firehose delivery stream deps with redshit and opensearch
MetricAlarm with APIGateway, example ApiGatewayV2/apigw-lambda-observability
✖ s3-s3-replication-cdk [e2e-mike]
detective-simple fix guardduty
xray-simple kms key
CoreNetwork update
ecs-simple update
appsync-cognito-lambda-cdk lambda signing
s3-s3-replication-cdk retry
SecurityHub consolidated finding
- MQ user for RabbitMQ
- CodeStarConnections Host aws_networkmanager_attachment_accepter
- EC2 instance, sort groups
- cloudwan vpc attachment
- route to core network
- fix gc l -t
- CodeDeployDeploymentGroup configDefault with other dependencies
- RAMPrincipalAssociation findName
- PrincipalAssociation replace associatedEntity from config
- ipamPoolIpv6
- RDS DBCluster AvailabilityZones
- document create key pair
- s3 analytics configuration
- route to NetworkInterfaceId
check stage for all providers
- message: maxContentLength size of -1 exceeded │ │ code: ERR_BAD_RESPONSE
message: Encountered an error (ServiceUnavailable) from host runtime. │ │ code: ERR_BAD_REQUEST │ │ url: /subscriptions/bff6898b-a5ee-46dc-b7b6-c163dbf1bfbd/resourceGroups/rg-app-node/providers/Microsoft.Web/sites/grucloud-test/functions?api-version=2022-03-01 │ │ status: 400 │ │ data: │ │ Code: BadRequest │ │ Message: Encountered an error (ServiceUnavailable) from host runtime. │
Disk vault dep vanished
gc d -a Compute::VirtualMachineScaleSetExtension 0/3 Request failed with status code 400 On resource 'aks-agentpool-16833683-vmss', extension 'AKSLinuxExtension' specifies 'vmssCSE' in its provisionAfterExtensions property, but the extension 'vmssCSE' will no longer exist. First, remove the extension 'AKSLinuxExtension' or remove 'vmssCSE' from the provisionAfterExtensions property of ' AKSLinuxExtension'
remove WebAppProcessSlot
storage location
App:ContainerAppsAuthConfig getAll
NetworkSecurityGroup defaultSecurityRules in gencode
remove aks-managed-createOperationID from tags
tags: { "aks-managed-createOperationID": "fd8c6df9-abfd-4547-b838-643b0a994d6a", creationSource: "vmssclient-aks-agentpool-16282925-vmss", orchestrator: "Kubernetes:1.21.7", poolName: "agentpool", resourceNameSuffix: "18663747", },
makeFirewallPolicy - logAnalyticsResources workspace dep as an array
key or vault dependencies ?
DBforPostgreSQL/ServerKey dep key
Web::WebAppConfiguration dep Network::Subnet
ContainerService::ManagedCluster dep OperationalInsights::Workspace
Network::ApplicationGateway dep certificate and vault/key-
Network::FirewallPolicy dep secret
CertificateRegistration::AppServiceCertificateOrder dep Vault
CertificateRegistration::AppServiceCertificateOrderCertificate dep vault
Web::CertificateOrder dep vault
remove identity from "type": "TaskRun", "group": "ContainerRegistry", "pickPropertiesCreate": [ "identity.type", "identity.
env var for "type": "Token", "group": "ContainerRegistry",
"type": "PrivateEndpointConnection", "group": "KeyVault",
aks-vault: "error": { "code": "ConflictError", "message": "A vault with the same name already exists in deleted state. You need to either recover or purge existing key vault. Follow this link for more information on soft delete." }
RestorePoint AppServiceEnvironments_ListMultiRolePools => AppServiceEnvironments_GetMultiRolePool
missing getAll for WebApps_ListConfigurations => WebApps_GetConfiguration WebAppInstanceProcess missing dependency
az::Storage::FileShare pickProperties: "properties.metadata",
update firewall rule
discover API:
fix cannotBeDeleted for Disk:
✖ Destroying
✖ compute::Disk 0/1 Request failed with status code 400 The disk resource 'projects/grucloud-test/zones/southamerica-east1-b/disks/instance-1' is already being used by 'projects/grucloud-test/zones/southamerica-east1-b/instances/instance-1' ✓ compute::VmInstance 1/1 -
examples vm-ssh key: create key pair with
✖ VmInstance 0/1 Request failed with status code 400 Invalid value for field 'resource.networkInterfaces[0].subnetwork': 'projects/grucloud-test/regions/europe-west4/subnetworks/default'. The referenced subnetwork resource cannot be found.
vminstance with service account
The field 'entity.managedZone.dnsName' cannot be modified.
gcp object path properties
service account managedByUs false despite description: Managee By GruCloud
vm instance: network interface from vpc network
iam deal with deleted user
- terraform workspace new staging
- terraform workspace select (staging/production)
- retry when deleting:
"Input": { "data": [undefined] "url": "delete" } "Message": "Request failed with status code 400" "Output": { "error": { "code": 400 "errors": [ { "domain": "global" "message": "The resource 'projects/grucloud-test/global/networks/vpc-dev' is not ready" "reason": "resourceNotReady" } ] "message": "The resource 'projects/grucloud-test/global/networks/vpc-dev' is not ready" } }
- check git repo from frontend add k8s backup data. privacy policy resource table styling