The crowdAI Markdown editor includes the following features:
- Kramdown-based Markdown
- Code syntax highlighting
- MathJax integration
- At mentions: @mentions
- Caching of rendered markdown
- GitHub-style markdown editor with a toolbar and live preview.
- Uploading of Image assets
crowdAI supports two views of the markdown editor: with or without toolbar. Aside from image uploading, all features are available in either view.
<%= markdown_editor do |m| %>
<%= f.text_area :evaluation_markdown, class: "txt-med" %>
<% end %>
The erb code interacts with jQuery code to provide the editing environment.
<%= f.text_area :comment_markdown, placeholder: "Add a comment...", data: { behavior: "mentions" } %>
<%= f.hidden_field :mentions_cache %>
Markdownable fields are pairs, the editable field must end with _markdown
and the Markdownable
Concern added to the model. For example, for comments, the fields are:
- comment
- comment_markdown
When the field ending in _markdown
is saved, a callback on the model (via the Markdownable
Concern) fires and the markdown text is rendered as HTML, then saved in the 'bare' field, which is then used in for display.
The At Mentions functionality is activated by adding data-behaviour='mentions'
to the markdown field. This activates the javascript