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4b63496 · Apr 27, 2019


1693 lines (998 loc) · 53.2 KB

File metadata and controls

1693 lines (998 loc) · 53.2 KB

Changes between Elastisch 2.2.x and 3.0.0 (March 1st, 2019)

ElasticSearch 5.x Compatibility

This is part of ongoing effort to support 5.x. POST calls now include content-type: json headers (backwards-compatible). delete-by-query now targets the 5.x API route (breaking change from 2.x).

Contributed by Brian T. Rice from Han Tuzun.

ElasticSearch 2.3.x Compatibility

This involves removing some features as Elasticsearch 2.0 has breaking public API changes.

Contributed by Timo Sulg and Josh Tilles.

Support for getting aliases in the native client

There is now a clojurewerkz.elastisch.native.index/get-aliases function, which can be used to retrieve all aliases for given indices (defaults to all aliases for the cluster if no indices are provided).

Contributed by Mikey Griffiths.

Support for separate upsert document when upserting with native client

You can now supply a separate upsert document by using the :upsert options key. The upsert document is used if the document does not already exist.

Contributed by Henrik Lundahl.

Support for upsert document when updating with script with native client

You can now supply an upsert document by using the :upsert options key. The upsert document is used if the document does not already exist.

Contributed by Henrik Lundahl.

Support for Type Queries

Added helper function for a type query.

Contributed by @nivekuil.

Make it Possible to Override any clj-http Option

The default clj-http options that Elastisch sets can now be overridden in two ways:

  • on a per-connection basis by passing the options to
  • and per-invocation by passing the options as arguments to individual function calls

This was achieved by changing the order in which the options-maps are merged.

GitHub issue: clojurewerkz/elastisch#200.

Contributed by @MerelyAPseudonym.

Honor Boolean _source Parameter

This change allows the source attribute to be explicitly included/excluded from search results.

Contributed by @KeeganMyers.

_version and _version_type are Supported in Bulk Operations

_version and _version_type are supported in bulk operations.

Contributed by Joe Einertson.

Support for Search Templates

clojurewerks.elastisch.native.conversion/->search-request now accepts :template and :params arguments for use with search templates clojurewerks.elastish.native.document/create-search-template, clojurewerks.elastish.native.document/delete-search-template, clojurewerks.elastish.native.document/put-search-template, clojurewerks.elastish.native.document/get-search-template, Added to simplify CRUD operations on search templates. Each is a vardic function that will interface with the ".scripts" index and "mustache" type by default. Users can override the type parameter if they would like to write scripts in a language other than mustache.

Contributed by @KeeganMyers

Correctly Pass Field List to the Native Client

GitHub issue: #193.

Contributed by @dspiteself.

Allow overriding clj-http's :throw-exceptions option

Options passed to can now include :throw-exceptions true, causing HTTP errors to throw exceptions.

Contributed by @loganmhb.

Added Sort Attribute to native search results

Added the key :sort to each hit from the search results in order to remain close to feature parity

Contributed by @KeeganMyers

Changes between Elastisch 2.1.x and 2.2.0 (Jan 3rd, 2016)

Corrected Filter Option Name in Native Client

Native client now uses :filter for filters, just like the REST one.

Add completion and fuzzy suggestors for Native Client

clojurewerkz.elastisch.native.document has new function suggest for term autocompletion. It allows filter results by category and geolocation:

(require '[clojurewerkz.elastisch.native.document :as doc])

(doc/suggest conn index-name :completion "e" {:context {:gender "female"}})
(doc/suggest conn index-name :fuzzy "esmor" {:fuzziness 1 :min-length 2})

Contributed by Timo Sulg (@timgluz).

Fixed index/close and index/open argument type error

clojurewerkz.elastisch.native.conversion/->open-index-request and ->close-index-request passed plain string to CloseIndexRequest constructor, but it expected values passed as array of string. Fixed it with existing function conversion/->string-array and added missing tests for this usecase into clojurewerkz.elastisch.native-api.indices-settings-test.

Contributed by Timo Sulg (@timgluz).

Fixed update-with-script in Native Client

clojurewerkz.elastisch.native.conversion/->update-request arguments updated in clojurewerkz.elastisch.native.document/update-with-script to reflect recent changes.

Contributed by Michael Nussbaum.

Index Stats Update has been updated for Elasticsearch 1.3.x and later versions.

Contributed by Roman Pearah.

create Bulk Operation Helper

Bulk operation helper functions now include create.

