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File metadata and controls

234 lines (144 loc) · 8.73 KB


Table of Contents

  1. Description
  2. Setup - The basics of getting started with accounts
  3. Usage - Configuration options and additional functionality
  4. Reference - An under-the-hood peek at what the module is doing and how
  5. Limitations - OS compatibility, etc.
  6. Development - Guide for contributing to the module


The accounts module manages resources related to login and service accounts. This module replaces Puppet Enterprise's built-in pe_accounts module, which is no longer included in PE 2015.3 and later versions.

This module works on many UNIX/Linux operating systems. It does not support configuring accounts on Microsoft Windows platforms.


Beginning with accounts

Declare the accounts class in a Puppet-managed node's manifest:

node default {
  accounts::user { 'dan': }
  accounts::user { 'morgan': }

The above example creates accounts, home directories, and groups for Dan and Morgan.


Declare user accounts

accounts::user { 'bob':
  uid      => '4001',
  gid      => '4001',
  group    => 'staff',
  shell    => '/bin/bash',
  password => '!!',
  locked   => false,

Customize the home directory

A simple bashrc and bash_profile rc file is managed by Puppet for each account. These rc files add some simple aliases, update the prompt, add ~/bin to the path, and source the following files (which are not managed by this module) in the following order:

  1. /etc/bashrc
  2. /etc/bashrc.puppet
  3. ~/.bashrc.custom

Account holders can customize their shells by managing their bashrc.custom files. In addition, the system administrator can make profile changes that affect all accounts with a bash shell by managing the '/etc/bashrc.puppet' file.

To install an email foward, configure the .forward file by using the forward_content or forward_source parameters.

Lock accounts

Lock accounts by setting the locked parameter of an account to true.

For example:

accounts::user { 'villain':
  comment => 'Bad Person',
  locked  => true

The accounts module sets the account to an invalid shell appropriate for the system Puppet is managing and displays the following message if a user tries to access the account:

$ ssh villain@centos56
This account is currently not available.
Connection to closed.

Manage SSH keys

Manage SSH keys with the sshkeys attribute of the accounts::user defined type. This parameter accepts an array of public key contents as strings.


accounts::user { 'jeff':
  comment => 'Jeff McCune',
  groups  => [
  uid     => '1112',
  gid     => '1112',
  sshkeys => [
    'ssh-rsa AAAAB3Nza...== [email protected]',
    'ssh-dss AAAAB3Nza...== [email protected]',


Defined type: accounts::user

This resource manages the user, group, vim/, .ssh/, .bash_profile, .bashrc, homedir, .ssh/authorized_keys files, and directories.


The content to place in the user's ~/.bashrc file. Mutually exclusive to bashrc_source. Default: undef.


A source file containing the content to place in the user's ~/.bashrc file. Mutually exclusive to bashrc_content. Default: undef.


The content to place in the user's ~/.bash_profile file. Mutually exclusive to bash_profile_source. Default: undef.


A source file containing the content to place in the user's ~/.bash_profile file. Mutually exclusive to bash_profile_content. Default: undef.


The content to place in the user's ~/.forward file. Mutually exclusive to forward_source. Default: undef.


A source file containing the content to place in the user's ~/.forward file. Mutually exclusive to forward_content. Default: undef.


A comment describing or regarding the user. Accepts a string. Default: '$name'.


Specifies whether the user, its primary group, homedir, and ssh keys should exist. Valid values are 'present' and 'absent'. Note that when a user is created, a group with the same name as the user is also created. Default: 'present'.


Specifies the gid of the user's primary group. Must be specified numerically. Default: undef.


Specifies the name of the user's primary group. Must be specified as a string. Default: a group named the same as user name


Specifies the user's group memberships. Valid values: an array. Default: an empty array.


Specifies if you want to create a group with the user's name. Default: true.


Specifies the path to the user's home directory. Default:

  • Linux, non-root user: '/home/$name'
  • Linux, root user: '/root'
  • Solaris, non-root user: '/export/home/$name'
  • Solaris, root user: '/'


Manages the user's home directory permission mode. Valid values are in octal notation, specified as a string. Defaults to 0700, which gives the owner full read, write, and execute permissions, while group and other have no permissions.


Specifies whether the account should be locked and the user prevented from logging in. Set to true for users whose login privileges have been revoked. Valid values: true, false. Default: false.


Specifies whether the user's home directory should be managed by puppet. In addition to the usual user resource managehome qualities, this attribute also purges the user's homedir if ensure is set to 'absent' and managehome is set to true. Default: true.


Establishes whether specified groups should be considered the complete list (inclusive) or the minimum list (minimum) of groups to which the user belongs. Valid values: 'inclusive', 'minimum'. Default: 'minimum'.


The user's password, in whatever encrypted format the local machine requires. Default: '!!', which prevents the user from logging in with a password.


Specifies whether an empty password field should be ignored. If set to true, this ignores a password field that is defined but empty. If set to false, it sets the password to an empty value. Valid values: true, false. Default: true.


Whether keys not included in sshkeys should be removed from the user. If purge_sshkeys is true and sshkeys is an empty array, all SSH keys will be removed from the user. Valid values: true, false. Default: false.


Manages the user shell. Default: '/bin/bash'.


An array of SSH public keys associated with the user. These should be complete public key strings that include the type and name of the key, exactly as the key would appear in its or file. Must be an array. Default: an empty array.


Specifies the user's uid number. Must be specified numerically. Default: undef.


Specifies if you want to create a system account. Default: false.



Parses an ssh authorized_keys option string into an array using its expected pattern which matches a crazy regex slightly modified from shellwords. The pattern should be a string.


This module works with Puppet Enterprise 2015.3 and later.

Changes from pe_accounts

The accounts module is designed to take the place of the pe_accounts module that shipped with PE versions 2015.2 and earlier. Some of the changes include the removal of the base class, improving the validation, and allowing more flexibility regarding which files should or should not be managed in a user's home directory.

For example, the .bashrc and .bash_profile files are not managed by default but allow custom content to be passed in using the bashrc_content and bash_profile_content parameters. The content for these two files as managed by pe_accounts can continue to be used by passing bashrc_content => file('accounts/shell/bashrc') and bash_profile_content => file('accounts/shell/bash_profile') to the accounts::user defined type.


If you run into an issue with this module, or if you would like to request a feature, please file a ticket.

If you have problems getting this module up and running, please contact Support.