A utility for installing and managing Swift toolchains.
swiftly [--version] [--help]
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Install a new toolchain.
swiftly install [<version>] [--use] [--verify|no-verify] [--post-install-file=<post-install-file>] [--assume-yes] [--verbose] [--version] [--help]
The version of the toolchain to install.
The string "latest" can be provided to install the most recent stable version release:
$ swiftly install latest
A specific toolchain can be installed by providing a full toolchain name, for example a stable release version with patch (e.g. a.b.c):
$ swiftly install 5.4.2
Or a snapshot with date:
$ swiftly install 5.7-snapshot-2022-06-20
$ swiftly install main-snapshot-2022-06-20
The latest patch release of a specific minor version can be installed by omitting the patch version:
$ swiftly install 5.6
Likewise, the latest snapshot associated with a given development branch can be installed by omitting the date:
$ swiftly install 5.7-snapshot
$ swiftly install main-snapshot
Install whatever toolchain is currently selected, such as the the one in the .swift-version file:
$ swiftly install
Mark the newly installed toolchain as in-use.
Verify the toolchain's PGP signature before proceeding with installation.
A file path to a location for a post installation script
If the toolchain that is installed has extra post installation steps they they will be written to this file as commands that can be run after the installation.
Disable confirmation prompts by assuming 'yes'
Enable verbose reporting from swiftly
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List toolchains available for install.
swiftly list-available [<toolchain-selector>] [--version] [--help]
A filter to use when listing toolchains.
The toolchain selector determines which toolchains to list. If no selector is provided, all available release toolchains will be listed:
$ swiftly list-available
The available toolchains associated with a given major version can be listed by specifying the major version as the selector:
$ swiftly list-available 5
Likewise, the available toolchains associated with a given minor version can be listed by specifying the minor version as the selector:
$ swiftly list-available 5.2
The installed snapshots for a given devlopment branch can be listed by specifying the branch as the selector:
$ swiftly list-available main-snapshot
$ swiftly list-available x.y-snapshot
Note that listing available snapshots before the latest release (major and minor number) is unsupported.
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Set the in-use toolchain. If no toolchain is provided, print the currently in-use toolchain, if any.
swiftly use [--print-location] [--global-default] [--assume-yes] [--verbose] [<toolchain>] [--version] [--help]
Print the location of the in-use toolchain. This is valid only when there is no toolchain argument.
Use the global default, ignoring any .swift-version files.
Disable confirmation prompts by assuming 'yes'
Enable verbose reporting from swiftly
The toolchain to use.
If no toolchain is provided, the currently in-use toolchain will be printed, if any:
$ swiftly use
The string "latest" can be provided to use the most recent stable version release:
$ swiftly use latest
A specific toolchain can be selected by providing a full toolchain name, for example a stable release version with patch (e.g. a.b.c):
$ swiftly use 5.4.2
Or a snapshot with date:
$ swiftly use 5.7-snapshot-2022-06-20
$ swiftly use main-snapshot-2022-06-20
The latest patch release of a specific minor version can be used by omitting the patch version:
$ swiftly use 5.6
Likewise, the latest snapshot associated with a given development branch can be used by omitting the date:
$ swiftly use 5.7-snapshot
$ swiftly use main-snapshot
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Remove an installed toolchain.
swiftly uninstall <toolchain> [--assume-yes] [--verbose] [--version] [--help]
The toolchain(s) to uninstall.
The toolchain selector provided determines which toolchains to uninstall. Specific toolchains can be uninstalled by using their full names as the selector, for example a full stable release version with patch (a.b.c):
$ swiftly uninstall 5.2.1
Or a full snapshot name with date (a.b-snapshot-YYYY-mm-dd):
$ swiftly uninstall 5.7-snapshot-2022-06-20
Less specific selectors can be used to uninstall multiple toolchains at once. For instance, the patch version can be omitted to uninstall all toolchains associated with a given minor version release:
$ swiftly uninstall 5.6
Similarly, all snapshot toolchains associated with a given branch can be uninstalled by omitting the date:
$ swiftly uninstall main-snapshot
$ swiftly uninstall 5.7-snapshot
The latest installed stable release can be uninstalled by specifying 'latest':
$ swiftly uninstall latest
Finally, all installed toolchains can be uninstalled by specifying 'all':
$ swiftly uninstall all
Disable confirmation prompts by assuming 'yes'
Enable verbose reporting from swiftly
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List installed toolchains.
swiftly list [<toolchain-selector>] [--version] [--help]
A filter to use when listing toolchains.