Contributed by @nikopol.

allow setting :ignore-unmapped in query sort instructions

In both native and rest apis, :ignore-unmapped may be set in the query by specifying a sort field-name and option-map instead of order name with the query/sort function. For example:

(require '[clojurewerkz.elastisch.native.document :as doc])
(require '[clojurewerkz.elastisch.query :as q])

(doc/search conn index type
            {:query (q/query-string :query "software" :default_field "summary")
             :sort  (q/sort "unmapped-field-name" {:ignore_unmapped true
                                                   :order "asc"})})

Contributed by @ryfow

allow setting :ignore_unmapped in query sort instructions

In both native and rest apis, :ignore-unmapped may be set in the query by specifying a sort field-name and option-map instead of order name with the query/sort function. For example:

(require '[clojurewerkz.elastisch.native.document :as doc])
(require '[clojurewerkz.elastisch.query :as q])

(doc/search conn [index-name missing-index-name]
                                             :query   (q/match-all)
                                             :ignore_unavailable true)

Contributed by Joachim De Beule.

scan-and-scroll-seq helper

scan-and-scroll-seq provides an easier-to-use abstraction over ES's scan and scroll API, wrapping scroll-seq and handling the special-case first request.

Contributed by @loganmhb

Elasticsearch Java Client Upgrade

Elastisch now depends on Elasticsearch Java client version 1.7.x.

clj-http Update

clj-http dependency has been upgraded to version 2.0.x.

Better support for plural/single indices and aliases in native update-aliases

  • :remove action now works with singular :index key
  • multiple aliases can be added with single :add action
  • alias can be removed from multiple indices with single :remove action

Contributed by @mnylen

Index Settings Now Allow Keywordized Keys When Creating Index Using Native API

Previously only mappings allowed keys to be keywords, now same works with index settings.

Contributed by @mnylen

Support for Large Scroll IDs

Elastisch now supports scroll IDs larger than 4 KB.

Contributed by niko.

Bulk Operation Support in Native Client

Native client now supports bulk operations with the same API as the REST one.

Contributed by

  • Mitchel Kuijpers (Avisi)
  • Michael Nussbaum and Jack Lund (Braintree)

Fixed unregister-query in Native Client

clojurewerkz.elastisch.native.percolation/unregister-query arguments were mistakenly swapped when delegating to the Java client.

Contributed by Stephen Muss.

Guava Excluded From Dependencies

Contributed by Jan Stępień (Stylefruits).

Add support for Nested Aggregations in the Native Client

Native client now supports nesting in the following aggregations

  • histogram
  • date_histogram
  • range
  • date_range
  • terms

Contributed by Mitchel Kuijpers (Avisi).

Elasticsearch Java Client Upgrade

Elastisch now depends on Elasticsearch Java client version 1.4.x.

clj-http Update

clj-http dependency has been upgraded to version 1.0.1.

Cheshire Update

Cheshire dependency has been upgraded to version 5.4.0.

Changes between Elastisch 2.1.0-beta9 and 2.1.0

Clojure 1.4 Support Dropped

Elastisch no longer officially supports Clojure 1.4. Most of the functionality still works well on that version but please don't file bugs specific to that version.

Allow :index key in update-aliases (native)

clojurewerkz.elastisch.native.index/update-aliases expects indices to be added to be specified in the :indices key while the respective REST function uses :index. This can have unexpected results, namely the creation of the respective alias for all indices. It is now possible to supply either :index or :indices to the function.

GH issue: #108.

Contributed by Yannick Scherer (stylefruits)

Update with Partial Document via native API

clojurewerkz.elastisch.native.document/update-with-partial-doc is a new function in the Native Client (existed before in the REST API) that performs partial updates:

(require '[clojurewerkz.elastisch.native.document :as doc])

(doc/update-with-partial-doc conn "people" "person" "1" {:country "Sweden"})

Note that the REST API should now be called without wrapping the document in a :doc key. I.e. change {:doc {:field-to-update "Update"}} to {:field-to-update "Update"}.

Contributed by Henrik Lundahl.

Changes between Elastisch 2.1.0-beta8 and 2.1.0-beta9

Ability to Specify Aliases In index.create-template now supports the :aliases option:

(require '[ :as idx])

(idx/create-template conn "accounts" {:template "account*" :settings {:index {:refresh_interval "60s"}} :aliases {:account-alias {}}})

Contributed by Jeffrey Erikson.

Changes between Elastisch 2.1.0-beta7 and 2.1.0-beta8

clj-http Update

clj-http dependency has been upgraded to version 1.0.x.

Allow Retry On Conflict Option

Updates and upserts now allow the retry-on-conflict option to be set. This helps to work around Elasticsearch version conflicts.

GH issue: #119.

Contributed by Michael Nussbaum (Braintree).

Changes between Elastisch 2.1.0-beta6 and 2.1.0-beta7

REST API Bulk Indexing Filters Out Operation Keys now filters out all operation/option keys so that they don't get stored in the document body.

GH issue: #116.

Contributed by Michael Nussbaum (Braintree).

Changes between Elastisch 2.1.0-beta5 and 2.1.0-beta6

New Line in Multi-Search REST API

Elasticsearch Multi Search REST API endpoint is sensitive to the trailing new line. When it is missing, the response contains one result too few.

Elastisch now makes sure to append a new line to Multi Search request bodies.

Correct async-put in Native Client

Native client's document/async-put no longer fails with an exception.

