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地图上有 m 条无向边,每条边 (x, y, w) 表示位置 m 到位置 y 的权值为 w。从位置 0 到 位置 n 可能有多条路径。我们定义一条路径的危险值为这条路径中所有的边的最大权值。请问从位置 0 到 位置 n 所有路径中最小的危险值为多少?

最小危险值为最小生成树中 0 到 n 路径上的最大边权。以此题为例给出最小生成树的两种经典算法。

  • 算法 1: Kruskal's algorithm,使用并查集实现。
# Kruskal's algorithm
class Solution:
    def getMinRiskValue(self, N, M, X, Y, W):
        # Kruskal's algorithm with union-find
        parent = list(range(N + 1))
        rank = [1] * (N + 1)
        def find(x):
            if parent[parent[x]] != parent[x]:
                parent[x] = find(parent[x])
            return parent[x]
        def union(x, y):
            px, py = find(x), find(y)
            if px == py:
                return False
            if rank[px] > rank[py]:
                parent[py] = px
            elif rank[px] < rank[py]:
                parent[px] = py
                parent[px] = py
                rank[py] += 1
            return True
        edges = sorted(zip(W, X, Y))
        for w, x, y in edges:
            if union(x, y) and find(0) == find(N): # early return without constructing MST
                return w
# Prim's algorithm
class Solution:
    def getMinRiskValue(self, N, M, X, Y, W):
        # construct graph
        adj = collections.defaultdict(list)
        for i in range(M):
            adj[X[i]].append((Y[i], W[i]))
            adj[Y[i]].append((X[i], W[i]))
        # Prim's algorithm with min heap
        MST = collections.defaultdict(list)
        min_heap = [(w, 0, v) for v, w in adj[0]]
        while N not in MST:
            w, p, v = heapq.heappop(min_heap)
            if v not in MST:
                MST[p].append((v, w))
                MST[v].append((p, w))
                for n, w in adj[v]:
                    if n not in MST:
                        heapq.heappush(min_heap, (w, v, n))
        # dfs to search route from 0 to n
        dfs = [(0, None, float('-inf'))]
        while dfs:
            v, p, max_w = dfs.pop()
            for n, w in MST[v]:
                cur_max_w = max(max_w, w)
                if n == N:
                    return cur_max_w
                if n != p:
                    dfs.append((n, v, cur_max_w))