All notable changes to mesoscoPy will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog.
- add support for Oxford Mercury ITC
- add support for Oxford IPS120
- add support for SRS - CS580
- add support for Oxford ITC503
- add safety to Triton driver to prevent magnet quench
- more parameter to init_mfli
- more parameter to init_smu
- max_rate added to DensityParameter
- add support for Keithley2450
- documentation
- init-lockin split between MFLI and SRS830
- conda environment installation files
- bug corrections
- instrument drivers: SRS_SIM928, Triton, RohdeSchwarz_SMB100A
- sweep functions include time estimate and ask user to validate
- dummy instrument: counter
- functions:
- instrument.magnet.calibrate_magnet,
- measurement.sweepfield, measurement.sweepfield2d
- generate_RF_array, math.Vrf2dBm, math.dBm2Vrf
- plotting styles
- arguments TC, ampl added to init_lockin
- renamed initialise_station -> init_station
- renamed initialise_lockin -> init_lockin
- renamed instrument.keithley -> instrument.smu, initialise_keithley -> init_smu
- moved create_instrument and add_to_station from instrument.instrument_tools to instrument.station
- moved DensityParameter, DisplacementParameter and LinearParameter from instrument.dual_gating to measurement.parameters
- function measurement.array.generate_1D_sweep_array. use generate_lin_array instead
- fast, 1D and 2D sweep functions
- calculate sweep time
- generate measurement arrays
- load station and add instruments to station
- parameters to make dual gate sweeps
- loading and plotting functions
- characterise contact functions
- dual gating map wrapper.