Contributed by Nikita Burtsev.

clj-time 0.8.0

clj-time dependency has been upgraded to version 0.8.0.

Changes between Elastisch 2.1.0-beta4 and 2.1.0-beta5

Elasticsearch Native Client Upgrade

Elastisch now depends on Elasticsearch native client version 1.3.x.

Single-Bucket Aggregation Fix in the Native Client

Child aggregations in single-bucket aggregations (i.e. "global") are no longer silently dropped.

Contributed by Yannick Scherer (StyleFruits).

Changes between Elastisch 2.1.0-beta3 and 2.1.0-beta4

Aggregations Support in the Native Client

Native client now has support for aggregations.

The API is the same as in the REST client.

Note that Elasticsearch 1.2 has 26 aggregations. Currently only the most commonly used ones are supported but support for more types will be added eventually. The supported types are:

  • Avg
  • Max
  • Min
  • Sum
  • Stats
  • Extended stats
  • Cardinality, value count
  • Percentiles
  • Histogram
  • Date Histogram
  • Range
  • Date Range
  • Terms
  • Missing
  • Global

Multi-Search Support in the Native Client

Native client now has support for multi-search.

The API is the same as in the REST client except that the functions are in the clojurewerkz.elastisch.native.multi.

Extra Options on Upserts

clojurewerkz.elastisch.native.document/upsert now accepts a map of extra options, e.g. parent document ID:

(doc/upsert conn index-name index-type id doc {:parent parent-id})

Terms Query Helper

clojurewerkz.elastisch.query/terms is a newly added alias for clojurewerkz.elastisch.query/term when used with a collection.

Contributed by Martin Klepsch.

Remove Alias Now Works in Native Client

Bug fixed in native client for removing aliases from indices and improved inline documentation. See aliases in the guide.

GH issue: #98.

Changes between Elastisch 2.1.0-beta2 and 2.1.0-beta3

Highlighting Support in Native Client

Native client now supports (most of the) highlighting features the REST client does:

(require '[clojurewerkz.elastisch.native.document :as doc])
(require '[clojurewerkz.elastisch.query :as q])

(doc/search conn index type
            {:query (q/query-string :query "software" :default_field "summary")
             :highlight {:fields {:summary {}}}})

Changes between Elastisch 2.1.0-beta1 and 2.1.0-beta2

Per Connection clj-http Options in REST Client

It is now possible to specify clj-http options for REST API connections, e.g. to specify a timeout:

(esr/connect "" {:conn-timeout 1000
                                       :basic-auth ["username" "pa$$w0rd"]})

Source Filtering Support in Native Client

Native client now supports source filtering just like the REST API client:

(doc/search conn index-name mapping-type
            :query   (q/match-all)
            :sort    {"first-name" "asc"}
            :_source ["first-name" "age"])
(doc/search conn index-name mapping-type
            :query   (q/match-all)
            :sort    {"first-name" "asc"}
            :_source {"exclude" ["title" "country"
                                 "planet" "biography"
                                 "last-name" "username"]})

GH issue: #73.

Search Can Return Fields and Source

Previously a search would return either the source document, or specific fields and not both. There are certain circumstances where having both are beneficial, for example when searching for a child document and you want to include the parent ID:

(require '[clojurewerkz.elastisch.native.document :as esd])

(esd/search conn "index" "child-type" :query (q/match-all) :fields ["_parent"])

The above would return the parent document ID in the :_parent field of each hit, but would not return the document itself. You can now have both by:

(esd/search conn "index" "child-type" :query (q/match-all) :fields ["_parent" "_source"])

Now the parent ID is in the :_parent field of each hit, and the matching document will be in :_source as per a normal search.

Contributed by Ben Ashford.

Changes between Elastisch 2.0.0 and 2.1.0-beta1

Update with Partial Document is a new function that performs partial updates:

(require '[ :as doc])

(doc/update-with-partial-doc conn "people" "person" "1" {:country "India"})

Contributed by Sandeep Jagtap.

Changes between Elastisch 2.0.0-rc1 and 2.0.0

Elasticsearch Client Update

Elasticsearch client has been upgraded to 1.2.x.

Snapshotting Support in Native Client

Native client now supports snapshotting (updated for Elasticsearch 1.2) with the same Clojure API as the REST client (all the usual API conventions apply).

Changes between Elastisch 2.0.0-beta5 and 2.0.0-rc1

Connection/Client As Explicit Argument

Starting with Elastisch 2.0.0-rc1, connection (client) is no longer a shared dynamic var but rather is an explicit argument that relevant API functions accept.

