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Generic Directive Extension List

nexussays edited this page Oct 8, 2014 · 31 revisions

Generic Directives is still in active discussion in . But for brainstorming purposes, here is some possible extensions to support, or at least adhere to if not included.

It might look like !extensionName[](){}

Below is a list of extensions and it's purpose.

  • extensionName :

  • Purpose:

  • [] : contentField

  • () : argumentField

  • {} : keyValueField

  • **** :

  • Purpose:

  • [] :

  • () :

  • {} :

  • default : default extension

  • Purpose: used if no extension name is specified. Reads url, and chooses the appropriate extensions. E.g. .png will be embedded using the image extension

  • [] :

  • () : Reads the url name to determine filetype

  • {} :

  • image : embed image

  • Purpose: embeds image in page

  • [] : image alt text

  • () : image url

  • {} : width="width of image", height="height of image"

  • TOC : Table of contents

  • Purpose: Embed a table of content, based on header names.

  • [] : Title of TOC, could default to "Table of contents"

  • () :

  • {} :

This seems forced into the provided syntax. Why is this not a block element? Why is the title provided inside the syntax as opposed to just being text prior to the "TOC" tag?

  • spoiler : Hides spoilers

  • Purpose: Informs display to hide content, unless user wants to be shown the spoilers

  • [] : Spoiler Text

  • () :

  • {} :

  • fig : figure

  • Purpose: create a figure instance

  • [] : <figname> name of figure

  • () :

  • {} : type="numeric/letter/figname"

  • Block Directive Content : Content of figure

How is this semantically different to a creator than an image and some text? How would it co-exist with existing syntax for images, and code blocks, both of which are mentioned in the spec as uses for the <figure> tag. What would this resolve to in non-HTML implementations? (ie - What "is" a figure?)

  • ref : link to figure
  • Purpose: link to figure created from 'fig'
  • [] :
  • () : figname
  • {} : type="override numeric/letter/figname"

What is this providing beyond duplicating the link syntax?