick-jqueryui-glyph.htm) + +### The below is the full list of changes in the version 4.13.0 compared with 4.12.1. The list doesn’t include temporary changes and fixes, which are not important for the final state of the version 4.13.0. + +* New `baseIconSet` property can be used in the definition of new `iconSet` in `$.jgrid.icons`. It allows easy to define new `iconSet` by modifying of some settings of existing `iconSet` (currently `"jQueryUI"`, `"fontAwesome"` and `"glyph"`). In the same way the new `guiStyles` can be defined using `baseGuiStyle` property. The definition of the guiStyle `bootstrapPrimary` reference the setting of `bootstrap` and just overwrite *some properties*. +* Some old and unused files are removed from GitHub repository. Gradle is not more used for the build process. +* Unifications of checkbox formatters and templates. There are exist now only one `formatter: "checkbox"` and `template: "booleanCheckbox"`. The old `formatter: "checkboxFontAwesome4"` and `template: "booleanCheckboxFa"` are still supported, but contain just the reference to the implementation of `formatter: "checkbox"` and `template: "booleanCheckbox"`. +* Including new methods `isBootstrapGuiStyle` and `isBootstrapGuiStyle` used internally to detect the `guiStyle` and the `iconSet`. +* Include support of the third `iconSet`: glyphicons. One can now include Bootstrap CSS and to use `iconSet: "glyph"`. +* Some renaming of internal variables in the code to prevent the usage of the names defined in outer scope. +* Fix the usage of correct font of Alert dialog. It is now based on the `guiStyle` settings. +* Drop `$.jgrid.parse` setting and use always `$.parseJSON` to parse JSON data. +* Drop code fragment for IE7 and jQuery versions less the 1.6. +* Bug fix: remove unneeded trimming of value of `