Before the change:

  (:require [  :as esr]
            [ :as esi]
            [ :as esd]))

(defn -main
  [& args]
  (esr/connect! "")
  (let [mapping-types {"person" {:properties {:username   {:type "string" :store "yes"}
                                              :first-name {:type "string" :store "yes"}
                                              :last-name  {:type "string"}
                                              :age        {:type "integer"}
                                              :title      {:type "string" :analyzer "snowball"}
                                              :planet     {:type "string"}
                                              :biography  {:type "string" :analyzer "snowball" :term_vector "with_positions_offsets"}}}}
        doc           {:username "happyjoe" :first-name "Joe" :last-name "Smith" :age 30 :title "Teh Boss" :planet "Earth" :biography "N/A"}]
    (esi/create "myapp2_development" :mappings mapping-types)
    (esd/create "myapp2_development" "person" doc)))

After the change:

  (:require [  :as esr]
            [ :as esi]
            [ :as esd]))

(defn -main
  [& args]
  (let [conn          (esr/connect "")
        mapping-types {"person" {:properties {:username   {:type "string" :store "yes"}
                                              :first-name {:type "string" :store "yes"}
                                              :last-name  {:type "string"}
                                              :age        {:type "integer"}
                                              :title      {:type "string" :analyzer "snowball"}
                                              :planet     {:type "string"}
                                              :biography  {:type "string" :analyzer "snowball" :term_vector "with_positions_offsets"}}}}
        doc           {:username "happyjoe" :first-name "Joe" :last-name "Smith" :age 30 :title "Teh Boss" :planet "Earth" :biography "N/A"}]
    (esi/create conn "myapp2_development" :mappings mapping-types)
    (esd/create conn "myapp2_development" "person" doc)))

Dynamic var reliance has been a major complaint of Clojure users for quite some time and 2.0 is the right time to fix this.

Changes between Elastisch 2.0.0-beta4 and 2.0.0-beta5

Response Helpers Compatible With ES 1.1 and clojurewerkz.elastisch.native.response/created? were adapted for recent ES releases.

Contributed by Oliver McCormack (The Climate Corporation).

Elasticsearch Client Update

Elasticsearch client has been upgraded to 1.1.1.

Changes between Elastisch 2.0.0-beta3 and 2.0.0-beta4

Options As Maps

Elastisch has tranditionally accepted options as (pseudo) keywrod arguments, e.g.

(doc/search index-name mapping-type :query (q/term :biography "say"))

Starting with 2.0.0-beta4, passing a single map of arguments is now also supported by nearly all document, index, admin and percolation functions:

(doc/search index-name mapping-type {:query (q/term :biography "say")})

As a new design rule, all new API elements (e.g. aggregations) will accept a single map of options.

GH issue: #59.

Percolation of Existing Documents (REST API)

REST API client now supports percolation of existing documents:

(require '[ :as pcl])

(pcl/percolate-existing "articles" "article" "123")

Changes between Elastisch 2.0.0-beta2 and 2.0.0-beta3

Elasticsearch Client Update

Elasticsearch client has been upgraded to 1.1.0.

Clojure 1.6

Elastisch now depends on org.clojure/clojure version 1.6.0. It is still compatible with Clojure 1.4 and if your project.clj depends on a different version, it will be used, but 1.6 is the default now.

Type Exists Operation

types-exists support in both rest and native clients:

(require '[ :as esi])

(esi/type-exists? "an-index" "a-type")

Contributed by Halit Olali.

Changes between Elastisch 2.0.0-beta1 and 2.0.0-beta2

(Improved) Aggregation Support

Elastisch 2.0 features multiple convenience functions for working with Elasticsearch aggregations.

clojurewerkz.elastisch.aggregation is a new namespace that contains helper functions that produce various types of aggregations. Just like clojurewerkz.elastisch.query, all of the functions return maps and are optional. is a new function that returns aggregations from a search response:

(require '[ :as doc])
(require '[clojurewerkz.elastisch.query :as q])
(require '[clojurewerkz.elastisch.aggregation :as a])
(require '[ :refer [aggregations-from]])

(let [index-name   "people"
        mapping-type "person"
        response     (doc/search index-name mapping-type
                                 :query (q/match-all)
                                 :aggregations {:min_age (a/min "age")})
        agg          (aggregation-from response :min_age)]
    (is (= {:value 22.0} agg)))

Aggregations support is primarily focused on REST client at the moment.

clj-http Update

clj-http dependency has been upgraded to version 0.9.1.

Changes between Elastisch 1.4.0 and 2.0.0-beta1

Elasticsearch 1.0 Compatibility

Main goal of Elastisch 2.0 is Elasticsearch 2.0 compatibility. This includes minor API changes (in line with Elasticsearch 1.0 API and terminology changes) and moderate internal modifications.

Support for cluster nodes stats and info REST APIs and are new administrative functions that provide access to Elasticsearch cluster stats and node info.


(require '[ :as admin])

(admin/nodes-stats :nodes "_all")
(admin/nodes-stats :nodes ["node1" "node2"] ["indices" "os" "plugins"])

(admin/nodes-info :nodes "_all")
(admin/nodes-info :nodes ["node1" "node2"] ["indices" "os" "plugins"])

See Elasticsearch nodes stats documentation, nodes info page, and node specification page for more info.

Contributed by Joachim De Beule.

Support for _cluster/state REST API

Added ( & {:as params})


(require '[ :as admin])

(admin/cluster-state :filter_nodes true)

See Elasticsearch documentation for more info.

Contributed by Joachim De Beule.

Support for _cluster/health REST API

Added ( & {:as params})


(require '[ :as admin])

(admin/cluster-health :index "index1")
(admin/cluster-health :index ["index1","index2"])
(admin/cluster-health :index "index1" :pretty true :level "indices")

See Elasticsearch documentation for more info.

Contributed by Joachim De Beule.

Support for analyze in REST API client

Added (doc/analyze text & {:as params})

See Elasticsearch documentation for more info.


(require '[ :as doc])

(doc/analyze "foo bar baz")
(doc/analyze "foo bar baz" :index "some-index-name")
(doc/analyze "foo bar baz" :analyzer "whitespace")
(doc/analyze "foo bar baz" :tokenizer "keyword" :filters "lowercase")
(doc/analyze "foo bar baz" :index "some-index-name" :field "some-field-name")

Contributed by Joachim De Beule

Query String Escaping

clojurewerkz.elastisch.query/query-string accepts a new option, :escape-with, which is a function that performs escaping of special characters in query string queries.

By default clojurewerkz.elastisch.escape/escape-query-string-characters is used.

Contributed by Ben Reinhart (Groupon).

Elasticsearch Native Client Upgrade

Elastisch now depends on Elasticsearch native client version 1.0.1.

clj-http Update

clj-http dependency has been upgraded to version 0.9.0.

Changes between Elastisch 1.3.0 and 1.4.0

Native Document Supports Optimistic Locking

The native document API now supports the same :version option for optimistic locking that the REST api does.

Contributed by Richie Vos (Groupon).

GH issues: #56.

Elasticsearch Exceptions

Elastisch now uses Elasticsearch exceptions instead of generic ones in the native client.

Contributed by Richie Vos (Groupon).

GH issues: #54, #57.

Elasticsearch Native Client Upgrade

Elastisch now depends on Elasticsearch native client version 0.90.8.

clojurewerkz.elastisch.native.document/update-with-script Fix

clojurewerkz.elastisch.native.document/update-with-script invoked without script parameters no longer raises an exception.

Cheshire Upgrade

Cheshire dependency has been updated to 5.3.1.

Changes between Elastisch 1.3.0-rc2 and 1.3.0

:sort Option Can Be a SortBuilder

:sort option can now be a instance and not just a string.

Contributed by Mark Wong-VanHaren.

Changes between Elastisch 1.3.0-rc1 and 1.3.0-rc2

Elasticsearch Native Client Upgrade

Elastisch now depends on Elasticsearch native client version 0.90.7.

Changes between Elastisch 1.3.0-beta5 and 1.3.0-rc1

Bulk Indexing Fix

Elastisch no longer erroneously inserts _index and _type fields into documents inserted via bulk API.

Contributed by Max Barnash.

Result Scrolling as Lazy Sequences

clojurewerkz.elastisch.native.document/scroll-seq and are new functions that accept a search query response and return a lazy sequence of paginated search results.

This makes working with result sets that require pagination much more natural:

(require '[clojurewerkz.elastisch.native.document :as doc])

(let [index-name   "articles"
      mapping-type "article"
      res-seq      (doc/scroll-seq
                       (doc/search index-name mapping-type
                                   :query (q/term :title "Emptiness")
                                   :search_type "query_then_fetch"
                                   :scroll "1m"
                                   :size 2))]

Contributed by Max Barnash.

Changes between Elastisch 1.3.0-beta4 and 1.3.0-beta5

Upserts in Native Client

Native client now supports upserts of documents:

(require '[clojurewerkz.elastisch.native.document :as doc])

(doc/upsert "people" "person" "elastisch" {:name "Elastisch" :language "Clojure"})

Changes between Elastisch 1.3.0-beta3 and 1.3.0-beta4

clj-http Update

clj-http dependency has been upgraded to version 0.7.7.

Date Histogram Fix

Date histogram in the native client now includes :total field.

Contributed by Jim Dunn.

Changes between Elastisch 1.3.0-beta2 and 1.3.0-beta3

Fields in Search Hit Results in Native Client

Native client now returns the same value in :fields and :_fields keys in search hits. This makes it both backwards compatible with earlier versions and the format Elasticsearch HTTP API uses.

Elasticsearch Native Client Upgrade

Elastisch now depends on Elasticsearch native client version 0.90.5.

Changes between Elastisch 1.3.0-beta1 and 1.3.0-beta2

Bulk Index and Delete Operations Support More Options

Bulk index and delete operations support _parent and _routing keys.

Contributed by Baptiste Fontaine.

Clojure 1.3 Support Dropped

Elastisch now requires Clojure 1.4.

