This folder provides an example that shows all the features available in this software. It can be generated by running this in the root:
python sample/test.json -s sample/students.json
The output is made by the PDF file, representing the real test, and by a JSON file containing the the test logger with the used random values.
For executing the program for anonymous users, this can be used:
python sample/test.json -a sample/anonymous_users.json
This is what the program writes when -h is passed as argument:
usage: [-h] [-s STUDENTS_PATH | -a USERS_PATH] test_path
This program generates school tests
positional arguments:
test_path The path of the JSON test file
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Add the path of named students JSON file
-a USERS_PATH, --anonymous USERS_PATH
Add the path of anonymous students JSON file
Besides these there are also the two generated logger, distinguishable by the ending character.