The toolchain selector determines which toolchains to list. If no selector is provided, all installed toolchains will be listed:
$ swiftly list
The installed toolchains associated with a given major version can be listed by specifying the major version as the selector:
$ swiftly list 5
Likewise, the installed toolchains associated with a given minor version can be listed by specifying the minor version as the selector:
$ swiftly list 5.2
The installed snapshots for a given devlopment branch can be listed by specifying the branch as the selector:
$ swiftly list main-snapshot
$ swiftly list 5.7-snapshot
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Update an installed toolchain to a newer version.
swiftly update [<toolchain>] [--assume-yes] [--verbose] [--verify|no-verify] [--post-install-file=<post-install-file>] [--version] [--help]
The installed toolchain to update.
Updating a toolchain involves uninstalling it and installing a new toolchain that is newer than it.
If no argument is provided to the update command, the currently in-use toolchain will be updated. If that toolchain is a stable release, it will be updated to the latest patch version for that major.minor version. If the currently in-use toolchain is a snapshot, then it will be updated to the latest snapshot for that development branch.
$ swiftly update
The string "latest" can be provided to update the installed stable release toolchain with the newest version to the latest available stable release. This may update the toolchain to later major, minor, or patch versions.
$ swiftly update latest
A specific stable release can be updated to the latest patch version for that release by specifying the entire version:
$ swiftly update 5.6.0
Omitting the patch in the specified version will update the latest installed toolchain for the provided minor version to the latest available release for that minor version. For example, the following will update the latest installed Swift 5.4 release toolchain to the latest available Swift 5.4 release:
$ swiftly update 5.4
Similarly, omitting the minor in the specified version will update the latest installed toolchain for the provided major version to the latest available release for that major version. Note that this may update the toolchain to a later minor version.
$ swiftly update 5
The latest snapshot toolchain for a given development branch can be updated to the latest available snapshot for that branch by specifying just the branch:
$ swiftly update 5.7-snapshot
$ swiftly update main-snapshot
A specific snapshot toolchain can be updated by including the date:
$ swiftly update 5.9-snapshot-2023-09-20
$ swiftly update main-snapshot-2023-09-20
Disable confirmation prompts by assuming 'yes'
Enable verbose reporting from swiftly
Verify the toolchain's PGP signature before proceeding with installation.
A file path to a location for a post installation script
If the toolchain that is installed has extra post installation steps they they will be written to this file as commands that can be run after the installation.
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Perform swiftly initialization into your user account.
swiftly init [--no-modify-profile] [--overwrite] [--platform=<platform>] [--skip-install] [--assume-yes] [--verbose] [--version] [--help]
Do not attempt to modify the profile file to set environment variables (e.g. PATH) on login.
Overwrite the existing swiftly installation found at the configured SWIFTLY_HOME, if any. If this option is unspecified and an existing installation is found, the swiftly executable will be updated, but the rest of the installation will not be modified.
Specify the current Linux platform for swiftly
Skip installing the latest toolchain
Disable confirmation prompts by assuming 'yes'
Enable verbose reporting from swiftly
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Update the version of swiftly itself.
swiftly self-update [--assume-yes] [--verbose] [--version] [--help]
Disable confirmation prompts by assuming 'yes'
Enable verbose reporting from swiftly
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Run a command while proxying to the selected toolchain commands.
swiftly run <command>... [--version] [--help]
Run a command while proxying to the selected toolchain commands.
Run a command with a selected toolchain. The toolchain commands become the default in the system path.
You can run one of the usual toolchain commands directly:
$ swiftly run swift build
Or you can run another program (or script) that runs one or more toolchain commands:
$ CC=clang swiftly run make # Builds targets using clang
$ swiftly run ./build-things.sh # Script invokes 'swift build' to create certain product binaries
Toolchain selection is determined by swift version files .swift-version
, with a default global as the fallback. See the swiftly use
command for more details.
You can also override the selection mechanisms temporarily for the duration of the command using a special syntax. An argument prefixed with a '+' will be treated as the selector.
$ swiftly run swift build +latest
$ swiftly run swift build +5.10.1
The first command builds the swift package with the latest toolchain and the second selects the 5.10.1 toolchain. Note that if these aren't installed then run will fail with an error message. You can pre-install the toolchain using swiftly install <toolchain>
to ensure success.
If the command that you are running needs the arguments with the '+' prefixes then you can escape it by doubling the '++'.
$ swiftly run ./myscript.sh ++abcde
The script will receive the argument as '+abcde'. If there are multiple arguments with the '+' prefix that should be escaped you can disable the selection using a '++' argument, which turns off any selector argument processing for subsequent arguments. This is anologous to the '--' that turns off flag and option processing for subsequent arguments in many argument parsers.
$ swiftly run ./myscript.sh ++ +abcde +xyz
The script will receive the argument '+abcde' followed by '+xyz'.
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