Changes between Elastisch 1.2.0 and 1.3.0-beta1

Cheshire Update

Cheshire dependency has been upgraded to version 5.2.0.

clj-http Update

clj-http dependency has been upgraded to version 0.7.6.

Changes between Elastisch 1.2.0-beta3 and 1.2.0

Elasticsearch Native Client Upgrade

Elastisch now depends on Elasticsearch native client version 0.90.3.

Empty Bulk Operations are Ignored

Elastisch now will not perform a bulk operation if its list of operations is empty.

Contributed by Baptiste Fontaine.

Changes between Elastisch 1.2.0-beta2 and 1.2.0-beta3

Elasticsearch Native Client Upgrade

Elastisch now depends on Elasticsearch native client version 0.90.2.

Support for :ignore_indices in REST API client,,,, and now accepts the :ignore_indices option:

(doc/search [index-name, missing-index-name,...] mapping-type :query (q/match-all)
                                                              :ignore_indices "missing")

See also elasticsearch/guide/reference/api

Contributed by Joachim De Beule

Changes between Elastisch 1.2.0-beta1 and 1.2.0-beta2

Search Queries with a Subset of Fields are Converted Correctly

Search queries that only retrieve a subset of fields using the :fields option are now correctly converted to Clojure maps.

Contributed by Soren Macbeth.

Elasticsearch Native Client Upgrade

Elastisch now depends on Elasticsearch native client version 0.90.1.

Changes between Elastisch 1.1.0 and 1.2.0-beta1

Sort Improvements for Search Queries

clojurewerkz.elastisch.native.document/search now accepts maps as :search option values:

(doc/search index-name mapping-type :query (q/match-all)
                                    :sort  (array-map "title" "asc")

This is identical to how the option works with the REST client.

Changes between Elastisch 1.1.0-RC2 and 1.1.0

Updates With Scripts is a new function that updates a document with a provided script:

(require '[ :as doc])

;; initializes a counter at 1
(doc/update-with-script index-name mapping-type "1"
      "ctx._source.counter = 1")

;; increments the counter by 4
(doc/update-with-script index-name mapping-type "1"
      "ctx._source.counter += inc"
      {"inc" 4})

clojurewerkz.elastisch.native.document/update-with-script is the native client counterpart that takes the same arguments.

Changes between Elastisch 1.1.0-RC1 and 1.1.0-RC2

Native Client Performance Improvements

Native client is now over 50% faster on most commonly used operations thanks to much lower conversion overhead from Elasticsearch native client data structures to Clojure maps.

Contributed by Jon Pither.

Changes between Elastisch 1.0.0 and 1.1.0-RC1

Native Client

Elastisch 1.1.0 includes a major new feature: native Elasticsearch client. The client uses Elasticsearch's Java API, and can be used with both transport and node clients.


Native client is more bandwidth efficient. It also can use SMILE (binary JSON format) to be more efficient on the wire.

Namespace Layout

Native client API in Elastisch is nearly identical to that of the REST API client and resides in clojurewerkz.elastisch.native and clojurewerkz.elastisch.native.* namespaces (similarly to how* namespaces are organized).


Transport client (used for TCP/remote connections) connections are set up using clojurewerkz.elastisch.native/connect!. Note that you need to provide node configuration that at least has cluster name in it:

(require '[clojurewerkz.elastisch.native :as es])

;; note that transport client uses port 9300 by default.
;; it also can connect to multiple cluster nodes
(es/connect! [["" 9300]]
             {"" "elasticsearch_antares" })

Cluster name and transport node addresses can be retrieved via HTTP API, for example:

curl http://localhost:9200/_cluster/nodes

Performing Operations

The Native client tries to be as close as possible to the existing REST client API. For example, document operation functions in clojurewerkz.elastisch.native.document, such as clojurewerkz.elastisch.native.document/create, follow function signatures as closely as possible:

;; in the REPL
(require '[clojurewerkz.elastisch.native :as es])
(require '[clojurewerkz.elastisch.native.document :as doc])

(es/connect! [["" 9300]]
             {"" "elasticsearch_antares" })

(doc/put index-name index-type id document)
(doc/get index-name index-type id)

The same with returned results. Note, however, that ES transport client does have (very) minor differences with the REST API and it is not always possible for Elastisch to completely cover such differences.

Async Operations

Native client offers a choice of synchronous (blocking calling thread until a response is received) and asynchronous (returns a future) versions of multiple API operations:

;; in the REPL
(require '[clojurewerkz.elastisch.native :as es])
(require '[clojurewerkz.elastisch.native.document :as doc])

(es/connect! [["" 9300]]
             {"" "elasticsearch_antares" })

(doc/put index-name index-type id document)

;; returns a response
(doc/get index-name index-type id)
;; returns a future that will eventually
;; contain a response
(doc/async-get index-name index-type id)

One notable exception to this is administrative operations (such as opening or closing an index). The rationale for this is that they are rarely executed on the hot code path (e.g. in tight loops), so convenience and better error visibility is more important for them.

