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CloudStack: cloudstack_disk_offering |
docs-cloudstack-resource-disk_offering |
Creates a Disk Offering |
A cloudstack_disk_offering
resource manages a disk offering within CloudStack.
resource "cloudstack_disk_offering" "example" {
name = "example-disk-offering"
display_text = "Example Disk Offering"
disk_size = 100
The following arguments are supported:
- (Required) The name of the disk offering.display_text
- (Required) The display text of the disk offering.disk_size
- (Required) The size of the disk offering in GB.
The following attributes are exported:
- The ID of the disk
- The name of the disk offering.display_text
- The display text of the disk offering.disk_size
- The size of the disk offering in GB.
Disk offerings can be imported; use <DISKOFFERINGID>
as the import ID. For example:
$ terraform import cloudstack_disk_offering.example <DISKOFFERINGID>