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View Capacity Utilization (Analytics Platform System) |
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01/05/2017 |
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373633ca-c5af-4618-88e8-58ca84e8e5f4 |
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BarbKess |
This topic explains how to view capacity utilization in the SQL Server PDW appliance.
To view the space used, open the Admin Console, and click the Storage tab. There is a Storage tab for both the PDW region and the HDI region.
To understand if a node is running low on space, the SQL Server PDW health monitoring system already monitors the free space for all volumes within each node.
If the free space within a volume drops below 30%, SQL Server PDW generates a warning alert in sys.dm_pdw_component_health_active_alerts. The alert remains until free space is made available.
If the free space within a volume drops under 10%, SQL Server PDW generates a critical alert. This is considered critical because queries could fail if they cause the database to expand.
To retrieve volume usage, see the following example.
space.[pdw_node_id] ,
space.[node_name] ,
MAX(space.[volume_name]) AS 'volume_name' ,
MAX(space.[volume_size_mb]) AS 'volume_size_mb' ,
MAX(space.[free_space_mb]) AS 'free_space_mb' ,
(MAX(space.[volume_size_mb]) - MAX(space.[free_space_mb])) AS 'space_utilized'
n.[name] AS [node_name],
(CASE WHEN p.property_name = 'volume_name'
THEN s.[property_value] ELSE NULL END) AS 'volume_name' ,
(CASE WHEN p.property_name = 'volume_size'
THEN (CAST(ISNULL(s.[property_value], '0') AS BIGINT)/1024/1024)
ELSE 0 END) AS 'volume_size_mb' ,
(CASE WHEN p.property_name = 'volume_free_space'
THEN (CAST(ISNULL(s.[property_value], '0') AS BIGINT)/1024/1024)
ELSE 0 END) AS 'free_space_mb' , s.[component_instance_id]
FROM [sys].[dm_pdw_component_health_status] AS s
JOIN sys.dm_pdw_nodes AS n
ON s.[pdw_node_id] = n.[pdw_node_id]
JOIN [sys].[pdw_health_components] AS c
ON s.[component_id] = c.[component_id]
JOIN [sys].[pdw_health_component_properties] AS p
ON s.[property_id] = p.[property_id] AND s.[component_id] = p.[component_id]
c.[Component_name] = 'Volume'
AND p.[property_name] IN ('volume_name', 'volume_free_space', 'volume_size')
) AS space
GROUP BY space.[pdw_node_id] , space.[node_name] , space.[component_instance_id]
ORDER BY space.[pdw_node_id], MAX(space.[volume_name]);
To retrieve the space used by databases across the appliance nodes, see the following example.
SUM(CASE WHEN [file_type] = 'DATA' THEN [value_MB] ELSE 0 END) AS [DataSizeMB],
SUM(CASE WHEN [file_type] = 'LOG' THEN [value_MB] ELSE 0 END) AS [LogSizeMB],
SUM([value_MB]) AS [TotalMB]
RTRIM(pc.[counter_name]) AS [counter_name],
ISNULL(d.[name], pc.[instance_name]) AS [db_name],
pc.[cntr_value]/1024 AS [value_MB],
WHEN [counter_name] LIKE 'Data File(s) Size%'
END AS [file_type]
FROM sys.dm_pdw_nodes_os_performance_counters AS pc
LEFT JOIN sys.pdw_database_mappings AS dm
ON pc.instance_name = dm.physical_name
INNER JOIN sys.databases AS d
ON d.database_id = dm.database_id
([counter_name] LIKE 'Log File(s) Size%'
OR [counter_name] LIKE 'Data File(s) Size%')
AND (d.[name] <> dm.[physical_name]
OR pc.[instance_name] = 'tempdb')
) AS db
GROUP BY [pdw_node_id], [db_name]
ORDER BY [db_name], [pdw_node_id];