GH issues: #17, #18, #20.

Note that native Elasticsearch client currently relies on Elasticsearch 0.90.0.Beta1 client libraries and some operations will only work with that version.

Clojure 1.5 By Default

Elastisch now depends on org.clojure/clojure version 1.5.0. It is still compatible with Clojure 1.3+ and if your project.clj depends on 1.3 or 1.4, it will be used, but 1.5 is the default now.

We encourage all users to upgrade to 1.5, it is a drop-in replacement for the majority of projects out there.

Bulk Request Support

Bulk requests are now supported. All the relevant code is in the namespace. Here is a small example of bulk document indexing using this new API:

(require '[ :as eb])

(eb/bulk (eb/bulk-index doc1 doc2 doc3) :refresh true)

Contributed by Davie Moston.

Scroll Queries Support

Scroll queries are now easier to perform thanks to the new function that takes a scroll id and amount of time retrieved documents and related information will be kept in memory for future retrieval. They are analogous to database cursors.

A short code example:

(require '[ :as doc])
(require '[clojurewerkz.elastisch.query :as q])
(require '[ :refer [hits-from]])

(let [index-name   "articles"
      mapping-type "article"
      response     (doc/search index-name mapping-type
                               :query (q/query-string :query "*")
                               :search_type "scan"
                               :scroll "1m"
                               :size 1)
      scroll-id     (:_scroll_id response)
      scan-response (doc/scroll scroll-id :scroll "1m")
      scan-hits     (hits-from scan-response)]
  (println scan-hits))

Contributed by Davie Moston.

Cheshire Update

Cheshire dependency has been upgraded to version 5.1.1.

clj-http Update

clj-http dependency has been upgraded to version 0.7.2.

Count API No Longer Ignores Mapping Types no longer ignores mapping types.

GH issue: #6.

Count API now uses GET requests now correctly uses GET for requests without the query part andPOST for request that have it.

GH issue: #5.

Changes between Elastisch 1.0.0-rc2 and 1.0.0

URL-encoded Document IDs

Elastisch will now URL-encode document ids.

clj-http Update

clj-http dependency has been upgraded to version 0.5.5.

Cheshire Update

Cheshire dependency has been upgraded to version 4.0.3.

Changes between Elastisch 1.0.0-rc1 and 1.0.0-rc2

Query Validation Support is a new function that implements support for the Validation API:

(require '[ :as doc])
(require '[clojurewerkz.elastisch.query :as q])
(require '[ :as r])

(let [response (doc/validate-query "myproduct_development" (q/field "" "Thorwald") :explain true)]
  (println response)
  (println (r/valid? response)))

Query validation does not execute the query.

Percolation Support is a new namespace with functions that implement the Percolation API.

(require '[ :as pcl])
(require '[ :as r])

;; register a percolator query for the given index
(pcl/register-query  "myapp" "sample_percolator" :query {:term {:title "search"}})

;; match a document against the percolator
(let [response (pcl/percolate "myapp" "sample_percolator" :doc {:title "You know, for search"})]
  (println (r/ok? response))
  ;; print matches
  (println (r/matches-from response)))

;; unregister the percolator
(pcl/unregister-query "myapp" "sample_percolator")

clj-http Update

clj-http dependency has been upgraded to version 0.5.2.

Cheshire For JSON Serliazation

Elastisch now uses (and depends on) Cheshire for JSON serialization. is no longer a dependency.

New Function for Accessing Facet Responses is a new convenience function that returns the facets section of a response. The exact response format will vary between facet types and queries but it is always returned as an immutable map and has the same structure as in the respective Elasticsearch response JSON document.

Clojure 1.4 By Default

Elastisch now depends on org.clojure/clojure version 1.4.0. It is still compatible with Clojure 1.3 and if your project.clj depends on 1.3, it will be used, but 1.4 is the default now.

We encourage all users to upgrade to 1.4, it is a drop-in replacement for the majority of projects out there.

Match Query Support

Elasticsearch 0.19.9 renames Text Query to Match Query. Elastisch adapts by introducing clojurewerkz.elastisch.query/match that is effectively an alias for clojurewerkz.elastisch.query/text (Elasticsearch still supports :text in the query DSL for backwards compatibility).

Changes between Elastisch 1.0.0-beta4 and 1.0.0-rc1

Documentation improvements

Documentation guides were greatly improved.

Changes between Elastisch 1.0.0-beta3 and 1.0.0-beta4

clj-http Update

clj-http dependency has been upgraded to version 0.5.1.

