This example demonstrates the basic usage of DOB1 protocol, including creating a cluster and minting a DOB1. Afterward, you can view the DOB on JoyID, Omiga, CKB Explorer, Mobit, Dobby.
import { ccc } from "@ckb-ccc/ccc";
import { client, signer } from "@ckb-ccc/playground";
function getExplorerTxUrl(txHash: string) {
const isMainnet = client.addressPrefix === 'ckb';
const baseUrl = isMainnet ? '' : '';
return `${baseUrl}/transaction/${txHash}`
function generateSimpleDNA(length: number): string {
return Array.from(
{ length },
() => Math.floor(Math.random() * 16).toString(16)
function generateClusterDescriptionUnderDobProtocol() {
* Generation example for DOB0
const clusterDescription = "This is a basic-shape example for dob1.";
const dob0Pattern: ccc.spore.dob.PatternElementDob0[] = [
traitName: "Shape",
dobType: "String",
dnaOffset: 1,
dnaLength: 1,
patternType: "options",
traitArgs: ["circle", "square", "triangle", "star", "text"],
traitName: "BackgroundColor",
dobType: "String",
dnaOffset: 0,
dnaLength: 1,
patternType: "options",
traitArgs: ["red", "blue", "green", "yellow", "pink"],
* Generation example for DOB1
const dob1Pattern: ccc.spore.dob.PatternElementDob1[] = [
imageName: "IMAGE.0",
svgFields: "attributes",
traitName: "",
patternType: "raw",
traitArgs: "xmlns='' viewBox='0 0 500 500'",
imageName: "IMAGE.0",
svgFields: "elements",
traitName: "BackgroundColor",
patternType: "options",
traitArgs: [
["red", "<rect width='500' height='500' x='0' y='0' fill='red' />"],
["blue", "<rect width='500' height='500' x='0' y='0' fill='blue' />"],
["green", "<rect width='500' height='500' x='0' y='0' fill='green' />"],
["yellow", "<rect width='500' height='500' x='0' y='0' fill='yellow' />"],
[["*"], "<rect width='500' height='500' x='0' y='0' fill='pink' />"],
imageName: "IMAGE.0",
svgFields: "elements",
traitName: "Shape",
patternType: "options",
traitArgs: [
["circle", "<circle cx='250' cy='250' r='150' fill='white' stroke='black' stroke-width='2' />"],
["square", "<rect width='300' height='300' x='100' y='100' fill='white' stroke='black' stroke-width='2' />"],
["triangle", "<polygon points='250,100 400,400 100,400' fill='white' stroke='black' stroke-width='2' />"],
["star", "<path d='M250 100 L290 200 L400 200 L310 260 L340 370 L250 300 L160 370 L190 260 L100 200 L210 200 Z' fill='white' stroke='black' stroke-width='2' />"],
["text", "<text x='250' y='250' text-anchor='middle' dominant-baseline='middle' font-size='48' fill='black'>DOB1</text>"],
[["*"], "<circle cx='250' cy='250' r='150' fill='white' stroke='black' stroke-width='2' />"]
const dob1: ccc.spore.dob.Dob1 = {
description: clusterDescription,
dob: {
ver: 1,
decoders: [
decoder: ccc.spore.dob.getDecoder(client, "dob0"),
pattern: dob0Pattern,
decoder: ccc.spore.dob.getDecoder(client, "dob1"),
pattern: dob1Pattern,
return ccc.spore.dob.encodeClusterDescriptionForDob1(dob1);
* create cluster
const { tx: clusterTx, id: clusterId } = await ccc.spore.createSporeCluster({
data: {
name: "dob1-basic-shape",
description: generateClusterDescriptionUnderDobProtocol(),
await clusterTx.completeFeeBy(signer, 2000n);
const clusterTxHash = await signer.sendTransaction(clusterTx);
console.log("Create cluster tx sent:", clusterTxHash, `Cluster ID: ${clusterId}`);
* create spore
//const clusterId = '0xc2e4164c6b390b0ca31138d1715201c24dc9aafae1a75b1047763cd06602de4e';
const { tx: sporeTx, id: sporeId } = await ccc.spore.createSpore({
data: {
contentType: "dob/0",
content: ccc.bytesFrom(`{ "dna": "${generateSimpleDNA(16)}" }`, "utf8"),
clusterId: clusterId,
clusterMode: "clusterCell",
await sporeTx.completeFeeBy(signer, 2000n);
const sporeTxHash = await signer.sendTransaction(sporeTx);
console.log("Mint DOB tx sent:", sporeTxHash, `Spore ID: ${sporeId}`);
await signer.client.waitTransaction(clusterTxHash);
console.log("Create cluster tx committed:", getExplorerTxUrl(clusterTxHash), `Cluster ID: ${clusterId}`);
await signer.client.waitTransaction(sporeTxHash);
console.log("Mint DOB tx committed:", getExplorerTxUrl(sporeTxHash), `Spore ID: ${sporeId}`);
You can also open and edit the code online in ccc-playground:
- clusterId:
(type_script.args) - clusterTypeHash:
(hash(type_script(cluster cell)))
- clusterId:
- sporeId:
(type_script.args) - sporeTypeHash:
(hash(type_script(spore cell)))
- sporeId:
- clusterId:
(type_script.args) - clusterTypeHash:
(hash(type_script(cluster cell)))
- clusterId:
- sporeId:
(type_script.args) - sporeTypeHash:
(hash(type_script(spore cell)))
- sporeId:
JoyID | Omiga | CKB Explorer | Mobit | Dobby | |
Testnet | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ |
Mainnet | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ |