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Releases: craftcms/cms


19 Feb 23:01
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  • Added craft\base\Element::ancestors().
  • Added craft\base\Element::descendants().
  • Fixed an error that occurred when deleting a category or Structure section entry if its ancestors were eager-loaded. (#16722)
  • Fixed a bug where category and entry edit pages didn’t include breadcrumbs for any disabled ancestor elements.
  • Fixed a bug where the “Delete (with descendants)” bulk element action wasn’t deleting disabled descendants.
  • Fixed a bug where asset files could be deleted when modified. (#16686)
  • Fixed an error that could occur if a Matrix field was saved from a console request. (#16724)
  • Fixed a bug where the Sort field within element index View menus wasn’t updating after the sort attribute/direction was changed by pressing on a table header.


19 Feb 23:00
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  • Added craft\base\Element::ancestors().
  • Added craft\base\Element::descendants().
  • Fixed an error that occurred when deleting a category or Structure section entry if its ancestors were eager-loaded. (#16722)
  • Fixed a bug where category and entry edit pages didn’t include breadcrumbs for any disabled ancestor elements.
  • Fixed a bug where the “Delete (with descendants)” bulk element action wasn’t deleting disabled descendants.
  • Fixed a bug where asset files could be deleted when modified. (#16686)


18 Feb 19:05
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  • Fixed a bug where multiple “New file uploaded.” notifications could be shown at once. (#16688)
  • Fixed an error that could occur during garbage collection if the database user didn’t have permission to disable foreign key constraints. (#16700)
  • Fixed a bug where datepickers could have scrollbars. (#16697)
  • Fixed a bug where asset files could be prematurely deleted when moved to a different volume, if an error occurred. (#16686)
  • Fixed a bug where clearing out a Structure section’s Parent field wasn’t persisting if editing the entry for a newly-added site. (#16691)
  • Fixed a bug where SVG asset transforms could get two preserveAspectRatio attributes. (#16709)
  • Fixed a bug where Number fields weren’t handling semi-numeric strings properly. (craftcms/feed-me#1575)
  • Fixed an error that could occur if a field’s input HTML contained <style> tags. (nystudio107/craft-retour#329)
  • Fixed a bug where slideouts weren’t fully initializing/deinitializing their UI for users who preferred reduced motion. (#16707)
  • Fixed a bug where GraphQL types for entry types were being named using sections’ and fields’ handle overrides. (#16713)
  • Fixed styling issues. (#16699, #16712, #16721)


18 Feb 19:01
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  • Fixed a bug where multiple “New file uploaded.” notifications could be shown at once. (#16688)
  • Fixed an error that could occur during garbage collection if the database user didn’t have permission to disable foreign key constraints. (#16700)
  • Fixed a bug where datepickers could have scrollbars. (#16697)
  • Fixed a bug where asset files could be prematurely deleted when moved to a different volume, if an error occurred. (#16686)
  • Fixed a bug where clearing out a Structure section’s Parent field wasn’t persisting if editing the entry for a newly-added site. (#16691)
  • Fixed a bug where SVG asset transforms could get two preserveAspectRatio attributes. (#16709)
  • Fixed a bug where Number fields weren’t handling semi-numeric strings properly. (craftcms/feed-me#1575)
  • Fixed styling issues. (#16699, #16721)


12 Feb 00:17
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  • Fixed a bug where multi-site elements’ search indexes could be updated twice.
  • Fixed a bug where some nested Matrix entries weren’t getting propagated to newly-added sites of their owners, if any blocks had been modified. (#16640)
  • Fixed an error that could occur when deleting a draft.
  • Fixed an error that could occur when saving a Structure section entry, if it had an Assets field with a dynamic subpath that referenced level. (#16661)
  • Fixed a bug where “Fit” image transforms were showing the “Default Focal Point” setting. (#16665)
  • Fixed a bug where the “Image Position” setting wasn’t saving for “Letterbox” image transforms. (#16648)
  • Fixed a bug where the up command, the app/migrate action, and the Project Config utility weren’t aware of pending project config changes if a database backup was restored but caches weren’t cleared. (#16668)
  • Fixed a bug where condition rules weren’t always getting created with their condition set. (#16676)
  • Fixed an error that occurred when opening the filter HUD within the element selection modal for a relational field, if the user didn’t have permission to view the selected source outside of the field. (#16678)
  • Fixed a bug where Number fields weren’t getting sorted properly in PostgreSQL. (#15828)
  • Fixed a bug where Matrix fields’ “Default View Mode” settings included a “Display in a structured table” option. (#16631)
  • Fixed a bug where user addresses weren’t getting restored when soft-deleted users were restored. (#16636)
  • Fixed a bug where pressing the “New entry” button multiple times quickly would create multiple nested entries, circumventing the “Max Entries” settings. (#16642)
  • Fixed a bug where Link fields without values were always getting marked as dirty when making another change to the element. (#16649)
  • Fixed an error that could occur when programmatically duplicating a nested element for a new site. (#16659)
  • Fixed a bug where Link fields’ “URL Suffix” and “Target” advanced fields were getting enabled even if they had been disabled in Craft 5.5. (#16663)
  • Fixed an error that occurred when executing the users/remove-2fa command.
  • Fixed a potential phishing attack vector.
  • Fixed styling issues. (#16683, #16684)


