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base repository: chenjie199234/Corelib
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base: v0.0.115
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head repository: chenjie199234/Corelib
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compare: main
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Showing with 6,486 additions and 5,322 deletions.
  1. +14 −13 Corelib.drawio
  2. BIN Corelib.jpg
  3. +21 −16
  4. +73 −96 cerror/cerror.go
  5. +18 −35 cerror/cerror.pb.go
  6. +0 −12 cerror/cerror_test.go
  7. +38 −37 cerror/const.go
  8. +99 −67 cgrpc/balancer.go
  9. +123 −119 cgrpc/client.go
  10. +146 −0 cgrpc/clientcontext.go
  11. +0 −108 cgrpc/context.go
  12. +89 −0 cgrpc/error.go
  13. +4 −4 cgrpc/mids/mids.go
  14. +272 −48 cgrpc/protoc-gen-go-cgrpc/cgrpc.go
  15. +6 −10 cgrpc/protoc-gen-go-cgrpc/main.go
  16. +29 −120 cgrpc/protoc-gen-go-cgrpc/test/test.proto
  17. +258 −163 cgrpc/server.go
  18. +4 −2 cgrpc/server_for_pick.go
  19. +290 −0 cgrpc/servercontext.go
  20. +62 −81 codegen/main.go
  21. +77 −24 codegen/tml/cmd/template_cmd.go
  22. +92 −107 codegen/tml/config/template_config.go
  23. +7 −1 codegen/tml/configfile/template_configfile.go
  24. +6 −5 codegen/tml/dao/template_dao.go
  25. +15 −11 codegen/tml/deploy/deploy.go
  26. +4 −3 codegen/tml/ecode/ecode.go
  27. +7 −7 codegen/tml/gomod/template_gomod.go
  28. +4 −4 codegen/tml/html/html.go
  29. +97 −9 codegen/tml/mainfile/template_main.go
  30. +7 −7 codegen/tml/model/template_model.go
  31. +8 −5 codegen/tml/readme/template_readme.go
  32. +23 −16 codegen/tml/server/xcrpc/template_xcrpc.go
  33. +23 −16 codegen/tml/server/xgrpc/template_xgrpc.go
  34. +92 −0 codegen/tml/server/xraw/template_xraw.go
  35. +26 −17 codegen/tml/server/xweb/template_xweb.go
  36. +101 −0 codegen/tml/service/raw/template_serviceraw.go
  37. +8 −8 codegen/tml/service/status/template_servicestatus.go
  38. +1 −1 codegen/tml/service/sub/template_sub.go
  39. +6 −0 codegen/tml/service/template_service.go
  40. +1 −1 container/hashtree/fixedhashtree.go
  41. 0 { → container}/id/id.go
  42. 0 { → container}/id/id_test.go
  43. +21 −8 container/list/blocklist.go
  44. +2 −2 container/list/blocklist_test.go
  45. +9 −8 container/list/list.go
  46. +161 −0 container/list/list_test.go
  47. +5 −5 container/lru/lru.go
  48. +92 −0 container/stack/blockstack.go
  49. +8 −0 container/stack/blockstack_test.go
  50. +5 −4 container/stack/stack.go
  51. +1 −1 container/stack/stack_test.go
  52. +3 −0 cotel/const.go
  53. +287 −0 cotel/cotel.go
  54. +34 −32 {monitor → cotel}/cpu.go
  55. +5 −5 {monitor → cotel}/golang.go
  56. +122 −0 cotel/mem.go
  57. +34 −57 crpc/balancer.go
  58. +254 −158 crpc/client.go
  59. +231 −0 crpc/clientcontext.go
  60. +0 −119 crpc/context.go
  61. +4 −4 crpc/mids/mids.go
  62. +225 −105 crpc/msg.pb.go
  63. +21 −10 crpc/msg.proto
  64. +271 −83 crpc/protoc-gen-go-crpc/crpc.go
  65. +6 −10 crpc/protoc-gen-go-crpc/main.go
  66. +28 −120 crpc/protoc-gen-go-crpc/test/test.proto
  67. +164 −0 crpc/rw.go
  68. +267 −275 crpc/server.go
  69. +64 −27 crpc/server_for_pick.go
  70. +344 −0 crpc/servercontext.go
  71. +1 −1 discover/discover.go
  72. +16 −18 discover/dns.go
