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Graph Coloring

This is a quick study of which graph coloring heuristic of NetworkX performs best. It is meant as an example for AlgBench and the general structure of a good study.

Graph coloring is an NP-hard problem that appears as subproblem in many contexts. You can find more information on it on Wikipedia.

The documentation of NetworkX greedy heuristics for it can be found here.


  • _utils provides utils used during the study. In this case just a database for the graph instances.
  • generates us a set of instances. In this case, I already ran the script. It generated the next file.
  • contains the graph instances generated by the previous script.
  • runs a set of different algorithms on these instances.
  • 03_benchmark_data the data generated by the previous script.
  • 04_check_results.ipynb a simple notebook to check that the data looks fine.
  • converting the data into a simple pandas table which is easier and faster to work with. In some cases, the raw data can also be too much for a Git, so you can only share the reduced file.
  • the simplified pandas table generated by the previous script.
  • 07_analyze_mean.ipynb a quick analyzis of the results. For real studies, you would have multiple such files following as there are often multiple aspects of the benchmark to evaluate.
  • 08_analyze_runtime.ipynb thus, we analyze the runtime in more detail here
  • 09_analyze_quality.ipynb and the solution quality here