12 Feb 00:15
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  • Fixed a bug where multi-site elements’ search indexes could be updated twice.
  • Fixed a bug where the utils/delete-empty-volume-folders command was deleting folders that had no assets directly, but had subfolders. (#16388)
  • Fixed a bug where some Matrix blocks weren’t getting propagated to newly-added sites of their owners, if any blocks had been modified. (#16640)
  • Fixed an error that could occur when deleting a draft.
  • Fixed an error that could occur when saving a Structure section entry, if it had an Assets field with a dynamic subpath that referenced level. (#16661)
  • Fixed a bug where “Fit” image transforms were showing the “Default Focal Point” setting. (#16665)
  • Fixed a bug where the “Image Position” setting wasn’t saving for “Letterbox” image transforms. (#16648)
  • Fixed a bug where the up command, the app/migrate action, and the Project Config utility weren’t aware of pending project config changes if a database backup was restored but caches weren’t cleared. (#16668)
  • Fixed a bug where condition rules weren’t always getting created with their condition set. (#16676)
  • Fixed an error that occurred when opening the filter HUD within the element selection modal for a relational field, if the user didn’t have permission to view the selected source outside of the field. (#16678)
  • Fixed a potential phishing attack vector.

05 Feb 00:31
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  • Fixed an error that could occur when saving elements with nested elements on multi-site installs. (#16609)


04 Feb 19:35
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  • Fixed a bug where transformed images could be slightly smaller than they should be when using the fit transform mode. (#16622)
  • Fixed a bug where tests weren’t outputting exceptions thrown during Craft installation. (#16624)
  • Fixed a bug where section-specific GraphQL queries (<sectionHandle>Entries) weren’t available if a Matrix or CKEditor field existed with the same handle as the section.
  • Fixed an error that could occur after reordering routes. (#16610)
  • Fixed an error that occurred when a non-admin user attempted to copy a field value from another site.
  • Fixed a bug where the migrate/up and migrate/all commands were writing out changes to the project config YAML when there were already pending YAML changes. (#16086)
  • Fixed a bug where fields were getting added to field layout tabs if they were dragged from the library, and dropped back on their library element. (#16619)
  • Fixed a bug where field layout conditions weren’t getting applied after nested elements were added or removed. (#16558)
  • Fixed a bug where element thumbs weren’t loading when an element editor’s content was refreshed after closing Live Preview.
  • Fixed a bug where changes to nested entries weren’t always showing when previewing elements. (#16626)
  • Fixed a PHP error that occurred when an invalid token was passed to the token query string param. (#16630)


04 Feb 19:33
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  • Fixed an error that occurred when accessing the edit/<elementId> route for a draft that no longer existed.
  • Fixed a bug where transformed images could be slightly smaller than they should be when using the fit transform mode. (#16622)
  • Fixed a bug where tests weren’t outputting exceptions thrown during Craft installation. (#16624)


31 Jan 00:10
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  • Fixed an error that occurred when accessing the edit/<elementId> route for a draft that no longer existed.
  • Fixed a bug where Matrix fields set to inline-editable blocks view were showing drafts of nested entries.
  • Fixed a bug where element card attributes weren’t saving for field layouts that didn’t have any tabs. (#16589)
  • Fixed an error that occurred when attempting to move entries to a new section, if they didn’t exist in the primary site. (#16421)
  • Fixed a bug where Link fields weren’t responsive for newly-created nested entries. (#16592)
  • Fixed an error that could occur when executing the utils/prune-orphaned-entries command. (#16598)