  73. +39 −39 discover/kubernetes.go
  74. +2 −2 discover/static.go
  75. +25 −18 email/email.go
  76. +63 −37 go.mod
  77. +145 −96 go.sum
  78. +67 −41 internal/picker/picker.go
  79. +1 −1 internal/version/version.go
  80. +0 −213 log/log.go
  81. +0 −368 log/trace/trace.go
  82. +17 −9 metadata/metadata.go
  83. +11 −24 mids/access.go
  84. +37 −37 mids/rate.go
  85. +12 −16 mids/session.go
  86. +2 −3 mids/session_test.go
  87. +5 −7 mids/token.go
  88. +4 −4 mids/token_test.go
  89. +41 −31 mongo/mongo.go
  90. +0 −146 monitor/client.go
  91. +0 −122 monitor/mem.go
  92. +0 −563 monitor/monitor.go
  93. +0 −147 monitor/server.go
  94. +277 −110 mysql/operator.go
  95. +4 −0 pbex/pbex.go
  96. +27 −27 pbex/pbex.pb.go
  97. +15 −8 pbex/protoc-gen-go-pbex/main.go
  98. +11 −6 pool/bpool/bpool.go
  99. +4 −4 redis/broadcast.go
  100. +6 −6 redis/broadcast_test.go
  101. +5 −5 redis/prioritymq.go
  102. +3 −3 redis/prioritymq_test.go
  103. +1 −1 redis/ratelimit.go
  104. +38 −14 redis/redis.go
  105. +4 −4 redis/unicast.go
  106. +2 −2 redis/unicast_test.go
  107. +4 −4 rotatefile/rotatefile_test.go
  108. +4 −1 stream/config.go
  109. +60 −60 stream/conn.go
  110. +11 −12 stream/connmng.go
  111. +2 −0 stream/instance.go
  112. +38 −33 stream/peer.go
  113. +1 −1 stream/tcpclient_test.go
  114. +6 −6 stream/wsclient_test.go
  115. +17 −1 superd/super.go
  116. +0 −228 superd/util.go
  117. +1 −1 util/common/common.go
  118. +58 −6 util/name/name.go
  119. +1 −1 util/oneshot/oneshot_test.go
  120. +18 −15 web/balancer.go
  121. +150 −80 web/client.go
  122. +29 −68 web/context.go
  123. +31 −127 web/protoc-gen-browser/browser.go
  124. +12 −24 web/protoc-gen-browser/main.go
  125. +27 −4 web/protoc-gen-browser/test/test.proto
  126. +9 −10 web/protoc-gen-go-web/main.go
  127. +28 −5 web/protoc-gen-go-web/test/test.proto
  128. +64 −39 web/protoc-gen-go-web/web.go
  129. +9 −10 web/protoc-gen-markdown/main.go
  130. +4 −2 web/protoc-gen-markdown/markdown.go
  131. +27 −4 web/protoc-gen-markdown/test/test.proto
  132. +146 −183 web/router.go
  133. +15 −31 web/server.go
  134. +4 −2 web/server_for_pick.go
  135. +1 −3 ws/const.go
  136. +4 −13 ws/cupgrader.go
  137. +1 −9 ws/supgrader.go
27 changes: 14 additions & 13 deletions Corelib.drawio
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
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Binary file modified Corelib.jpg
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37 changes: 21 additions & 16 deletions
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@@ -1,34 +1,39 @@
# Corelib
# Use
1.install golang(1.21+)
1.install golang(1.24.1+)
2.install git
3.install protoc
4.install protoc-gen-go
5.[download the codegen in release] or [clone this lib and go into the codegen dir and install it by go install]
5.[download the codegen in release] or [clone this repo and go into the codegen dir and install it by go install]
6.make sure the codegen's path is in the system's or user's PATH env
7.codegen -d path -n projectname -p packagename
(without -d or -d is empty the default:current dir will be used)
(projectname format,character must in [a-z][0-9],first character must in [a-z])
(packagename must end with projectname,default:projectname will be used as packagename,e.g.