Breaking: Text Query Helper Supports Any Field

clojurewerkz.elastisch.query/text now takes two arguments, the first being the name of the field. It was mistakenly hardcoded previously.¯

Changes between Elastisch 1.0.0-beta2 and 1.0.0-beta3

Index Templates, and are new functions that implement support for index templates:

( "accounts" :template "account*" :settings {:index {:refresh_interval "60s"}})

( "accounts")

( "accounts")

Index Aliases and are new functions that implement support for index aliases:

( [{:add {:index "client0000001" :alias "alias1"}}
                                                   {:add {:index "client0000002" :alias "alias2"}}])

( "client0000001")

More Index Operations

Optimize is a function that optimizes an index:

( "my-index" :refresh true :max_num_segments 48)

Flush is a function that flushes an index:

( "my-index" :refresh true)

Snapshot is a function that takes a snapshot of an index or multiple indexes:

( "my-index")

Clear Cache is a function that can be used to clear index caches:

( "my-index" :filter true :field_data true)

It takes the same options as documented in the Elasticsearch guide on the Clear Cache Index operation

Status is a function that returns status an index or multple indexes:

( "my-index" :recovery true :snapshot true)

Segments is a function that returns segments information for an index or multiple indexes:

( "my-index")

Stats is a function that returns statistics for an index or multiple indexes:

( "my-index" :docs true :store true :indexing true)

It takes the same options as documented in the Elasticsearch guide on the Stats Index operation

clj-http Update

clj-http dependency has been upgraded to version 0.5.0.

Changes between Elastisch 1.0.0-beta1 and 1.0.0-beta2

Functions that delete documents by query across all types or globally is a new function that searches across one or more indexes and all mapping types:

(doc/delete-by-query-across-all-types index-name (q/term :username "esjoe")) is another new function that searches across all indexes and all mapping types:

(doc/delete-by-query-across-all-indexes-and-types (q/term :username "esjoe"))

Search functions that can search across all types or globally is a new function that searches across one or more indexes and all mapping types:

(doc/search-all-types ["customer1_index" "customer2_index"] :query (q/query-string :query "Austin" :default_field "title")) is another new function that searches across all indexes and all mapping types:

(doc/search-all-indexes-and-types :query (q/query-string :query "Austin" :default_field "title"))

Changes between Elastisch 1.0.0-alpha4 and 1.0.0-beta1

Indexes can be created without mappings

It is now possible to create indexes without specifying mapping types: no longer requires :mapping to be passed.

clj-http upgraded to 0.4.x

Elastisch now uses clj-http 0.4.x.

Changes between Elastisch 1.0.0-alpha3 and 1.0.0-alpha4

HTTP API namespaces renamed

HTTP/REST API namespaces are now grouped under, for example, what used to be clojurewerkz.elastisch.document is now This is done to leave room for Memcached transport support in the future.

Custom Filters Score Query Support

Elastisch now supports Custom Filters Score queries.

Nested Query Support

Elastisch now supports Nested queries.

Indices Query Support

Elastisch now supports Indices queries.

Top Children Query Support

Elastisch now supports Top Children queries.

Has Child Query Support

Elastisch now supports Has Child queries.

Wildcard Query Support

Elastisch now supports Wildcard queries.

Span Queries Support

Elastisch now supports span queries:

Span queries are used for proximity search.

Query String Query Support

Elastisch now supports Query String queries.

MTL (More Like This) Field Query Support

Elastisch now supports More Like This Field queries.

clj-time Upgraded to 0.4.1

clj-time dependency has been upgraded to version 0.4.1.

MTL (More Like This) Query Support

Elastisch now supports More Like This queries.

Match All Query Support

Elastisch now supports match all queries.

Fuzzy (Edit Distance) Query Support

Elastisch now supports fuzzy (edit distance) queries.

Fuzzy Like This Query Support

Elastisch now supports fuzzy like this and fuzzy like this field queries.

Prefix, Field, Filtered Query Support

Elastisch now supports prefix queries, see clojurewerkz.elastisch.query/prefix, clojurewerkz.elastisch.query/field, clojurewerkz.elastisch.query/filtered, and clojurewerkz.elastisch.document/search to learn more.

Changes between Elastisch 1.0.0-alpha2 and 1.0.0-alpha3


clojurewerkz.elastisch.document/more-like-this provides access to the Elastic Search More Like This API for documents and returns documents similar to a given one:

(doc/more-like-this "people" "person" "1" :min_term_freq 1 :min_doc_freq 1)

Please note that :min_doc_freq and :min_term_freq parameters may be very important for small data sets. If you observe responses with no results, try lowering them.


clojurewerkz.elastisch.document/count provides access to the Elastic Search count API and is almost always used with a query, for example:

(doc/count "people" "person" (q/term :username "clojurewerkz"))


clojurewerkz.elastisch.document/delete-by-query provides access to the Delete by query API of Elastic Search, for example:

(doc/delete-by-query "people" "person" (q/term :tag "mongodb"))

Changes between Elastisch 1.0.0-alpha1 and 1.0.0-alpha2


clojurewerkz.elastisch.document/replace deletes a document by id and immediately adds a new one with the same id.


clojurewerkz.elastisch.response was extracted from clojurewerkz.elastisch.utils

Leiningen 2

Elastisch now uses Leiningen 2.