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Julia Modules

Modules on the Julia platform are Julia modules that export one or more factory functions for objects of type Test{Input, Output} exported by ADPerfTest module defined in src/julia/shared/ADPerfTest.jl.

Adding new modules

  1. Create a new folder /src/julia/modules/YourModule/.

  2. For every objective you want to support create a file src/julia/modules/YourModule/YourModuleT.jl with the following content

    module YourModuleT
    # Adds modules in shared folder to LOAD_PATH
    using ADPerfTest
    using TData
    export get_t_test
    mutable struct YourModuleTContext
        # context definition
    function yourmodule_t_prepare!(context::YourModuleTContext, input::TInput)
        # implementation
    function yourmodule_t_calculate_objective!(context::YourModuleTContext, times)
        for i in 1:times
            # implementation
    function yourmodule_t_calculate_jacobian!(context::YourModuleTContext, times)
        for i in 1:times
            # implementation
    function yourmodule_t_output!(out::TOutput, context::YourModuleTContext)
        # implementation
    get_t_test() = Test{TInput, TOutput}(

    Here YourModule is the name of your module in PascalCase, yourmodule - same in all lowercase, T is the capitalized short name of the objective (e.g. GMM, BA, one exception: HAND must be capitalized in the name of the file and the module, but written as Hand when it's a part of a name of a type, e.g. HandInput), and t is the short name of the objective in all lowercase. These are the expectations made by the global runner and the plugin system implemented in Julia runner.

  3. Define the YourModuleTContext type and implement the functions. An object of the YourModuleTContext type will be used by the Julia runner to preserve the state of the benchmark between calls to these functions.

    • function yourmodule_t_prepare!(context::YourModuleTContext, input::TInput)

      Converts the input data from the TInput type in which it is provided by the calling benchmark runner into the format optimized for use with the tested AD framework. Stores it in the context.

      Optionally, performs other preparatory activities need by the tested AD framework.

    • function yourmodule_t_calculate_objective!(context::YourModuleTContext, times)

      Repeatedly computes the objective function times times for the input stored in the context. Stores results in the context.

    • function yourmodule_t_calculate_jacobian!(context::YourModuleTContext, times)

      Repeatedly computes the Jacobian of the objective function times times for the input stored in the context. Stores results in the context.

    • function yourmodule_t_output!(out::TOutput, context::YourModuleTContext)

      Converts outputs saved in the context to the TOutput type.

  4. If your module uses any Julia packages, they should be added to the environment defined in the JuliaProject.toml in the root of the repository. Just activate that environment in the package manger console, before installing.

  5. Add your module to common Julia module tests (see below).

  6. Add your module to the global runner script.

Unit Tests

Adding tests for a new module

AD Bench already contains some tests for each objective. When you add a new module, the first thing you should do is to test your module with the existing tests. Follow these steps for every objective you want to test:

  1. Open /test/julia/modules/common/TTests.jl where T is the short name of the tested objective. You will see the following lines:

    dir = @__DIR__
    t_test_implementations = Tuple{String, Float64}[
        ("$dir/../../../../src/julia/modules/Zygote/ZygoteT.jl", 1e-8),
  2. Add your module and a tolerance for the test results to the list.

    dir = @__DIR__
    t_test_implementations = Tuple{String, Float64}[
        ("$dir/../../../../src/julia/modules/Zygote/ZygoteT.jl", 1e-8),
        ("$dir/../../../../src/julia/modules/YourModule/YourModuleT.jl", absoluteTolerance)

    tolerance is a number used to compare results produced by the current module with the correct results. If an absolute difference between at least one of them exceeds this value then the test is failed.

Adding a new common test case

Follow these steps to add a new test case for an existing objective that will be shared by all modules:

  1. Open /test/julia/modules/common/TTests.jl where T is the short name of the testing objective.
  2. Find there
    @testset "T Module Test ($(basename(module_path)))"
  3. In that test set there's a try-finally block that begins with
    test = TestLoader.get_t_test(module_name)
    Add your new test case to the end of the try block.

Adding new objectives

To create a common test suite for a new objective create /test/julia/modules/common/TTests.jl with the following content:

module TTests

dir = @__DIR__
t_test_implementations = Tuple{String, Float64}[
    ("$dir/../../../../src/julia/modules/ModuleName1/ModuleName1T.jl", tolerance1),

map!(tup -> (abspath(tup[1]), tup[2]), t_test_implementations, t_test_implementations)

using Test
import ADPerfTest
import TestLoader
using TData
using TestUtils

@testset "T Module Tests" begin

@testset "T Module Test ($(basename(module_path)))" for (module_path, tolerance) in gmm_test_implementations
    module_dir, module_filename = splitdir(module_path)
    module_name, module_ext = splitext(module_filename)
    # Assert that the path to the module is correct
    ext_r = @test module_ext == ".jl"
    ispath_r = @test (ispath(module_path) && !isdir(module_path))
    if isa(ext_r, Test.Pass) && isa(ispath_r, Test.Pass)
        need_modify_load_path = !(module_dir  LOAD_PATH)
        if need_modify_load_path
            push!(LOAD_PATH, module_dir)
            test = TestLoader.get_t_test(module_name)
            # Module loads
            @test isa(test, ADPerfTest.Test{TInput, TOutput})
            # Test cases go here



This boilerplate code defines a test suite that will be shared by all modules listed in t_test_implementations. It includes loading the ADPerfTest.Test{TInput, TOutput} object into variable test.

Now you can add test cases with @test macro as usual.