7.use this command to generate the base code:codegen -n projectname -p packagename
(projectname format:character must in [a-z][0-9],first character must in [a-z])
(packagename format:must end with projectname,default:projectname,e.g.
# Description
## codegen
generate the base code,if you want to use this lib,this is the start
## web
Web framework,this contains protobuf plugin to generate code from proto file
Web framework contains trace and metrics function from opentelemetry,this also contains protobuf plugin to generate code from proto file
## cgrpc
grpc framework,this contains protobuf plugin to generate code from proto file
grpc framework contains trace and metrics function from opentelemetry,this also contains protobuf plugin to generate code from proto file
## crpc
a new rpc framework contains trace and metrics function from opentelemetry,this also contains protobuf plugin to generate code from proto file
## pbex
protobuf extension for message validate,this is used in the web/crpc/cgrpc framework
## stream
stream connection framework,use websocket's frame format,so this can support rawtcp and websocket at the same time on same port
## crpc
a new rpc framework(20-30% fast then grpc),this contains protobuf plugin to generate code from proto file
## id
snow flake
## log
log and trace log
## pool
sync.Pool for []byte and bufio.Reader and bufio.Writer
## ws
a simple ws handshake and message recv and send framework
## container
some useful struct
## mysql
mysql driver wrapper with trace support and read write seprate
## mongo
mongodb driver wrapper with trace support
## redis
redis driver wrapper with trace support and some useful function(bloom filter,rate limiter,message queue,verify code check)
## email
simple email client used to send email
## superd
fork child process to exec some other program,like supervisor
169 changes: 73 additions & 96 deletions cerror/cerror.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -3,73 +3,60 @@ package cerror
import (


//if error was not in this error's format,code will return -1,msg will use the origin error.Error()

func MakeError(code, httpcode int32, msg string) *Error {
return &Error{Code: code, Httpcode: httpcode, Msg: msg}
func GetCodeFromErrorstr(e string) int32 {
ee := ConvertErrorstr(e)
if ee == nil {
return 0
func MakeCError(code int32, httpcode int32, msg string) *Error {
if code == 0 {
panic("error code can't be 0")
return ee.Code
func GetCodeFromStdError(e error) int32 {
ee := ConvertStdError(e)
if ee == nil {
return 0
if httpcode < 400 {
panic("error's http code must >= 400")
return ee.Code
func GetHttpcodeFromErrorstr(e string) int32 {
ee := ConvertErrorstr(e)
if ee == nil {
return http.StatusOK
if http.StatusText(int(httpcode)) == "" {
panic("error's http code unknown")
return ee.Httpcode
func GetHttpcodeFromStdError(e error) int32 {
ee := ConvertStdError(e)
if ee == nil {
return http.StatusOK
return &Error{
Code: code,
Httpcode: httpcode,
Msg: msg,
return ee.Httpcode
func GetMsgFromErrorstr(e string) string {
ee := ConvertErrorstr(e)
if ee == nil {
return ""
return ee.Msg
func (this *Error) Error() string {
return "code=" + strconv.FormatInt(int64(this.Code), 10) + ",msg=" + this.Msg
func GetMsgFromStdError(e error) string {
ee := ConvertStdError(e)
if ee == nil {
return ""
return ee.Msg
func (this *Error) Json() string {
d, _ := json.Marshal(this.Msg)
return "{\"code\":" + strconv.FormatInt(int64(this.Code), 10) + ",\"msg\":" + common.BTS(d) + "}"
func ConvertErrorstr(e string) *Error {
if e == "" {
return nil
if e == ErrDeadlineExceeded.Error() {
return ErrDeadlineExceeded
} else if e == ErrCanceled.Error() {
return ErrCanceled
func (this *Error) GRPCStatus() *status.Status {
return status.New(codes.Code(this.Httpcode), this.Error())
func (this *Error) SlogAttr() *slog.Attr {
return &slog.Attr{Key: "error", Value: slog.GroupValue(slog.Int64("code", int64(this.Code)), slog.String("msg", this.Msg))}
func (this *Error) SetHttpcode(httpcode int32) {
this.Httpcode = httpcode
func Equal(a, b error) bool {
aa := Convert(a)
bb := Convert(b)
if aa == nil && bb == nil {
return true
} else if (aa == nil && bb != nil) || (aa != nil && bb == nil) {
return false
return transStdErrorStr(e)
return aa.Code == bb.Code && aa.Msg == bb.Msg
func ConvertStdError(e error) *Error {
func Convert(e error) *Error {
if e == nil {
return nil
@@ -82,57 +69,47 @@ func ConvertStdError(e error) *Error {
if ok {
return result
return transStdErrorStr(e.Error())
return MakeCError(-1, 500, e.Error())
func transStdErrorStr(e string) *Error {
result := &Error{}
if e[0] == '{' && e[len(e)-1] == '}' {
func Decode(estr string) *Error {
if estr == "" {
return nil
if estr == ErrDeadlineExceeded.Json() || estr == ErrDeadlineExceeded.Error() {
return ErrDeadlineExceeded
} else if estr == ErrCanceled.Json() || estr == ErrCanceled.Error() {
return ErrCanceled
if estr[0] == '{' && estr[len(estr)-1] == '}' {
//json format
if ee := json.Unmarshal(common.STB(e), result); ee != nil || result.Code == 0 {
result.Code = -1
result.Httpcode = http.StatusInternalServerError
result.Msg = e
} else if result.Httpcode == 0 {
result.Httpcode = http.StatusInternalServerError
tmp := &Error{}
//protojson can support "number string" or "number" for field:code
if e := (protojson.UnmarshalOptions{AllowPartial: true, DiscardUnknown: true}).Unmarshal(common.STB(estr), tmp); e != nil {
return MakeCError(-1, 500, estr)
if tmp.Code == 0 {
return nil
if tmp.Httpcode == 0 {
tmp.Httpcode = 500
return tmp
} else {
//text format
result.Code = -1
result.Httpcode = http.StatusInternalServerError
result.Msg = e
return result
func Equal(a, b error) bool {
aa := ConvertStdError(a)
bb := ConvertStdError(b)
if aa == nil && bb == nil {
return true
} else if (aa == nil && bb != nil) || (aa != nil && bb == nil) {
return false
return aa.Code == bb.Code && aa.Msg == bb.Msg
func (this *Error) Error() string {
if this == nil {
return ""
special := false
for _, v := range this.Msg {
if v == '\\' || v == '"' {
special = true
index := strings.Index(estr, ",")
if index == -1 {
return MakeCError(-1, 500, estr)
p1 := estr[:index]
p2 := estr[index+1:]
if !strings.HasPrefix(p1, "code=") || !strings.HasPrefix(p2, "msg=") {
return MakeCError(-1, 500, estr)
code, e := strconv.ParseInt(p1[5:], 10, 32)
if e != nil {
return MakeCError(-1, 500, estr)
msg := p2[4:]
return MakeCError(int32(code), 500, msg)
if special {
d, _ := json.Marshal(this.Msg)
return "{\"code\":" + strconv.FormatInt(int64(this.Code), 10) + ",\"msg\":" + common.BTS(d) + "}"
return "{\"code\":" + strconv.FormatInt(int64(this.Code), 10) + ",\"msg\":\"" + this.Msg + "\"}"
func (this *Error) GRPCStatus() *status.Status {
return status.New(codes.Code(this.Httpcode), this.Error())
func (this *Error) SetHttpcode(httpcode int32) {
this.Httpcode = httpcode